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They don't give reviews. I've put in 6 tickets and had zero responses. Geez is the shittiest dev here
Now it works,
Obviously the biggest mistake of the developers was that they announced the update date a month before the tests were finished and instead of saying "oh we won't make it, the update will be later" they said "it doesn't matter that many bug reports are not closed, we're updating"
Moreover, judging by 0xffffffffffffffffff there are no checks for emptiness in the memory block, this is a very obvious error in c++
March 13, 2025. the request timeout error is still displayed. it can disappear for a couple of days or appear every 15 minutes for a whole day (like today). the computer meets the minimum system requirements, and I play on low graphics settings. But that's not the point. I used to be able to play for hours and there were no errors, it all started with update 1.25. Update 1.27 has already been released, but the error has not been fixed. Dayz is the main game I play. What do you want me to do? I can't play properly. when will this annoying bug be fixed? is work underway to eliminate it? The cost of the game is 37 dollars, where the appearance of such errors in the game is simply unacceptable.
Glad to see I'm not alone now and there are plenty of reports. The common things I see are 24H2 windows and X3d Cpu's with Arma being the thing that is spiking the CPU. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long for some kind of a response that they are indeed looking into it or better yet have identified the issue. Makes it pretty unplayable tbh. I haven't booted it up since mid Jan and even then that was only for an hour until it was unplayable. Fingers crossed fellas!
Hi can i get an update to this? it keeps happening. If this is intentional, why would you not just disallow fence kits to be placed too close to each other? Making a mechanic that deletes walls after letting you build them is wasting a lot of players' hard work and resources and leaving their bases vulnerable, possibly without them even knowing. This is further reducing the viability of base building as a whole. I've talked to several people who are experiencing this issue and i think you should take it seriously. Base building was already seen as largely pointless by many of the players i know who used to love building bases. On the high population official servers i hardly seen any bases. I do see tents just put up all over the map untouched and cargo trucks left in their spawns because base building it pointless now.
Im new to this im jus reporting this so idk if i did this right
In T189763#2767242, @M4ketech wrote:In T189763#2767183, @Nate_LapT wrote:I really hope this is part of the big improvements of gunplay we can expect
At this point when its been 7 years after community did ask ear plugs built in the game... We should not expect anything, we get maybe some new bullets and bullet drop dynamics 😆
Related: T189133
Even easier way to reproduce, start new match, go into game master, teleport to enemy town, no ai will spawn.
@arthur.morgan No, its Playstation
Unconfimed idiot.
PSN: doofyisnotaduper
It would be nice for the voip mechanic to be improved.
In T189290#2770134, @bzed wrote:@RPowerSpeed @Geez Indeed, completely support that. Loosing players might not be such an issue for those servers that have a long queue usually - but I have lost 90% of the usual players. Regular crashes, necessary wipes (especially due to CF being also broken, with the fix for it needing a wipe), module creators having to work around bugs in DayZ / the server - thats just super annoying. And a big waste of time for those who run the servers. I would rather create something nice for players instead of having to move players or even delete them because they can't login anymore - or with crashing servers its affecting everybody. There are too many open bugs in the client and the server, and its getting more and more frustrating.
Map markers should also be placed where your cursor was when you open radial menu instead of the name for the marker
Краши всё ещё продолжаются, есть информация когда починят. Что теперь ждать 1.28 через пол года что-ли? Проще бросить это все с такими разработчиками игра всё равно скоро умрёт.
@Whoami this task is for playstation, but on the last video we can see pc gameplay, if I understand correctly
Yeah it feels like any time the game's inherent lag kicks in (such as the client being flooded by the vicinity), it now causes the rubber-banding since the lag-switch mitigation is holding players in place.
The ability to double click LMB on the map which places a black dot and open a text box, so I can type "enemy" or "command truck" then press enter which will place the marker for all my team to see. This is how it was in arma3 and it was perfect.
also having this issue. exact same description of issue.
Task can be closed.
I had the script in the "Workbench" and not in the "WorkbenchGame" folder.
Saw the guy ( freemym4 ) in livonia 2044 official ps5 ,
But couldn’t run away from us despite he was cheating😎😂 , i have a same clip like this
They should do something more than banning the accounts, this is his alt acc , i knew him
15:43:47.276 SCRIPT (E): NULL pointer to instance
Class: 'WeaponFSM'
Function: 'SaveCurrentFSMState'
Stack trace:
It's funny, how they don't care about their own game. Community servers are literally the reason why Dayz is still "alive".
But yes. This thing is actually happening when pop is 100+.
I tested it today without the Expansion-bundle, but the same error. Things like ammo and magazines in the inventory are duplicated after a server restart. The problem is also with water and energy, they always reset to the value 599.709 I don't understand.
You can close this ticket
It was thank you I don’t have a new anought graphic card
Also since and
@Geez this still happens HOWEVER what I have noticed, this happens only once for a game instance. (given that you save some settings)
If you save some settings, continue playing and then want to change something it will not happen, however if you restart your game the problem will occur again.
I can say with confidence it's the same problem, the examples I posted were more extreme because they're the ones that get sent to me/posted in discord to complain. In my experience it tends to be more similar to what you showcased which isn't as clip worthy.
I removed mine again since I'm not sure if it shows completely the same lag as your videos.
Mine didn't keep me in place all the time but teleport me back when running through door/near objects, while yours look like it completely traps players.
Big thank you for further proving exactly the cause @murphey Can I ask what tool that is to test also?
@RPowerSpeed @Geez Indeed, completely support that. Loosing players might not be such an issue for those servers that have a long queue usually - but I have lost 90% of the usual players. Regular crashes, necessary wipes (especially due to CF being also broken, with the fix for it needing a wipe), module creators having to work around bugs in DayZ / the server - thats just super annoying. And a big waste of time for those who run the servers. I would rather create something nice for players instead of having to move players or even delete them because they can't login anymore - or with crashing servers its affecting everybody. There are too many open bugs in the client and the server, and its getting more and more frustrating.
God Mode and Duper: officallygeared
@Geez Many admins of the community servers have already lost many regular players with 1.26 and unfortunately this continues with 1.27 :-( . I would also suggest another way of DayZ, let the server admins run the versions they want and let them run stable, with many other online games this is also possible. Due to the update obligation and the constant problems, we are losing more and more DayZ players in the community and the admins are slowly getting bored, every update brings so many problems for the DayZ server operators that they often don't feel like it anymore. And I can fully understand that.
I agree, it's really a shame very few use such awesome features in the game. And because most people don't use them I have also stopped picking them up.
several minutes of this new lag
another example of the new lag
Falling through a window despite not moving due to the new rubber band lag.
I don't think that their players didn't use any hacks because it keeps happening in the same spot with the same teammates during base raids. One kill occurs through the wall, another from +400 m in bushes, and so on. Strange white smoke and bugged trees are all quite similar. Come on, folks. It's obvious that it was not an honest murder several times in a row.
Nickname\ID Steam bohdan86 - teammate`s account
Nickname\ID Steam Горишко Block Blast - teammate`s account
9800x3d undervolted
RTX 3080TI
64 GB DDR5 6000Mhz
Windows 11 Pro 24H2
Agree with this! I have been a user of nitrado on and off for the past 4 years, but paying for the first 2 years since nitrado kept messing up on a regular basis and my servers suffered by it, I continuously lost player base due to nitrado and they barely take responsability for their issues, if they even do own it. For the rest of the time, I have helped admin and configure several servers for dayz and it has honestly been a pain because they are the only providers on console. Right now, the owners of both servers I help with decided to close them because we dont have live updates on the logs, which is inconvenient because if anything happens we rely on players reporting it or having to wait for the server to restart and we manually go over the logs to see if there is anything out of order. Being PVE servers this is a HUGE problem as we strickly enforce the rules and rely heavily on the killfeed bot to help us with this. Im sure many other server owners are thinking like me and about to decide to just stop paying for a server, which in turn will affect dayz greatly as its player base will lower. Official servers are a lawless place, and most players prefer a community server where in most of them, they are well taken care of. PLEASE PLEASE look into this Bohemia! trust us, ALL that rent a server would absolutely love to move out of nitrado, or make them have competition for their service to be ACTUAL service! Thank you!
I got the same issue and tried the above solution, but the error was not solved.
Experiencing 0xc000001D error with Arma 3. Likely an instruction set issue. Ensure all drivers are updated, especially graphics. Verify game file integrity through Steam. Could also be a CPU compatibility problem. Speaking of challenges, this is almost as frustrating as trying to win at the Bad Parenting game – you think you're doing right, and then BAM, error! Hope this helps!
no way 0xGreeny im having the same issues too. the seeds and fertilizer are just being dumped at this point for no gain, what a coincidence.
Same issue.
No, experimental crashes exactly the same way.
Tried my Arma3 and this also crashes with the same error when attempting to log in to server.
Seems to be a common fault.
Exp. - Crash: 210a16bd-8e97-4dc1-bd55-7391b3108135
I am having the same issues as sileed. Garden plots are mostly eating seeds and fertilizer about 2/3 of the time.
I have the same issue.
My server doesn't have any modified weapon at all, but it crashes anyway.
All of the crashes have the same stack trace to the "SaveCurrentFSMState" function.
Present in exp
Agreed. Nitrado having a monopoly on server ownership for console players is just wrong. They have no incentive to do a good job and they struggle on the regular to even provide the base service that we pay for on a monthly basis. These servers are not cheap. Most server owners also pay for wonderful bots that make our lives easier but are forced to use Nitrado logs and API in order to work properly. When Nitrado goes down, all of these systems stop working. It hurts players, server owners, and the game in general. With these consistent outages by Nitrado, players are going to start moving on. The worst part is Nitrado is often completely silent about what is happening, leaving us all in the dark.
No real time logs completely ruin community servers. What's the point to keep community server of we can't control it properly
Starting to get worried, looking at posts from 4 to 5 years ago, talking about the exact same glitch, the comments say it’s a scheduled fix but here I am four years later, looking at the same issue. This is actually sad and makes me want to find a new looter shooter:(
Please Bohemia, you are the only one to hear us and help us, Nitrado is very frustrating… I hope this reaches right people… we love your game and you have huge community support, help us please 🙏
Tex903: I added you as friend as discord - let's take the discussion there. There is also a CAH channel:
Not quite sure why my operating system says Windows 7, this is an Xbox issue
Snake1984 ive been tryin to contact you. Could you pm me on discord @lonestar_streamer