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May 10 2016
yes, i also have this, most the time when you "used" something. .that dont workd. .its then like stucked. .so ou can do all things but not USE eat bandages etc! this is REALY DANGEROUS ..when you bleed and you can do nothing ..just logout and hope your char will be with blood in next login!! NEED SOLVING
walking is fun - WTF vehicles? better spawn points, and solution to glitching and sh*t would BE NICE
sometimes i kill a zombie with one hit with bare knuckles!! why shouldnt am zombie couldnt also do?
i lied once on ground with fireaxe in hands, zomb was going on run onto me, jumped, and i was dead - one hit death also - i had really good condition AND helmet!
long time ago, yes indeed this is fact :)
maybe a shipwreck suvivor, everyone with a lamp jea? lol
i have a lag of imagination? when everywone spawns at the beach, with no other elements in the near it isnt in any point realistic
maybe my english is to bad 1. and 2. im not russian
- the idea i had is made fast in code/development and would fresh it up.. in the end i think its a good way to let newbs get into the game, if they would find at spawnpoints direclty something .. and if at spawnpoints were tents.. also it would not be so easy for spawnkillers..
and fresh spawns dont would look always the same, if a random function would dress a freshspawn up with something..
a little bit many shipwreck suvivors eh
ragedrew - what you have said? im not fat, but i hate it when people bully against fat people - come to balota airfield on 1st person mode(hardcore) at 2200 today and we will "discuss" it out
now the zomb-system is ok.. still need enhancement but OK..
and i know a little development, this should not be a problem to get this feature into the game!
like more tents on countrysides!!
i want
ragdoll, damagestructures and flying arms and brains
50.000 zombs on a map... jiiihah!!!
ok and animals ^^
dex.. yes i would also like to have this kind of "realistic" zombie flair.. but i think this will take much time
but in my opinion, the release where the zombs were slow and dumb and werent respawning was absolutely no challange, now the zombs are a little challange, and when youre lucky there are 5-7 zombs running behind you
i think the zombs should also be fast, but supr-detective .. idk ..its ok.. why should they be weaker? as long the servers dont can produce 5000 zombs on the entire map.. there is no reason to have something against STRONG zombs
at this point its not possible to make more zombs at the server, so the fast zombs are really a good idea, but they should not go thru walls.. never -.-
and not respawn in sight -.-!!!
using mind should not be art -.-
i also think some of the zombs should run fast, but not for too long (they should lame then) - and not all zombs should run this fast
but its not priority, first the bad bad bad glitching should get SOLVED
@goblox: you are so right, they made this huge amount of money in so short time! and they are not able to fix these glitches and bugs, where your char slips into wall or "Neverland" areas, and the zombs going through everything.
i alos know good porgramming and developing, i ask myself, where the money goes, they should fix THAT before we get the 5th handgun in the game.. or "Making pork" and "bowing"
its really a shame, because its the biggest problem and STILL it is there, and it CANT be this problematic to make a solution here! or is the code totally sh*t?
whos is testing?! how is the bugreport and how is the administration of all this?`!
they dont have superpowers, they ARE JUST DMAN HUNGRY
so like you said, the "Logic" and "realism" with zombs is a thing to discuss, or not.. i like them how they are, and slow zombs are ALWAYS easy to handle, so they are no problem and then you could delete them completely..
and dont forget, in movies its somethig other, in a game the zombs have to be different - think about it
when you can handle the zombs better, in the way they are now - its perfect
maybe they should be even more and just die with hits/shots on head..that would be great and very very difficult, many pople would scream and hate it, but this would be "realistic" ;) .. lame zombs are just for people who casnt handle them - like woman
i dont agree, and i agree
the zombie intelligence and skills have to be adjusted, but at the moment the zombs are a really threat - thats good!
zombs should also drop items! very neccessary, even when its just a rotten tomatoe ;) .. a 30/70 chance to let zomb drop something little (like magazines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or rags! or even gold(necklace)?!) would be very cool!!
definetely! zombies must be much, not all the time!(important) but also..
jea and the corpses should keep and not vanished, maybe they will develop something that implements the dead bodies like part of the worldgeometria
we need more zombies, but "intelligent" (means realistic behavoir - whats very diffucult, ..)
for newbs its a little bit hard, but THIS makes now the zombies to a challange, a little bit! they shouldnt be reduced! just the respawn mechanism adjusted (so the zombs respadn also a little bit more far)!
isnt it solved? now is the max 99seconds.. this is ok
but should above all be checkd if the relogin is because of shitty connection or SERVER ADMIN KICK or whatever.,..
can also confirm, only when you have revolver/ammo(?)
on to me the sound comes up almost every times, its incredible loud and bad
the game deserves better :(
in the "corner-pub" house, where you have on 1st floor the 3 rooms there is a point at a wall in the last room where i made this wallglitch successfully.. its not that easy
but when theres still the bad problems with ladders, and staris (like in policestation or firestatioN) the glitches keep beeing there :(
this is so lame
if this the way programming would work .. this would be superrrrrr :DD
so the zombs are always in lags? ;))
i hope the code is not this kind of SH*T that the devs have to fix it on EVERY DAMN WALL (of a house-type) ..
its really a BIG BUG and NEED to be fixed soon, its very comparebale to the zombs-tru-wall glitch-bug!!!
@Sabura ..youre right!! now when you wrote it, i also only see this "teleporting" when leaving buildings! happened in elektro but mostly in berezino!
always when exiting buildings!
it happens really often to me, but i have on my location a bad connectivity, and it ormally happens 2 times, then i just go another road/way and its gone
no relog or something needed - but i also have often problems after loggin in, that i cant use anything, but this must be bad connectivity, and i hope the devs working on the "messaging system" like told before
nope the "-newui " does no fps boost!
@Athan i know very what you mean, my pc isnt "high end" but good enough to play i.e gta 5 at almost highest settings!
but this dayz is so frustrating when in citties and you have so much fps loss that you cant survive a bulletfight because of this
no dev, no one posts something heres, thats very bad this game still alive? or dead yet?
man since two years! this thread is open... LOL thats a fast bugfix OO!!!!
@moeb1us when im matching i know where i run, and im always alone - so first think before talk ;)
i know the locations where im heading around as much as good to know that all this is refered to depth of sight etc
so fyi: im a city monkey :P
hey folks, its truly sad that the men in charge of bohemia cant really help, so lets help ourselves out:
here is my solution (worked for me)
more fps (and sady less range of sight)
set in the dayzprofile file the three params to the values, that fits for your pcs (just try), in my case its:
(every one of this has something to do massivley with fps)
the dayzprofile file is found in:
and is named:
greets and keep watching
thts so shittey, i hope the devs will make this issue gone.. SOON! its so dumb, this game ist really good, but this gfx issues are horrible.. AND NO STATEMENT HERE FROM ANYONE IN CHARGE :(
yes its definetaly the processor! its in many posts written, many people checkd
but, still, such graphics as in this game (especially geometry) should not need 3 billion petaflop cpus ;)
and the devs knows it and I HOPE the new renderer comes quick AND make this issue gone
this would be sooooo cool
thx@zettakagi, i will look into it.. but i think the thing is, if you have a strong cpu ("first gen") like i7 this issue is not coming.. or so strong..
so still the devs have to do something,.. the graphics in dayz are really not this "high end" that older, but good pcs should get this low fps in bigger citties
i would also like to know the progress to this.,.!
@Dewulf, low quality also do nothing, because when you have "normal cpu" power, its still to less for the objects/geometry
so they NEED to implement the new renderer quickly!
so, almost 6 months are gone, whats the status? or will it take years instead of months? -.-
n47h4 its not network issue its the renderer - yes
strange is, a friend of mine, dont have this framedrops! he has always good frames, but the game stucks/freezes every 2-5 seconds for a half second.. really strange.. its all in svetlo, where i have bad frames (with better computer)
soemthings not right with building geometry, i think i read this from dean hall or the devs
so its good so hear that also people with really high end computers have also this problem :)
its the worst in svetlojarsk! i think, elektro is also bad, but svetlo is very very bad.. maybe it helps
strange i dont hear something of this, really rare some sort of reload or shoot or zombie roars, but this was always so in standalone, and i dont know if really someone theres (in neighbour building or so..)
the fence door is indeed there since beginning, i thought this belongs to the "atm" sounds
i dont have this issue when server restarts and im on the server
but when i change servers quicker, this issue comes up sometimes
its weird, most the time the backpack AND shoes are gone Oo
in the last weeks and last wo updates i hadnt character loss
(1. you have to watch the hive and the MODE! when choosing servers)
but since the last update i had two times logged in and then i had my backpack just half full ..many stuff were missing.. on two different chars and at different times i had this thing.. this sucks
@Hejeldrummer: so long not to get killed is really strange, are you shooting people from back? or are you never ever in cities? ;)
@bug descripted here:
i can confirm, befor the latetst two updates it wa shorrble, now its ok, but still some little things you have to watch carefully.. last time i los tmy char after i got this red message and countdown WHILE some guy and zomb was in near, after loggin in to new server there was the "the server cant find your character" horror message
excuse me, now its ok, but still strange is when you zoom in, your mouse is half that fast, and when you go around corners or doors its supr-fast.. ist strange
man this is so fu**ed up, why the hell the devs, or the guys who in charge dont think a second, why, PLEASE WHY, they dont add a button to activate raw mouse input? its so horrible, so you play all the time, have your settings, with the one you are made the game playable, and once again you have to adjust so much, i still cant play, i set the mouse sensitivity down but its still bad
i dont understand these people who add things that are so IMPORTANT and dont add a swtich for this feature, for player who dont want it
its the mocement/control guys! this is very important.. oww man sometime i think there are people working with no sense for games and players
this is really really bad
@James you dont have to click the X in the box :) .. just wait.. hm but now in the newer update this bug morphes into some other, similar but other..
just sawp two different items in shortcutbar then it works, better have something in hands while doin