Fixed internally, will be part of one of the upcoming updates.
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Jun 9 2022
May 30 2022
Out of curiosity, what was causing the blur?
May 27 2022
sometimes the image is generated flipped, you can flip it manually before registering it to WB
is the blur present on generated source image as well or only ingame?
May 26 2022
Looks like you're using your own satmap texture, in theory it should work as well but there may be some issue related to it, could you try it with WB generated one?
Its also done in map export data, same as .topo file, but as a type select "rasterization" instead of Geometry2D
Jul 16 2019
Jul 15 2019
Jul 12 2019
Jul 8 2019
That should be possible, although probably would not end up being high on the priority list.
Fixed in 1.05
Also a native class, do note that the class doesn't need to have linked native functions in order to be one so the 'cannot be modded' error is the only indication that is the case
Jul 3 2019
Reintroduced function StoreLoginData() in 1.05, should be similar to the way it worked before the login changes
Jul 2 2019
Unfortunately modded keyword cannot be used along with native classes so we cannot give them the ability to do so.
Jul 1 2019
Mod version mismatch, make sure the server and client have the same mod version, also make sure server folder Keys has current .bikey's
If it happens on vanilla too, you are loading some excess pbos, delete client addons and dta folder, verify integrity through steam
verifySignatures were not really verifying the mods before except some basic key checks and equalModRequired is technically deprecated since arma 2, it was a band aid on an existing problem. Even when you combined the two, it had plenty of security and functionality issues.
Jun 28 2019
Unfortunately after discussion about this we came to conclusion that the amount of work required to make it work correctly is beyond something we will be able to invest.
Jun 27 2019
Initial sample batch
Jun 26 2019
Probably won't have internal one working unless diag exe gets expanded with more debugs options - we are still looking if/how could that be done, but there is a ticket for that already.
Since workbench is fairly usable now, its script console should mostly satisfy your needs.
Jun 25 2019
Fixed in the next exp iteration
Game needs to be ran once to register properly
Jun 24 2019
Should be fixed next exp iteration
Thanks, fixed in next exp iteration
Jun 19 2019
Jun 18 2019
try it on exp first
yeah, Arkensor's sabotage failed
Attempted fix in 1.04
Limits removed in 1.04
Jun 17 2019
Why do you need 20k+ lines in mission file?
Jun 12 2019
Further bug fixing regarding key binding done in 1.04, use examples should come some time after exp release
Jun 10 2019
As for the rest, serverMod and proper mod verification is done in 1.04
I have split these into two tasks, the server browser mod part is now here
Adding only the key to server wont work anymore with the new verification
There is a difference between optional mods and server only mods. The latter would be a mod running only on the server while the former would be a mod that client may or may not use while connecting to the server. Optional mods are not planned currently (the way it worked in arma had its own issues)
Jun 7 2019
Jun 5 2019
Table just needs to be included in the mod, additive effect instead of override
Fixed in 1.04
May 30 2019
Does this still happen?
OnNetworkTransformUpdate (Entity.c)
May 29 2019
May 28 2019
May 27 2019
May 24 2019
I hope so, I believe it's just waiting for green light from legal
Please specify what you need this for, thanks!
May 23 2019
May 22 2019
May 21 2019
May 20 2019
May 17 2019
May 16 2019
Fixed in next 1.03 iteration
This seems to perform well enough atm so we will release some use examples soon for you to fiddle with
It would help knowing what exactly are you trying to use this for, but from a quick test, overriding IsInventoryVisible() should make the building visible in vicinity, the snippet above deals with inventory being visible through walls
May 13 2019
The issue here is that the system is still WIP and you tried to fiddle with it somewhat early. There has been some progress made for 1.03 but it's not quite done yet, we will release use examples when we consider it usable enough
Add an example of where would you want to use this please
So changing this on the workbench level could be problematic, but you should be able to do what you need already by using folders/custom names
May 10 2019
May 6 2019
proposed solution to this won't make it in time so we will temporarily increase the limit to 50MB per file in 1.03
Apr 30 2019
FIxed in 1.03
This requires a cleanup before release, logged as to-do
Flicker should be resolved in 1.03 , the furthest lights will be faded out instead of each fighting for priority
The issue here is that internal debug functionalities in general are separated from retail exe's on purpose because many of them may affect performance in some form even if they are not 'active'. That being said a bunch of them are pretty important from development perspective so we are looking at possible options at this point.
DLL extension support is not planned, and unlikely to get in assuming the amount of work required and the issues which would require solving.
Apr 29 2019
Apr 26 2019
I have put up the initial script debugging guide/documentation here
Apr 25 2019
Apr 24 2019
Screen record is probably overkill but any supporting information would be useful. Does script editor restart resolve it? (Or you need to restart entire WB)
Apr 23 2019
This is very unlikely to be officially sanctioned. I would rather look at reasons why the things above have to be edited this way / what is stopping you from making your own models and address what we can.
All the mods will have to be loaded, similar to what EqualModRequired does now
We are currently blocked by powers beyond our direct control on this one, will need to dedicate extra time to circumvent this, so sadly no time frame on this yet.
This should be solved by updated licenses, in progress
We will be releasing some modding examples, likely on github, although order largely depends on time constraints of the responsible individuals. The examples will likely start with scripting ones but the request for sample models/commented configs is noted
This one is a bit all over the place, stuff mentioned here might not come at the same time