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Spawning as birds or game crashing due to developer build.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When some players are playing with the developer build and some are not, players will spawn as birds, and some players will crash.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

In different missions made with playable units this bug occurs. You can join the game using the different build, if someone joins with the build it will effect all players.

Additional Information

I haven't managed to figure out exactly what makes certain people crash.

Event Timeline

SovietRaptor edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
SovietRaptor set Category to Multiplayer.
SovietRaptor set Reproducibility to Always.
SovietRaptor set Severity to Crash.
SovietRaptor set Resolution to Duplicate.
SovietRaptor set Legacy ID to 620735638.May 7 2016, 12:20 PM

This is true. We were playing just a few moments ago, and it happened. We ended up all going for the dev. build. Had an awesome time!

Verox added a subscriber: Verox.May 7 2016, 12:20 PM

This type of behavior is to be expected considering you're playing with different versions of the game.

Bumgie added a subscriber: Bumgie.May 7 2016, 12:20 PM


There are already some dev verion servers up. Use them.

Arma 3 Alpha and Arma 3 Alpha Dev are not compatible at this time. Dev version has newer exe.

played on a server (aussie) with the 'stable' release, get bumped to seagull occasionally - workaround by re spawning.
replicated this error by switching and downloading developer version, joined the same server and as soon as voip connected i hear people complaining about being bumped to seagull. i was unable to load into the game.
i then disabled developer version, rejoined the same server and played again, occasionally (too often...) getting bumped to seagull.

Duplicate with 0004143.