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- Apr 16 2014, 5:45 AM (570 w, 5 d)
Jan 24 2017
I was able to do this with the three types of Barrack buildings in the South West corner of the NWAF area. I also wanted to add that no door open/close sound effects occurred when opening/closing doors.
Jan 23 2017
Jan 15 2017
May 11 2016
Well, what is placed on the quick bar should only relate to the number of items on the character and not the amount of available slots. It's pretty evident that I have access to all of the items I wish to place on the quick bar, why not allow me to use the quick bar as I see fit? Very odd intentional change!
I realize that it wasn't specified when this would be addressed, but the Experimental Patch released today doesn't appear to cover this issue. I was still unable to drink directly from Water Pump without a container. It does go through the animation, but there is no conclusion.
Yes. I have bound Free Look to H key.
I've noticed this, too. The static sound direction used to only be with the thunder clap sounds, but now it appears to be every sound is static while moving. It really makes it impossible to turn your character around to help pin-point the location of zombie or gunshot sounds.
I really hope this is a bug that can be addressed. Accurate Sight and Sounds are extremely important to survival.
Fires need to be placed at ground level for them to be effective. If you are at ground level, make sure your fire is floating. Usually dragging it slightly in Inventory window readjusts to ground, if you're at ground level.
I've put away my Fire Axe and pulled out my Rifle *(Key Number 3) on a number of occasions, but it mostly pulls out my Binoculars (Key Number 8).
I have seen this with any mask covering the. The Gorka Helmet Visor seems to nullify the texture underneath. I have worn a white balaklava and gas-mask, both textures appear nullified from the Gorka Helmet Visor.
Trees and Bushes can be cut down in order to access items placed in their branches.
Still occurring today, September 1, 2014 on Exp .49 server. Green Mountain.
I added my own screen-shot of this bug on Experimental .48 server. I've seen this with ammo magazines that were all emptied. I've had this happen to me with 9mm Ammo Boxes. I kept taking ammo box until I had no more room my inventory, trying to see if there was an actual limit. I never reached the last box.
This happens to all items. I once saw a car overflowing with Large Gas Canisters. It was obviously something glitchy with persistence.
I've witnessed this happen over and over with hundreds of other viewers on Twitch Live Streams of DayZ Standalone where this is happening to the streamer. Pretty crazy!
May 10 2016
Sounds like a case of you being a victim of a hacker. This is one of the most popular hack attacks on DayZ Standalone players at the moment. Signs of this hack are usually losing all of your gear. If you were holding a weapon, your character appears to holster weapon and then you also lose your weapon.
I recommend disconnecting immediately.
Most of the DayZ US servers are in a persistent reboot state, as of today, July 26th. I think many players, including myself, are experiencing the very same issue.
I have also noticed this and have wasted many hours slowly dying of hunger. Servers were completely empty of loot. Not sure where the "testing" on experimental comes in to play when there's nothing to loot.
.47 Experimental is freezing randomly a lot for me, as well. Quite annoying.
rgobeli1, I don't think you even looked at your own link.
"Weekly Server Maintenance (Updated February 4, 2014)"
Yeah, really up-to-date. Also, I'm pretty sure OP was looking for an Official DayZ Standalone Experimental Change Log.
Confirmed. This is a bug in both stable and experimental when you hide a player corpse on secondary or higher level floors.
This is by far the most annoying part of testing experimental: The Rubberbanding/Teleporting back to some location. It's like your character is tethered to some part of a building. I usually experience this issue frequently when leaving buildings through normal doorways. It appears to have a circular tethering perimeter of 10-15 meters. Some instances you can appear to fall from a second story teleport. Luckily, without leg damage.
My apologies, I click on your name and I don't see any way to PM you.
I do carry four Small Protector Cases, one First Aid Kit, and one 300 Round Box on my Hardcore Mode Character. But I have basically the same load-out on my Normal Mode Character with the exception that I have an additional Small Protector Case, at five Small Protector Cases total and have no issues in Normal Mode.
Started experiencing this very issue today. I usually logout on a second floor. When I started getting this very issue, I started logging out on ground level. However, I would still get this pain red screen upon spawning like I have fallen, even on ground level.
Still occurring in .48 Stable. This usually happens to me on Fire Station stairs, but about 20 minutes ago on an extremely low pop server, Aloha is for Tourists. With 8 players and no lag, I died going up to the third floor of the Generic Office building in Electro, across from the Police Station.
"My leg is broken."
Then, "You are dead."