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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 9:03 PM (628 w, 6 d)
Jun 28 2017
May 12 2017
Hi, we were not able to reproduce this issue. I would like to ask for any info you could provide. For example, have you experienced this issue more than once? Did you notice anything which could be related to it and could help us to track it down (like it happens only in some scenarios, or only to people who join while the game is already in progress etc.)? Thanks a lot!
This should be fixed in the next update. Thanks for the report!
Too long text in Raid is already fixed in our internal version and this fix should be a part of the next update. I will also look into those long nicknames. Thanks for the feedback!
We do not consider this to be an issue. If you want to wander around, you can do it and we are fine with it. Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for all the feedback! This issue should be solved with today's hotfix.
Feb 16 2017
Hi, thanks for your feedback!
- Can you please let us know which container in Raid Radio Station it is? I haven't been able to reproduce this issue, but we will surely look at it.
- Regarding that clipping issue, there should be a mechanism which respawns you immediately again when this happens. Does this work for you? Or do you stay dead for the rest of the round?
Feb 7 2017
This issue should be solved in the next update. Marking as resolved.
Jan 24 2017
Hi, we have made some related changes. Are you still experience this issue? Thanks!
This should be solved since the last update. Marking as resolved.
This should be solved since the last update. Marking as resolved.
The issue can happen when you click very close to the start of the mission (when server actually already saved unit placement in teams and is currently starting the mission) and unfortunately there seems to be no simple solution for this. It would require a lot of changes in the net communication between host and clients. As far as Project Argo is experimental project at this moment, we are not able do so huge changes directly in the engine. But we will definitely keep it in mind for the future!
This issue should be already fixed. Marking as resolved.
No reaction for more than 2 months and noone else reported similar issue in the meantime. Marking as resolved.
No reaction for more than 2 months and noone else reported similar issues. Marking as resolved.
This issue should be solved since the last update. Marking as resolved.
This should be solved since the last update. Marking as resolved.
This should be fixed since the last update. Marking as resolved.
Hi, we have made some changes in this area. Are you still able to reproduce this issue? Thanks
Dec 5 2016
Nov 25 2016
This issue should be solved in the next update.
Nov 23 2016
Nov 21 2016
Should be fixed in next update, marking as resolved.
Hi, this change was made intentionaly and it is not a bug. There is a lot of things which are different in Arma and in Project Argo, because these are basically different games. If you think this change is a step in the wrong direction for a game like Project Argo, feel free to create a topic on the forums and discuss it with other players. Thanks for understanding!
Hey, did this happen only once or do you observe it regularly? Could you try to use the "Verify integrity of game cache" function on Steam (steam library > right click on Project Argo > properties > local files > verify integrity of game cache) and let me know if you still experience the issue? Thanks!
Nov 14 2016
Related with:
Related with:
Nov 10 2016
This issue should be fixed in the next update.
This issue should be fixed in the next update.
Zapador: You can create your own server ('Host Server' tab in Server Browser), lock it to prevent any other people from joining and test anything in there.
Hello, this is a design decision made to prevent people from switching loadout every few seconds/minutes according the situation. Right now, you realy need to think not only about your preferences but also about situation on the battlefield and how it could evolve. We are well aware that misclick in this situation can be annoying and punishing, but this can be said about many situations in every game and unfortunately we are not able to prevent all of them. Thanks for understanding and for your feedback!
Hi, I just tested fall damage directly in the game and I am not getting any damage for falls under 3 meters and I am immediately killed when falling 12 or more meters. This is basically how we intended the system to work. In case you experience different behaviour, could you please attach also video or reliable steps how to reproduce such situation, so we can look into it and fix it eventually? Thanks a lot!
Nov 7 2016
Hello, have you experienced this issue only once or do you experience it on regular basis? Thanks!
Nov 3 2016
Hi, ability to see use of optics in the spectator is a new feature we added recently. It should work properly most of the time (at least it does for me), but there still seems to be some issues. We will look into it. Thanks for the report!
Nov 2 2016
May 10 2016
we hope to resolve some issues related to the old font by this step. It was for example hard to distinguish some letters and numbers in the old font.
If you would like to talk more about this change and get even some opinion from other players, then I would recommend to use our forums ( which is a better place for a discussion.
Thanks for your feedback!
This should work correctly after today's dev branch update. Marking as fixed.
I just noticed that the engine part of the fix did it to the current update, but we experienced some data packing issues this morning and the data fix is not in there. I am very sorry for this. The game shouldn't crash anymore, but smokes won't work with some script commands until next update.
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update. Marking as resolved, thanks a lot for all your feedback!
the mass doesn't equate to a weight in the game. In the real life, weight is only one of the parameters a soldier needs to take into consideration when trying to carry something. There are other important parameters like volume of given object.
We have decided to use only one parameter for simplicity of our system. The mass parameter should represent all real life parameters at once in the game. This is the reason why we didn't use the real life weight units. For example spacious but not very heavy things use relatively big mass parameter, because you shouldn't be able to carry a lot of them. Even though the weight of such object isn't so big.
As explained above, simple use of real life units with current system doesn't seem like a good solution and would create pretty confusing results in some cases. This is the reason why we intentionally haven't used kilos (or other real life units) in our system.
This issue was probably caused by user-created mod. We are not able to fix 3rd party content, marking as resolved.
@R34P3R: Unfortunately, there are no news in this area. The issue is internally assigned to the dev responsible for configuration of animals for further investigation. There is some higher priority work currently assigned to him, so he hasn't managed to look at it yet. I will ask him about it and we try to move it further (and fix it) as fast as possible. Thanks for your understanding.
@tpw: My response was reaction to the description of this bug, not the one about behaviour of animals. For more info see my response to R34P3R.
I would like to ask you to move further discussion about animal behaviour bug to the respective ticket. If anyone looks for any info/discussion about behaviour bug in the future, he probably won't look here. So anything written in here will be basically lost. Thanks
Hi, could you please provide me more precise repro steps? There is no BLUFOR Category for Modules in editor of vanilla game (game with no mods). I have tried this in both branches of the game (development and stable) and I couldn't see any invisible animals in the game. Do you use any mods? Thanks for help!
About those scripting repro steps. You shouldn't use the script command "createUnit" for spawning of animals. This can cause some issues because animals are agents and they do not use some properties/parameters used by human units. The "createAgent" script command should be used for animals.
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update. Thanks a lot for help and the script proposal!
Thanks for the feedback! User-created missions can consist code which causes this issue as well. If you are not able to reproduce this issue without any user-created content (for example in the editor), then it is probably caused by user-created mission/mod and we are not able to fix it unfortunately.
Could you please contact the author of given mod/mission and report this issue to him? He should be able to help you (by fixing of that issue or he can report a bug to us, if he finds out he can't fix it himself and give us detailed description of the issue in his code). Thanks!
Hi, I was unable to reproduce this issue (tested on both branches - dev and stable).
Do you use any mods? Are you able to reproduce this issue even with vanilla game (with no user-created mod running)? Could you please describe the exact steps which leads to this issue (or better attach simple repro mission?)? Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback! In that case this should be reported to the author of the mod, we are not able to fix user-created mods.
Marking as resolved - not fixable.
Hi, I was unable to reproduce this issue in given version of the game.
Do you use any mods? Are you able to reproduce it even with no user-created mods running? Could you please describe in which exact building this happens? Thanks
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update. Marking as resolved.
Hi, this is the way how current damage system in the game works. All mentioned hit points are getting some damage and because of that, they are all returned by the handleDamage event handler. This is not a bug.
You can filter returned values and use only the hit point which gets the biggest damage. There is already a feature request for new damage system, you can use that ticket and mention your concerns/proposal in there as well. Thanks for the feedback!
Should be fixed in the current dev branch version of the game. Marking as resolved.
Should be fixed in current dev branch version. Marking as fixed.
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update.
Hi, we were able to reproduce this issue after all. I will look at it, thanks for the feedback!
Obsolete backpacks containing parts of non-existing autonomous weapons were removed.
This fix should be a part of the next dev branch update. Marking as resolved.
This issue was caused by (broken) mods, which is something we are not able to fix. Marking as resolved.
Thanks for the feedback and big thanks to all people involved here for help when figuring out what is wrong! Thank you
Hi, it seems to me that both versions are possible according to references on the internet.
Do you have a reliable reference saying that "bandana" is the only correct spelling of this word? Thanks
Hi, this is intended situation. As runekn already mentioned in his comment, these weapons already have permanently mounted bipods, so there is no need for another bipod. Marking as not a bug.
Hi, please report this issue to the author of given mod. We can't fix user-created mods. Thanks
Hi, this issue should be already resolved. Please check it in the game and let us know if you still experience it. Thanks
Hi, this issue should be already resolved. Please check it in the game and let us know if you still observe it. Thanks
Bipods weren't released yet, they are not ready yet.
Closing as not a bug.
Thanks for letting us know about this issue. We are working on fix in cooperation with Steam.
Hi, it seems that some files are broken.
The "Verify integrity" function in Steam (right click on the game in your Library > Properties > Local Files > Verify integrity of game cache) should be helpful in this case. If that doesn't help, please try to reinstall the game.
No response for a month, marking as resolved.
This seems to be working now. Marking as resolved.
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update. Could you please check it and let us know if you still experience this issue? Thanks
if you experience this issue only with a user-created mod, please report it to the author of the mod. Thank you
Closed on author's request.
Closed on author's request.
Thank you for the report! I've marked this ticket as a duplicate, we will solve the issue in the following ticket which is already assigned: