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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 9:33 PM (587 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
voted down.
Not beause it doesn't need fix, just think this is low priority
That's not your character speaking, but the orange itself from the mouth.
Gotta <3 these bugs, they should keep them in intentionally if u ask me xD Like the chat dancing.
epic bug report:D
There is a way to see in the dark but not gonna mention it since I don't think it should be used anyway. You can indeed use your flashlight or a headtorch like ImZongral stated and use that too look around.
guess this one shouldnt be used anymore then:p
You can, did it myself a few times.
you just need to stop moving for a second and then use the left part of the stairs. you'll get on it then.
RKL_FR Right: now I am not at home so as soon as I get home from work I will check that one out for you. But I'm 100% sure that the SA runs on 64 bits and 32 bits aswell. So that's one thing ruled out. Will get back to you on this.
- Reinstalling the game might provide a temporary fix
Bulldozer: I would just give it a shot tbh. If it works it works and right now it doesn't seem like you can play anyway. So might aswell give the devs some help by rulign some things out so the work they have to do for a fix becomes way less.
Have you tried re-installing the game?
If I were you I'd give it a shot, let us know if it works. If it fails we can at least cross something off the "how to fix" list for you.
You Germans always need everything in German xD
This is probably a client issue though. Check some other German friends, or at least other people who have the German version of the game. If they have the same issue its probably the game itself that needs an update for this.
If not it is your game and you could try verifying game cache or simply re-downloading the game.
Stand as close as you can and open your inventory "Default TAB". Item should show up on the left usually.
To be sure this is a bug we need some info really.. Has this happened more often or was it a one time thing? Did you reboot the game and did it work then?
DanZ, Sorry if I came over offensive to you. By all means it wasn't ment that way, also I am not a dev but just trying to help out a bit.
(Look at it this way, if I can help gather more info on issues before devs take a look at it, they have more to work with once they do and can fix the issues faster)
I took a look at your post and the reason why I asked is because as you know software can crash from time to time without apparent reason and then continue to work normal once rebooted.
The issue addressed has nothing to do with the steam servers, also this issue is allready noted and assigned
Issue ID: 0000064 Confirmation of Changes - Connecting Failed
Double issue report, this one can be closed/removed devs.
Possible fix, read POSSIBLE!
For the "Confirmation of Changes " -- "Connection closed" message.
My exact steps for the fix.
- Try some servers to force the error a few times (2-3 times).
- Go back to main menu.
- Click "Change Server".
- Try some more servers.
- Still not working? Repeat and usually after having to press "Change Server" twice or so I can get into servers.
Remember though that this might have to be repeated after every game launch. Also this might not be a fix for you, just thought i'd share it since this seems to work for me at least.
This is the only thing that works for me and eventually I can join servers again.
I have no clue about the origins of this so don't ask. Please do post your experience with this and if it worked for you or not.
the steam authentication servers have been fixed
can we stop creating double posts about this plz.
this is a steam sides problem and they are working to resolve the issue.
So what exactly is the problem here? Just the message popping up?
Does it affect the game in any way?
Your problems sirs are all the same.
As the error stated you ran out of memory and so your operating system was forced to shut down the game client as it was not able to run the game.
For Dayz you need atleast 2GB ram AVAILABLE. Not in your system alone. I'm guessing you guys have 4gb of RAM on a 32-bit version of windows. (first of all, plz go buy a new pc;)) and second of all, this post is a good explanation of what happened.
Look at the post of JasonPWalker and ElijahChondo43. There lies your explanation and maybe even your fix.
Also shows a possible fix. Try this and if that doesn't work buy more RAM:)
that music, delete the music, hurts my ears,
have.. to.. press.. vol............
Sorry, I have must have misread then.
Just to make it a bit clearer for the devs. They are only human and I can understand that if I might not get it, they might not get it either (not saying they are dumb or anything OR that I am smart but still)
You stand near a door and scroll mouse wheel.
You get 2 options (2 because in your report you say "another") correct me if I'm wrong though.
Open/Close door
Turn on Flashlight
Selecting one of these with "Middle Mouse Button" or "F" does nothing for you?
- Remapping the key does not work.
- OP is beautifull
Click the middle mouse button. press on it to select the default action.
The scroll wheel is also a button.
temporary FIX:
- Unbind the key to sprint/jog.
- Bind it to something else.
- Unbind it again
- Bind to default key again.
Voilla! You can now sprint again. So basicly rebind it and put it back to default binding after.
As time progresses and more community public hive servers come online there will be servers with different day/night settings. Set up so that when we come home from work it's still daytime on the server.
A good tool for this was Dayz Commander, it let us know what time the server had.
Might be good to show server time in search results when browsing servers.
I'm down for the removal tbh, it's more realistic and since you can have additions on most weapons you can also attach a flashlight. You spawn with one and you should use it.
Yes it makes you more visible, buy also, yes it is more realistic.
However I do think that gamme should not be removed untill flashlights are optimized. Now their light goes through walls and from the outside you can see someone with a flashlight who is inside. When this is fixed gamma removal has my vote.
wow, you reloaded an m4 with a cartridge? Did you make it an ink gun?
AMMA spray dis black stuff al ofah yo face brah!
I should go to bed:( sorry about this post:p
Euhm, everyone who says this is for feedback.
you are right. feedback for bugs, not suggestions on what you think should be implemented in the game. your opinion is not a bug.
Not even gonna explain the FoV scaling here.
There is a reason that there is third person.
A normal angle of view looking forward without moving (angle = how far you can see left or right without moving your head) is wider then you can set it in the game.
To get this wide of a view that a normal person would have they implemented the third person view. So this has some thought into it, and even though you can see over walls etc. it would still be more realistic then having only tunnel vision.
I do not get though, why you post this here. You can suggest things like this on the forums. You just made a bug report about something which is not a bug.
I think devs can close this tbh
Try my fix in the above link posted by Enumia.
plz close/remove this double issue.
The timer IS a good idea,
remember that it's not a log off timer but a timer which prevents server hopping all together. Log off timer is combat related and would prevent logging out in combat whilst this one would prevent joining servers.
As a legitimate player could end up wanting to join another server and be stuck with the join delay. There fore maybe it could be after 2-3 server hops.
BUT: This is more of a suggestion then a legitimate bug. Therefore I would post this on the forums instead of bug report.
I'd say devs can close this, this belongs on forums and discussion should be goign on there:)
So what you are meaning is an exploit really.
You enter combat with a player.
Lets say you are behind Tree X
He is behind Brush Y
He logs out and switches server, repositions behind you, and logs back in behind Tree X.
Is this what you mean?
And with the additional information I assume you mean that in order to fix this they should limit server changing to once per 8 minutes unless logging back the thesame server that you have been playing on?
Why is this bad, we should embrace the fun bugs. Chat dancing:)
Hadn't noticed this but I guess I know what I'll be doing tonight
Baseball bat aswell.
Hit a zed 15-20 times yesterday (heard the hit sounds), he didn't die.
Tried with attack mode (spacebar) and without.
Possible fix, read POSSIBLE!
For the "Confirmation of Changes " -- "Connection closed" message.
My exact steps for the fix.
- Try some servers to force the error a few times (2-3 times).
- Go back to main menu.
- Click "Change Server".
- Try some more servers.
- Still not working? Repeat and usually after having to press "Change Server" twice or so I can get into servers.
Remember though that this might have to be repeated after every game launch. Also this might not be a fix for you, just thought i'd share it since this seems to work for me at least.
This is the only thing that works for me and eventually I can join servers again.
I have no clue about the origins of this so don't ask. Please do post your experience with this and if it worked for you or not.
Hey guys having the same issue here
V: 0.28.113734
Probably a client side issue, if not the other players in these servers should have the same problem. Posted it on reddit to see if there are people with sollutions. Will update here if i get one.
Edit > Additional info:
More info on this, seemed to fix itself for me. Did not reboot the game or anything while even typing the above. All I did was try some more servers, eventually one let me in and I can now join all servers.
I really didn't do anything else then i said. Try some more servers.
Eventually one let me in and now I can join all of them.
The exact reason to this I have no clue about I am afraid.
Probably due to allready having a pair of pants on at the moment.
Try to stand near it and press the loadout key (Default "TAB") Then you can see it and switch it with your current pants