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- Mar 8 2013, 8:53 AM (625 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Yeap, same here. No matter to what key I bind it. It happens on exp built.
I thought it's just me, because I use -winxp, shadowplay always on and my CPU and GPU are overclocked.
I think it's not a bug. And I like it as it is for now. Maybe if they would add +4000 zombies then it would became an issue.
This is not just you. It's the retarded smoothing and acceleration they implemented in the game which is broken. There are multiple reports for this and rocket commented on reddit that it will take time to fix it as it effects another aspect of game play ... such as with different rifle butt your movement behaves differently. Lots of players are for removing that negative acceleration completely and make it only raw input 1:1 just like it is in Arma2.
It's a bug and in no way meant to be racist. You can even see this bug in one of the pre-alpha steam from rocket.
I like it in Arma3 but I wouldn't like it in Dayz.
Exactly. In previous patch notes they said it was fixed but it was not.
It's not just you. But I believe it's server related, because on some servers I don't have that.
same here since last patch
@0007804 ... you can still edit your FOV in .cfg file, the same way you can do for Arma2. And I don't think removing that option from menu will fix the issue.
Yeah, had same issue. I dc'ed and connected back in few minutes and it was pitch black.
Oh no .. plz no.
It is not fixed. You can vote yourself for admin and then you can restart server. Last time I played server was restarted like 3 times in 10-15 min interval. I think some one was using this bug to get loot as loot spawn after server restart. This is pretty serious bug and you stated that this is fixed in upcoming patch. But still even after the patch issue still exists.
Agree , running i5 @ 4.9 Ghz with titan and GPU usage is so low in cities ... around 35%. I hope it will get optimized down the road.
yes I agree
@n69ky .. damn man that's case for Mulder and Scully!
yeap it drives me crazy ... im scared
@ Accolyte ... any ETA maybe or how is it coming along? .... You know this is THE reason why I stopped playing Dayz and I would like to come back. THX.
Holy shit ... we just might get this fixed.
I just found out add adding this in to your dayz profile where you name is will disable it:
I don't understand how this could pass pre-alpha tests. No one reported it? Or testers did and you were hoping that we will not notice it? I don't understand. I know you have vacation now, but after that I hope this will be on your top list to fix this. It's so frustrating. Thank you.
+1 for Raw 1:1 input.
Exactly, I'm for this one as well.
Exactly, I'm for this one as well.
I have tried like 10 servers and no players ..... and now I have tried one and I could see players .... don't know what's going on. Maybe servers needs to be updated as well?
I think it runs better with dev build. But cant test it on high player count server because they dont use dev build.
yeah same here
May 9 2016
Well still have it. I got that crash even i removed nvidia psyx drivers.
its 7 days since i opened this issue and still no one assigned? is not just me whos having this issue and the issue still persist
I have removed (again) physx drivers again and install them again and it seems it fixed the issue. Gotta test it more.
Maybe a hint for you:
Didnt test it yet.
well it didnt fix the issue. I'm still getting crashes even with dev build
Try to install FluidMark and test your Physx.
I have removed (again) physx drivers again and install them again and it seems it fixed the issue. Gotta test it more.
yeah its fast and looks stupid
This is retarded. I have i5 @ 4.7 Ghz with Titan and get same performance as low end PC. I thought this will be fixed in beta, but its not! I'm wondering what are they gonna say in performance dev block.
same here
I5 2500 K @ 4.5 Ghz
GPU usage 20 - 30 %
CPU usage 40 - 50 % (only one core)
Same in single player or multi player
I like how is it. Just download stance indicator and you will be fine in 1st person view.