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Dec 23 2013, 3:04 PM (586 w, 2 d)

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May 10 2016

timmyboy04 added a comment to T91023: "Sick"-Status is not shown in the inventory screen.

Probably a duplicate issue but yes. Exact same issue.

May 10 2016, 5:52 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90932: Jack..

You tell Jack to buy BF4 and spawn on his squad until they kick him cause he's bad.

May 10 2016, 5:49 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90887: Can't climb ladders, no matter which key it is bound to..

User error climb a ladder, simply walk up to one and find the scroll option to climb and select it with the scroll wheel. Second, if stuck in walk mode without a weapon, click right mouse button once to get out of "AIM MODE". It it will sometimes make you walk slow if accidentally pressed as it doesn't differentiate whether you have a gun equipped or not.

May 10 2016, 5:48 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90770: [Accuracy] M4A1 Accuracy Is Wrong.

Physics 101. A slower moving object is more susceptible to outside forces. Many of which may affect its intended trajectory. E.G. wind, gravity, and lack of lift. Slower speed = less accurate. However, m4 is still inaccurate, so I'm not completely disagreeing with you since wind is not a factor in Dayz.

May 10 2016, 5:44 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90770: [Accuracy] M4A1 Accuracy Is Wrong.

Duplicate of

May 10 2016, 5:44 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 edited Additional Information on T90684: 3 headshots to kill with helmet on even if shot in the face..
May 10 2016, 5:41 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90674: Spawn point should be selectable!.

Suggestion forum.

May 10 2016, 5:41 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90670: Unbreakable handcuffs.

Supposedly last patch killed you if you disconnected while hand cuffed. Yet, it doesn't.

May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90641: When using magnified scope, entire screen zooms in, not just scope..

Anybody with me on this?

May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 edited Additional Information on T90641: When using magnified scope, entire screen zooms in, not just scope..
May 10 2016, 5:40 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90617: Please add an in game Blood U.I. counter..

This belongs in a forum, not a bug at all but I like the idea.

@vonknauss, read the description next time before sarcastically bashing a comment:
"Not a bug at all, but I feel a visible blood amount counter is needed for proper testing of regeneration effects. Just trying to make our jobs as testers a little simpler and more helpful too you the Dev's:)"

May 10 2016, 5:39 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90595: Backpack came off when I was in a pond trying to get a drink. It really turned into a swim. All my loot in it started floating..

That's freakin' awesome. Sorry, no disrespect but lol

May 10 2016, 5:38 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 edited Steps To Reproduce on T90564: random rolling while prone.
May 10 2016, 5:37 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90562: Climbing a ladder, sound doesn't follow the character..

This also happens with flashlights when climbing a ladder. The flashlight will nit come with you but will float in the air in the spot you got on the ladder.

May 10 2016, 5:37 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90522: Being attacked by invisible zombie, unable to defend..

Just happened to me and my friend. invisible and invincible. just kept getting hit, ran into a church while bleeding from it, unloaded 100+ rounds at the bottleneck entrance and he ran right through and just kept hitting us. It was funny and scary but we had to combat log so we wouldn't die.

May 10 2016, 5:36 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90405: Exploit - duplicate your inventory.

Confirmed works, very, very bad.

May 10 2016, 5:31 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90255: Bullets don't hit target.

Ive been arguing this point in another bug report.
I absolutely agree. Thanks for making the vid.

May 10 2016, 5:26 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90129: Stopping when changing weapons - solved? Are you kidding me..

But no duplicates are solved... this is still happens.

May 10 2016, 5:22 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T90058: Aiming through M4A1 T3N RDS sight broken when wearing mountain backpack.

Reproduce while crouched, aiming and backing up...same thing.

May 10 2016, 5:20 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89961: m4a1 is broken.

Replicate: aim at a zombie at 200m...shoot you miss miserably a large % of the time. Bullet will not hit where sight is zeroed at. Not talking about's a randomness type of effect. Like throwing a dart at a dartboard with your eyes closed. If it's a steadiness issue, it shoukd still shoot straight from your barrel. But the issue is the barrel is pointed at the target... not sure how much clearer I can be.

May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89961: m4a1 is broken.

Never changed fov. It just has bad aim. Period. The discussion is wether or not it is intended. it could possibly be that the m4 has an incorrect spread or the damage function isnt working properly on the gun, sight, or ammo condition. Its like shooting a full auto muzzle loader from 1783.

May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89961: m4a1 is broken.

What info is needed? A fully functional m4 with pristine sight is inaccurate... Either that's how they intended it or the stats lie. The mosin is 100% accurate at 600m with long range scope, so I doubt thats how its intended. M4 should be at least on target at 300m.

May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 set Category to category:gamefreezes on T89956: nvidia shadowplay freezes game when alt-tabbed out.
May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 set Category to category:controls on T89950: Arma 2 controls option incomplete in settings - assignments.
May 10 2016, 5:16 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89829: Insta die!.

Happened to my friend in military base to the sw. Second floor of hospital just died. Body was found outside by a tree and while he was waiting for us to try a defib his body just sank in to the ground. He still was at the I am dead screen.

May 10 2016, 5:11 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89736: Dodgy Restarts?.

Wish you guys would follow directions and search for your issue before posing a new issue...

May 10 2016, 5:08 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89658: Combat Logging and Server Jumping Suggestion.

Private hive is what you speak of... already implemented.

May 10 2016, 5:05 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89623: The Sun.

Turn your clouds up.

May 10 2016, 5:03 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89442: Map Fragments Not Combinable.

I had east, north east and north and could not combine them either.

May 10 2016, 4:57 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89287: Blood regeneration.

I can confirm. 3 hours of running around with full food and water, my friend and I had grey screen. Not sick or any other messages. Recent version as of this post. We finally decided to google and gave eachother saline iv bags and immediately worked and color was restored.didnt want to try bloodbags as we didnt want to chance it if we were incompatible.

May 10 2016, 4:52 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T89153: castle Rog.

Devils is the same. No loot though at all.

May 10 2016, 4:47 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T88686: Micro stutter every few minutes.

Happens in Arma 2 as well. Have been dealing with it for years...

May 10 2016, 4:30 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.

@kurtz I thought the same thing and tested it. It seems to be just stopping for 2 seconds alone will prevent the teleporting. So, just stop every 2-3 min let off W quickly and that should prevent it. We need some more confirmation of this still though. High five.

May 10 2016, 3:45 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.

When this happens I hear zombie aggro constantly. No zombies around and seems like my old body is being attacked or something.

May 10 2016, 3:45 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T86908: Items in quickslots don't swap correctly when crouched and weapon raise activated and stops your movement..

So when you have m4 equipped, press 3 for example for ax and all it does is put you m4 away. Very annoying. Weapon switching needs fixed!!! Solved my ass...and you cant even tell them its still broken without starting new reports.

May 10 2016, 3:08 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T86666: Massive FPS drop when looking into city..

From moderator: NOTE: Lowering your graphics settings places more load on your CPU. In general it is best to select higher settings to ensure the GFX card is handling the appropriate share of work.


Guys, it does no good to keep posting that you have this issue...Up-vote it and move on. Unless you are giving them the information that they ask for to help fix it, you're just making it more difficult because they have to sort through all the BS. Just sayin. This IS the bug reporting section, not a forum.

May 10 2016, 2:12 PM · DayZ
timmyboy04 added a comment to T86566: When the axe is raised the hitbox is to the side..

Has gotten me killed a few times. Especially annoying when I cant even switch to my ax in the first &&!#$@$ place...

May 10 2016, 1:53 PM · DayZ