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- User Since
- Mar 8 2013, 12:36 PM (625 w, 12 h)
May 10 2016
after reading this feature request 5 times, I have concluded that the only sentence that makes any sense is:
"Probability increases if the character is immersed in water."
...what feature is it you are requesting?
a motionless fully inflated chute sticking out above the treetops does look rather ridiculous
upvoted cuz seriously, how many kids play this game? i wish game developers would recognize the average age of their audience
haha that's a lot of typos for one sentence
i have also noticed this glitch though.
like in battlefield how the glare from snipers look like they have a flashlight attached to their gun at all times, even in a tunnel, and you just shoot at the light? It would be cool if it worked like real life though - relative to shooter and target position to the sun
noticed some buildings in agia marina doing this too
i did not realize they required multiple shots, but it should be one shot, upvote
+1 this would be awesome, another level of freedom
shameless bump for attention
or rolling an empty vehicle towards an enemy position and detonating as a distraction, i would think it would have limited used outside jihading, but having the option would be cool
thank you, i feel a little silly
someone please delete this
at least the ability to dig a fox hole, that would be cool. giving less damage from explosives, making you less visible...i would dig that :P
coupled with breaching this would be cool. only doors with a deadbolt like entrance doors
I could imagine this would be a major drawback when trying to guide air support
why not just have a scripted animation? i think it works well in battlederp. it would be very satisfying to hunt people down through a thick patch of woods say, if you're tailing a squad having a knife would be very handy
there are a list of issues that would improve the immersion and suspension of disbelief for this game (like sights where the whole screen zooms in) but like demongod said, anything that doesn't render the game unplayable isn't an issue.
immersion is a subtle art and when games get it right, they're fantastic games and everyone remembers them. get it wrong and you're just another shooter.
i have this bad feeling we're only going to remember arma 3 as having such potential...
shameless bump for moar votes
bumped for more votes, cuz this idea is worth it
brilliant idea, this combined with the alpha overlay of the grass textures on the player characters (someone else posted that concept here) would be fantastic
^ i agree 100% with PWNtrooper, except in arma there is slow, fast and faster, no medium, and hill climbing is a pain.
...a manual gearbox would be cool
trim is used in flight controls to fix an aircraft (fixed wing or rotary) in a new attitude. when an aircraft gains speed (throttle up/collective up + cyclic forward) multiple forces act upon the airframe from multiple directions, there is rotational torque from the engine, which rolls an aircraft right when increasing, left when decreasing, rotational torque from the blades which will yaw a helicopter (dependent on blade rotation direction). There is an increase in lift when the aircraft gains speed, pulling the nose up, pushing the nose down when decreasing. To counter these changes in forces, you apply trim, so instead of continually applying force to the controls the trim servos physically re-center the controls to where you are holding them, taking up the force required to keep the aircraft at the desired attitude.
helicopters strafe to fire (as in fly over targets), i think one of the Hinds have a downward angled 20mm cannon, my guess is this would be focused to a certain range whereby the pilot could hover and hit a known area on the ground.
personally in games with helicopters, i tend not to strafe directly over targets, you have no weapons that fire directly down. try firing from as far as you can - use the maximum range possible. Don't try killing everything in one go, and turn away before you get into firing range from the target, circle back and go again.
no worries, happy to do it
yes, i want the murder to feel as personal as possible
played on a server (aussie) with the 'stable' release, get bumped to seagull occasionally - workaround by re spawning.
replicated this error by switching and downloading developer version, joined the same server and as soon as voip connected i hear people complaining about being bumped to seagull. i was unable to load into the game.
i then disabled developer version, rejoined the same server and played again, occasionally (too often...) getting bumped to seagull.
May 9 2016
it would be cool if there were different types of NV gogs in the game for different purposes, 4 tube for better peripheral, gogs specifically for snipers, cheapo crappy outdated ones you come across more often in wasteland etc.
upvote for more gore, come on we're all adults here, i dont hear many kids at all over the VON.
as a sniper, i want to see the pink mist
as a soldier, seeing a squadmate next to me suddenly have his head taken off would definitely add to immersion
being able to open doors on helicopters, etc. to shoot out would be awesome, or closing the doors to provide cover
tracers seem to do the same damage for me
chill guys, they're already working on something
it feels like this should have been implemented before release but here we are...
- the stance adjust system is only a novelty without having the ability to rest your weapon or deploy a bipod.
- buildings are more often than not worthless to occupy as you cannot open windows and almost always have to stand unsupported to see around.
- it detracts from the realism of a 'realistic' game. to see a bipod on the end of my gun, folded uselessly as if welded in place is a crying shame.
+1 Must have feature