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- User Since
- Jun 12 2015, 10:01 PM (510 w, 6 d)
Jun 9 2018
Im deleting the named worlds_chernarusplus_nav.pb and validating steam files to see if it keeps happening.
Hello Geez,
it happened again just now with stress test #21 on UK 07 at Black Lake. This time I closed the game afterwards which lead to a crash.
Jun 5 2018
Hello Geez,
I only experienced this crash once. I didnt have a chance to play again since then.
Jun 2 2018
Jun 3 2017
Feb 12 2017
Feb 10 2017
I have GeFore Experience installed and updated.
Jan 28 2017
I have not played enough to confirm a related crash in any way on stable or newer experimental servers. Will keep you updated when I do.
There you go!
Jan 6 2017
Reducing the desktop resolution of windows and then going in windowed mode in dayz seems to be a temporary workaround.
Im having the exact same problem. Playing on a MSI GE60 with the same resolution options and its stuck on 1920x1080 no matter what. I as well experienced the issue after player on the christmas experimental patch with the vehicles. Had no problem prior to that.
My config look a little confusing after trying to change the settings though.
Dec 19 2016
I will when I encounter it again. However I have taken a screenshot that may help in the meantime.
This is how I found the beartrap. Inside of the one story hospital north of elektro. There was a open door between the beartrap and me. I stepped back through the door after encountering it undeployed and activated it. My screen flashed and my character moaned. Then I stepped even further back to try agian and the same happened.
The screenshot showed the final distance if I remember it all right.
Dec 17 2016
Oh yeah, right! Thanks for reminding me about the Quonset hut :D
Dec 16 2016
To my knowledge they intentionally removed it. You will either have to put it in your hands or place it on the groun to see the contents of storage items.
No idea, but I am having similar problems.
The cause could be general client side performance drops (rendering with less fps).
Do you have access to a FPS display? Like steam overlay, Nvidia share or FRAPS. Do you notice any significant drops compared to .60?
Dec 15 2016
Dec 13 2016
Im not running any startup parameters. I noticed similar fps drops in the 32bit client but they seem to recover on their own. I need to test this further.
Nonetheless there is a huge difference in performance in the beginning and at the end of a long session (40-60 compared to 15-30). But that may be because of my poor cooling capacity of my laptop.
But I am sure my fps dropping below 20 is a thing I never experienced with the new renderer before. Even on long sessions.
As I have stated, my FPS don't simply come back after waiting a while which would indeed suggest fps stuttering based on assets being loaded into the memory. They recover when I do certain things. Like looking at the ground for a few seconds.
My observation would rather suggest something being wrong with the geometric occluder if I had to make a wild guess. In my case that would be the GO deciding which trees to render. Since that is when the problem becomes most obvious.
Dec 12 2016
This problem seems to be a duplicate to this one:
I can confirm its also occuring in the newest iteration (0.61.136642)
Got another one that may be related. When opening my inventory near a stun baton and baseball bat my game crashed. This time my inventory opened (on the last frame before crashing).
I just experienced a similar crash on 64bit. Tried to open my inventory infront of a wool dress when I got an crash due to an instruction error. Unsure what was inside.
Dec 10 2016
Dec 9 2016
This was actually the second time this happened. Both on 64bit. And everytime it causes my character stats (energized, hydrated, bleeding) to freeze until a new character whipe comes. My debug stats with health and blood still update when I take damage. Relogging and respawning doesn't solve the problem.
Dec 8 2016
Dec 7 2016
updating my Bigfoot Networks Killer Network Manager to the newest version seem to have solved the issue with 0.61.136541.
I experience the same. Additionally some items have false information regarding the quantity of its contents or condition.
For example: Vitamin Bottles with 0 content, the contents bar of Purification Tablets are empty. Other items appear to be pristine and only after relogging they correct their condition.
Some Ammo stacks and Magazine capacities are displayed falsely with the maximum amount.
I experienced another crash which was not in the vicinity of a military camp.
I contacted battleeye support.
And I have tried disabling the Bigfoot Networks Killer Network Manager service and process which didn't seem to have any impact on the issue. Even The BattleEye message is still popping up.
My buildID is: 1501247
Only when I launch the 64bit client. I notice it when I close the game.
Aparrently the BfLLR.dll has something to do with my Bigfoot Networks Killer Network Manager. But I was unable to solve the problem so far.
Dec 6 2016
Dec 1 2016
Nov 5 2016
I was unable to replicate the problem when trying to record just now.
I am not sure if it was a different character or the low sound volume makes the problem inaudible but I will post when I catch the problem on video in the future.
Nov 2 2016
Jun 8 2016
May 31 2016
May 11 2016
Yes, when you join a new hive database for the first time your client won't be able to view the equipped gear.
The clothing is there though. When you pick up items that can fit into a new spawns pants for example they will be hidden in your inventory.
Relogging or respwning fixes the problem. Until you connect to a new hive. A private server you haven't been on for example.
Today I experimented a little with these kinds of bugs. And the cause for these "ghost-items" appears to be interacting with items that are inside of containers within your clothing with items outside of that container.
There appears to be some similarities to the Full Plate Carrier and how it holds pistols.
For example, if you have a magazine in a Ammo Box within your backback and put it into the hotbar and reload your gun in your hands through the assigned hotkey. There will be one working magazine in your gun but the same one will still appear in your Ammo Box. Neither of those 2 magazines will be interatible until you restart/rejoin the server. But you will be able to shoot.
just wanted to inform you that the crashes got more frequent since the latest exp update (the one with the cars).
I have been avoiding alt tabbing though sometimes I tab out by accident.
You see, I am using a dual screen setup and binded Mouse4 to my push to talk (Team Speak). Apparently my mouse crusor still goes out of my main screen and onto my second screen while playing DayZ and if I press Mouse4 to talk I tab out.
So far I am crashing 100% of the time DayZ gets tabbed.
Would be nice to have the mouse crusor locked to the screen used by the game until a patch fixes the issue.
Here are my contents of the folder:
I threw 3 RGD grenades today, they all worked for me. Well at least I could unpin, throw and watch them explode. One killed a cow. But there was no sound.
Additionally I tried putting a M67 grenade into a flipped Lada after unpinning it.
Nothing happened. No explosion, no sound and the Lada didn't move an inch.
I have noticed that you are unable to combine bullets from outside of your inventory.
I had a stack of bullets in my visinity and wanted to combine them with a stack in my inventory which didn't work. There where no options to do anything by drag and dropping the stack onto the one in my inventory.
Only when I put them in my hands I was able to combine them.
Maybe that was the issue here.
Can confirm. I have several screenshots from the reworked parts of lower Berezino with loot hanging in the air. Unreachable. Next to buildings and above Apple Trees.
Additionally I have seen loot spawn behind objects inside of houses which weren't loot spawn locations in the past. Those didnt show up in my visinity though I could see them and most likely interact with them.
My scope has the same issue. I got a damaged Hunting Scope on my Blaze and it has an oval shape, squished in in its width.
Double checked my aspect ratio as well. Tried out different resolutions. The issue persists.
Additionaly the iron sights of my MP5 is not lined up with my line of sight. I cannot see the nose sight attachment when i look through the iron sight. Haven't checked yet if the aiming is off due to that though. No idea if its related or not.
I can also listen to the voice chat in the vicinity of my most recent dead body when I reapawn until, what seems to be my old dead body despawning.
Additionally it is possible to use items that were in my hands when I died after respawning such as rags.
Here is a zip:
The only log file I could find was the script.log.
It doesnt seem to be very useful. Tell me if you need anything else.
I just tried to reproduce the problem. And I am sad to tell you it happened again.
I sprinted up and down the stairs at the electro police station and I soon was dead.
This time it only took the length of the first staircase to kill me.
Both deaths occured on the server:
DayZ US East 0-1 (Experimental/Unstable)
FYI: Running down stairs too fast kills you.
What I have experienced is that the water status of canteens is not updating after a pour. When you move around the canteens after you pour water in them the canteen status updates.
The liquid gets poured correctly the UI just doesn't indicate that the % has changed unless you force it to update.
Added screenshot