How would it be controlled? I'd imagine that another monitor would need to be implemented.
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May 10 2016
Is this actually realistic? Because I have no idea if it is.
Yes, these issues are similar, but with the exception that the zoom functionality is inconsistent, as described above.
Exactly, bez.
I don't expect them to. The issue isn't labelled as being a high priority.
The point is that we should be able to choose... And no, that isn't the only thing.
Please include steps to reproduce.
I like the idea. There should also be an option available when scrolling to turn on/off the interior and exterior lights separately.
Please include the steps required to reproduce the glitch. I haven't had this issue occur before.
To whoever disagreed, can you please state why?
I don't think it should be completely removed, it should be adjusted to resemble whatever is most realistic.
No, the AH-99 Blackfoot is the attack helicopter. The Ghosthawk is the transport helicopter with the two miniguns. I agree that it's great, along with the windows I'd like to see the fade effect eliminated as well though (as I stated in the description).
Yes, it's a big immersion breaker.
That still doesn't prove that it's realistic.
Exactly, Raahk.
Dr Death, please try it out before downvoting. It's stupidly unrealistic at the moment.
Yes, but can you do it without taking the helmet off? Remember that you can't see where the rail is while wearing the helmet.
Can they be attached easily while wearing them? If they can it'd be nice if there was an animation for it.
Chairborne (or anyone for that matter), how would they be attached/detached quickly? Does it require screws or is there some sort of mechanism that allows for quick removal?
That might not be very realistic because it seems that in real life they're screwed in.
Please bring it back.
Impractical to spend 5 seconds to equip the goggles from your inventory? Are people really that lazy? XD
I think that they shouldn't be equipped by default through x and y times, and at any other time you'll automatically spawn with them equipped. Also if they're in your ammobox loadout and you choose to equip it, they should spawn in your inventory rather than being equipped.
This might be a little off topic but I'd also really like to see an animation for flipping them on/off as well.
That sounds like it might work well.
It's almost definitely a glitch, AD.
+1, please fix this ASAP.
I'd love to be able to, say, press left ALT to look around the vehicle to see who's inside, etc. It'd be really nice to see the gunner/commander view for all applicable vehicles as a screen being mounted inside the cabin rather than being a full screen window as it currently is.
But it's not affected by where you fire the rounds, is it? I don't want it to just blow up the vehicle, but actually have the ability to kill one crew member and not the others, etc. in a realistic way.
+1 to vehicle armor being penetrable.
This is a fairly severe issue, hopefully it'll be fixed really soon.
Thanks a lot for looking in to it, I'll be sure to get some nice photos after the fix.
Not all guns are symmetrical... Text would be inverted, too. It's not that easy.
Not all. Many are able to have their ejection ports reversed. Plenty of weapons with ejection ports on the right side can still be fired by left handed people, it's just that some of them eject casings less conveniently than others.
Keep in mind that many of the weapons in the game so far are caseless anyway. The ones that aren't, as far as I know, can still be fired easily by left handed players anyway such as the pistols and the KRISS Vector.
It sounded like you were making the implication that left handed support wasn't needed since you can lean left/right.
There's still a desire to have left handed support though for those of us that are in real life. How would you like it if you were right handed but were forced to play the game left handed?
The OP is referring to left handed support.
The developers have already confirmed that this won't be feasible, unfortunately. Hopefully they will change their mind.
I think other helicopters will do the same.
This glitch is detrimental. Please fix it as soon as possible.
That'd be great, you may want to modify the description though since it may be a bit misleading.
There is a blank variant already in the game of the Mk20.
I support this as long as it isn't done "on the fly" in vanilla Arma (magically changing the camo of a weapon rather than choosing the weapon with the camo from a container).
Reset them to default and then reduce the core clock by 25-50MHz.
Simply lower the Core clock by 25-50MHz.
Sometimes factory overclocked cards aren't actually stable at their stock speeds, so underclocking them will solve the issue if this is the case.
I have a GTX 680 and there haven't been any issues like this for me. Is your card overclocked? And if so, did you stress test it?
Please stop trolling at the feedback tracker, AD2001.
SaMatra, this is a great idea.
I think this is already known by the developers, but it's worth reporting in case it isn't.
Sure, that might work, but having crosshairs disabled by default on the two hardest difficulties would encourage more servers to not use them. Currently, as I stated earlier, there was only one server I've been in that had actually disabled them, it's not as easy as saying "pick another server" since there are only a handful of them that are actually populated to begin with, nevermind whether or not it has crosshairs.
I made a revised new feature request since this thread doesn't seem to be going anywhere, it's having the option of enabling or disabling them in your settings if they are allowed in the server (and disabled completely if they are disallowed).
How do you KNOW they will turn it back on? ArmA is meant to simulate the military, and that means disabling the crosshairs for a start. Eventually we will likely be able to control virtually every muscle in the body, but we simply don't have the technology yet.
Also, you do realize that we'll probably see PiP scopes, screens, etc. in the future, right? We're only in the Alpha right now.
Should you even be firing a sniper from the hip? Is it that hard to just aim? Even with a fully automatic weapon many shots can easily be missed when you're not aiming, and with a sniper you're probably dead if you miss one shot in a close quarters fight.
"This is your opinion"
Our opinions shape the game.
"If you don't like it, don't use it"
As I said earlier, it isn't that easy. I don't have the privileges to change these settings, that's up to the server administrators to decide... please read the posts above before commenting.
But ArmA tries to get as close as possible to it. If you're going to give up at crosshairs, you might as well just play CoD or Battlefield.
Yes you can, actually. If it's pointed in front of you, it's likely going to land somewhere in the center of your screen, where the crosshair is almost all of the time.
The problem is that it isn't as easy as telling someone to turn it off. I don't have the power to do that in any of the servers, the admins do. If this they were disabled by default in at least the two hardest difficulties, new servers would adopt the idea of servers not having crosshairs. That's what this topic is about.
"is it so hard to go to the game options and change the cross hair to turn it off?"
Tell that to the server admins.
"Crosshairs do not help at all."
If they don't, why do we have them? And if they do, shouldn't they be disabled in at least the harder difficulties for reasons related to authenticity?
To be honest I'd prefer if those were all disabled as well.
How can't you estimate where it's pointing? And why would you need crosshairs if you "don't hipfire unless they're half a meter" in front of you?
Cychou, that's exactly it.
AD2001 implied that he does. And if you don't hipfire, which I don't, then I don't see why it's such a bad thing to disable them. They're almost always pointed at the dead center of the screen anyway, so how is it really helping you?
I thought that the whole point of ArmA was to simulate the military, but instead its players rely on crosshairs that you wouldn't see in real life.
But server's don't. I've been on dozens and only one has actually disabled them. New players are only being penalized by relying on crosshairs that shouldn't be there if one of the game's purposes is to simulate reality.
You can estimate by actually looking at where the weapon is pointed. Or you can use your sight/scope to have a more accurate shot. There is no need for the crosshair, especially when it constantly flickers in and out of existence when you're sprinting.
You can estimate by looking at where it's approximately pointed. And if I shouldn't be sprinting, shouldn't you not be firing from the hip?
If you disagree, please state why.
This would expand the possibilities for mods as well.
I completely agree, Nord. Tracers travel so quickly anyway, and how often are you going to be close enough to see it illuminating other objects?
I agree that they won't affect performance much, Dr Death. Even with the amount of streetlights at the air base, I still have a frame rate constantly above 60 frames/second.
Even in the Dev Build Beta release, you can still clip through walls. This happened to me when I stood in a lookout tower.
ABSOLUTELY, harold. I get so annoyed when they take off after letting you disembark, it's almost as if they're trolling.
I like the idea of being able to bind weapons to keys, but the fire rate key mechanism should remain the same (where you wield the weapon and switch the fire rate with a separate key).
May 9 2016
I'm a lefty myself and I would really like to see this feature implemented. Unfortunately, making it happen will NOT be as simple as mirroring the character's animations since you would have to assume that everything being used, such as the guns, are symmetrical (which they aren't, for the most part). If BIS were to mirror the animations, we should expect some strange consequences such as inverted guns and reversed text.