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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 12:22 PM (624 w, 1 d)
Oct 27 2024
Mar 22 2023
Yes. Exclude condition for mines probably intentional. But there is no other way to set position. So no way to script minefields.
createVehicle is not precise
Mar 21 2023
Nov 5 2022
May 23 2022
You can lock not active layers.
You can lock them.
May 22 2022
May 21 2022
May 18 2022
Mar 3 2022
Currently you can add eventhandlers that will check if turret have countermeasure weapon and reapply effectiveCommander to player when he change seat or get in, but this does not help when vehicle have more than one turret with countermeasure weapon.
For example RHS AFRF tanks have thermal smoke gen from driver seat and smoke shells from commander. You can not have two effectiveCommanders at the same time.
Jan 11 2022
Would be quite logical to replace MP preview button/menu action to hint dialog that will say that diag.exe does not have MP.
Dec 28 2021
The first link being all low graphic settings
Even with pixelated video trunk of the tree became visible at 0:11
at 0:12 branches became visible.
at 0:13 it is fully rendered.
Oct 3 2021
Sep 12 2021
If set last value in envelope[]={}; config entry less or equal to 1 it will not climb. But there is still "bump" at 125% maxSpeed. It will descend but rate will be less than at 120% maxSpeed. Also speed display will not turn red.
Aug 20 2021
Aug 11 2021
Oh. There is addMagazineAmmoCargo.
My bad.
Jul 26 2021
Jul 24 2021
Feb 28 2021
If you can just don't use this option(as well as window, skipIntro, nosplash) why you are so mad about it?
Jan 23 2021
player createDiaryRecord ["diary", [format ["My Squad (%1)", groupID group player], "<img image='\A3\weapons_f\data\ui\m_30stanag_caseless_CA.paa' height=24/>x6</br>"]];
Jan 15 2021
Dec 25 2020
Dec 2 2020
Oct 18 2020
Mar 28 2019
Apr 18 2018
@Wulf this is false alarm.
"A3_Data_F_Tank_Loadorder" at requiredAddons fix my addon.
Before 1.82 "a3_ui_f" were enough.
Apr 17 2018
Apr 13 2018 - detonate - hit ground. Top-down not actually top on 460m
I tried on Malden north-east airstrip
Targets were Varsuk, Angara and Gryphon jet.
Distance ~440m
Flat airstrip
Apr 12 2018
Mar 21 2018
May 9 2016
Hahahaha down vote. Crying little streamer. This is so adorable.
Just set delay on your stream.
and I'm strongly against because of my personal opinion, nothing more. Disabling grass in MP is an option for some people, like me, and not for some, like you. It's matter of taste.
"Disable grass" option already available.
"Grass equal view distance" option not available and you still strongly against. Nice logic.
Most of us can't get more than 35Fps and you want to maximize the grass draw distance?
I have 40-50 FPS on Ultra and this is only alpha. 6000 view distance(for infantry 3500 more then enough)
I think I can get 30-35 fps on my 2 year laptop on medium or low settings even with grass
or maybe a simple ground re-colourization imitating the grass color, where players can actually use camouflage technique efficiently.
Color is nothing in camouflage thing. Flat surface is flat with any color.
If you have actually played the game, you should know that the grass is rendered only up to about 100 m distance, so your claim "you can observe enemy from miles miles miles away" is absurd.
Did you read this report? Read it again. This report asking about maximization range, not about disabling. I know that now it is rendered only up to 100m. But this is fail thing and we are asking about fix.
Disabling grass in MP not an option AT ALL!(only for noobs it can be useful) This is far from realism, flat ground is awful and now in ARMA2 I can hide in forest anyhow.
Disable grass in MP (servers force the visuals in MP).
LOL What is the point if you can observe enemy from miles miles miles away?
Where is realism? Where is tactics?
I think, for game balance and immersion, grass should always be rendered, no matter the distance.
Will you play with 2 fps?
CoD/DayZ kids even here. Facepalm.
CoD doesn't render 20km x 20km maps.
I'ms till against total ace features, and I'll keep saying it, it is too much
I'm still want to say. Go and play total mil sim, CoD!
Noobs must play in noob mode on servers for noobs with crosshair, map markers, gps etc.
and I don't like the idea of weapons jamming up, heck, my real life soldier freinds don't like that idea
In real life weapons stop jamming when you don't want that? No? So why it shouldn't jam?
people would just cheat by using team speak
LOOOOOL Can you explain that?
Teamplay is a cheat? 0_o
Shacktac, UO, WOG, Tushino and others communities are cheaters cuz they are using radio through TeamSpeak?
Why would this features only be available in expert mode?
Noob players and DayZ kids want play with laser guns.(point and kill)
I think this would be best implemented by a mod team.
Community doesn't have fulltime paid job for that.
Money is a stimulus to make code better.
It dosin't work in the edtior, that would require a entire revamp of the editor system for items that can only work in one game mode, I don't know about you, but that's at least a years worth of work in my eyes.
Add 1 item to the Item crate not so hard. And why you always talking about editor?
They can make trigger.
if mode not equal elite, then dont spawn elite stuff.
you CAN NOT have complicated medicine in just one game mode
I know games with arcade and simulator modes all-in-one!!!
why do we need blacking out, in arma2 is your inquired enough you fall to the ground, unable to do anything, that's basically the same exact thing.
What are you talking about if you didn't play ACE at all?
With ACE, one hit and you need morphine, if you don't have one, you will be unconscious. In vanilla ARMA you can "rembo" till the end of mission.
Hit in legs - can't walk
Hit in arms - hard to aim, can't heal yourself
I HATE ace, evne if I like some of the options, other things are just too complicated...
facepalm again.
Just use normal mode or other one for noobs. That's why I want this features ONLY IN ONE MODE, for people, which can read. Which can read help topics and key list. Which want and can play hardcore. I know a few games that combine the arcade and simulator. This is possible and I want this for ARMA.
I couldn't even figure out how to heal myself.
If you don't know how airplane works, that doesn't mean, that people shouldn't fly on them.
I would not like loss of consciousness and lots of medicine for release, I'm sorry, that's just WAY to complex for me at least to enjoy.
If this mode will be done, just don't play it. Normal mode is normal. HUD, crosshair, noob AI, etc. (Also, there is some more intermediate levels of complexity)
Then, from a QA employees point of view, don't clutter the bug tracker with feature requests when the game isn't going to be "released" for at least another 8-9 months.
LOL Do you really think that this features can be done in 2 days before release?
Ok. Where is feature requests thread? Roadmap is clean.
...but use ace if you have to have...
There is no ACE for ArmA3 and it will not be released right after game release.
ACE mode was made by community in their spare time, which means speed and quality of coding is pretty bad. People work better if it is the main job and they paid for it.
ArmA without ACE is just regular shooter.
...this is a VERY limited set of functionality and features as this is the first Alpha build...
I'm not asking it for now. I'm asking it for release.
ACE Features list:
Sorry. My fault. There is bullet drop. But everything else?
This is only alpha as of yet and it have only been out for 2 days.
That's why I placed tag: "Feature Request"
I'm sure this will be incorporated later on.
That was not in ArmA 2 OA/CO and was not mentioned at E3 year ago. So we need to pray.
Now I am pessimistic. But the hope is still there.
It's already there.
No wind
No wounds, only 2 states (wounded/not wounded)
No loss of consciousness
No medecine (epinephrine, morphine, bandage)
No stamina and weight influence("Run, Forrest, Run!")
No bipods
No ACE weapons/ammo (arty, guns carried in parts, laser guided missiles, etc.)
Now "expert mode" mean only hardcore AI and some settings like no HUD, no crosshair.
Russian Community needs 200+ players on servers! :D
LOL Every one on this planet will turn off post-processing for crisp image and fast enemy recognition.
So this feature just waste of time.
It would be great, if it will work in all text boxes. Not only in editor.
Yes. Mouse sensitivity should be equal in deadzone and out of it.
How to report idiots here?
The new adjustable stance system is there to solve the "shooting from a window" problem and similar problems too.
Go and play CoD, kid.
What if window or bush is placed too high for low stance? In A2 ACE this feature works perfectly. But I want it in game.