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Delete stats for players who left
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since multiplayer statistics for players who left the server are saved, and when new players join in, list of players extends beyond the statistics UI box.

Some player asked in the chat why is the match being played 5v8. The match was 5v5 but the multiplayer statistics UI was also showing statistics for players who left the game so the player who asked the question thought it was 5v8.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Join the the full server.
  2. Players who played leave the server.
  3. New players join the server
  4. Multiplayer statistics list extends beyond.
Additional Information

Project Argo 0.65.139114, PUBLIC/DEVELOPMENT

Event Timeline

Matosh created this task.Nov 7 2016, 2:31 PM
DarkDruid claimed this task.Nov 7 2016, 2:33 PM
DarkDruid changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.
Toky added a subscriber: Toky.Nov 7 2016, 2:56 PM

This is a known issue and we are working hard on fixing it as soon possible :)

DarkDruid closed this task as Resolved.Nov 10 2016, 1:03 PM

This issue should be fixed in the next update.