my character had the status "healthy", and i tried the alcohol tincture to disinfect my wounds (just tried), after that i got "sick" with yellow status bgcolor {F29916}
- Legacy ID
- 3909101976
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Duplicate
- Reproducibility
- Have Not Tried
char with healthy status (no bgcolor) then alcohol tincture "use to clean wounds"
dont reproduced until now
Event Timeline
This behavior is much like the Charcoal Tabs...they basically induce higher stages of the illness so that it gets burned out of the character - much akin to real life. This probably just needs better documentation on the FAQ.
Alcohol tincture will make you sick, however, after 3 indications that your wounds are cleaner, the sick status will go away and your wounds will be cleaned
Alcohol Tinctures are used to treat Wound Infections, and will accelerate the infection to its final stage.
At the moment, however, they're really poorly implemented, so they just put your character on Wound Infection Stage 3 whether you had one before applying it or not.