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- Girls hostel in bannerghatta
The soviet hedgehogs seem to be improved as of and every test I ran with them while only inflicting minor injuries upon the player were atleast successful in stopping a truck travelling at high speeds, maybe the collision .odel of the dragon tooth could be changed to better emulate the hedgehog.
This is still an issue as of despite the changes made in that update to the behaviour of dragonteeth and hedgehogs, when driving a truck at high speed into individual dragon teeth, if they are placed in such a way that a corner is at a right angle to the incoming truck much of the speed of the truck is reduced, however the truck itself still raises into the air and is able to drive over the obstacle. This is the best setup I could find to temporarily arrest the movement of a high speed truck as normal US roadblocks are still subject to flipping over the obstacle and are able to land on their wheels without any damage to either the truck or the player. In no case involving a truck colliding at high speed with a US dragontooth or roadblock did the player sustain any damage in the impact. On flat terrain the roadblocks are able to be made effective if two lines of defences are placed, a back line of standard US roadblocks placed 10m behind a line of dragonteeth that are placed so in such a way that the face of the dragontooth is perpindicular to the impact of the truck. In this case the truck strikes the dragonteeth and loses almost all of its speed as it raises and drives over the dragonteeth, it then lacks the speed to be able to overcome the regular US roadblocks. On terrain that is not level (approaching from a higher elevation to a lower elevation) this setup is not able to work effectively as the truck can still clear both obstacles. A possible solution to this issue could be forcing the front of the truck down upon impact to better deal with the clearance the wheels give this vehicle. Alternatively, US roadblocks could be designed so that the front facing portion of the dragon teeth are perpindicular to the imapct as opposed to angled which act as a sort of ramp. The second solution would not fix the problem outright but would make the roadblocks more effective than the current design and make placing two lines of obstacles a cheaper option supply wise.
@Geez This has been fixed in the newest experimental update It no longer drops FPS when ADS'ing in armoured vehicles.
Additionally by using this method of being able to use only 1 slotai and adding the repeated respawn delay reduces the stuttering effect of spawning large amounts of AI when you crossover the area threshold.
Fixed in 1.3
I'll try to check in the new version
We love you Geez and team
We cannot seem reproduce this issue.
Have you experienced it since? And if so, can you please send a screenshot of your video settings?
Same issue with Intel Arc B580 when the resize bar is on. When it is off, it does not occur but fps drops significantly that makes the game unplayable.
As designed. The real-life counterpart of the BRDM-8 has 4 auxiliary wheels in its hull. (Though they have no real in-game use as of now.)
Reporting the same issue, 9800x3d, 5080, 64GB DDR5, MSI x870 tomahawk. Temps at 51C CPU and 50C GPU. Consistent stutters and regular freezes.
In version .84 this problem is no longer there.
In T187409#2764634, @schmeckles wrote:Hi there,
We noticed this feature being added to Experimental, and I wanted to reach out regarding the admin limit. I currently operate 11 servers, and a cap of 20 admins isn’t practical for our needs. Would it be possible to increase this limit to 50?
Since this queue instantly grants admin access, I don’t see a risk of it being exploited for monetization. For those of us managing multiple servers—especially with over 60 staff members—50 would be the ideal number to ensure proper oversight and keep Reforger well-managed.
Would this be something you could consider? We’d really appreciate the flexibility!
Hi there,
Duplicate T188872
Resolved for and higher.
So this will be an issue present in the next stable release? Will change the game a bit for sure
Resolved for and higher
Fixed for one of the future experimentals
Resolved for and higher.
Area is not supposed to be moved. If you do move in real time in scenario, you have to make sure that the same operation is done for all join-in-progress players. This is not supported by default.
Thank you for your feedback! This has been communicated to the designer team and will be taken into account.
Hello SirLucient.
We have tested this on our end but we were unable to reproduce the issue.
Resolved for and higher.
Resolved for and higher.
Resolved for and higher
Resolved for and higher.
Resolved in and higher.
Hi, Any update on this? We currently run HLL servers and this feature is a must have. Please update this ticket we want to add Reforger to our arsenal.
It seems that all the problems from this ticket have already been fixed and it can be closed.
Duplicate T181075
Duplicate T181075
Relates to T183762
Relates to T179982
Relates to T165421
I have 16 AIs in my group.
There is just a limitation due to the capacity of the Mi-8
Relates to T189136
There are two main bases and 37 regular bases on the map
General AILimit - 1024/1500
Active AILimit - xx/256
Relates to T187233
Relates to T189599