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DayZSA Hardcore Character Crashes on Load
Closed, ResolvedPublic


DayZSA Hardcore Mode Character takes over 5-8 times longer to load-in once I'm on my character than it takes my more fully equipped Normal Mode Character. Sometimes, my session crashes and I'm disconnected. Sadly, on some occasions I notice that I may have actually crashed the server I'm joining.

To compare, my Normal Mode Character loads-in consistently quick in the current Stable Branch. My Normal Mode Character has a lot more inventory items, but they generally have the same equipment load-out.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Once I'm disconnected on one server, I just join another Hardcore Mode Server, less than 10 players

I always pull up the Player List to view the zero data waiting for the yellow chain icon to appear, which is usually the sign that I'm able to start accessing my weapon.

I switch back and forth between Normal Mode and Hardcore Mode. It's very noticeable once I attempt to connect back to Hardcore Mode.

Event Timeline

shinjuru edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 9 2014, 7:12 AM
shinjuru set Category to Game Crash.
shinjuru set Reproducibility to Always.
shinjuru set Severity to None.
shinjuru set Resolution to Suspended.
shinjuru set Legacy ID to 1334683667.May 8 2016, 6:09 PM


Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you can send me a pm with your Steam ID url, I'll try to help you sort this out. Example: ""

Do you by any chance have a lot of containers in your inventory?


My apologies, I click on your name and I don't see any way to PM you.

I do carry four Small Protector Cases, one First Aid Kit, and one 300 Round Box on my Hardcore Mode Character. But I have basically the same load-out on my Normal Mode Character with the exception that I have an additional Small Protector Case, at five Small Protector Cases total and have no issues in Normal Mode.

No problem at all.

In order to send a private message, you can click the "Make Private" button to the left of your message after you click the button labeled "Add Note".


Hello again,

Closing issue due to inactivity. However, in case the problem persists, please feel free to open up a new issue in the Feedback Tracker.

