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- User Since
- Jan 25 2023, 7:42 PM (110 w, 4 d)
Mar 8 2023
It very much depends on whether you are standing, walking, running etc. how much food and water your body is burning.
Mar 3 2023
„there were no changes done to the vehicles between 1.19 version and 1.20 version“
Feb 25 2023
I also have this problem with my „base“ (large tent with around 40 wooden crates full of stuff).
Every time I drive back to the tent there is a big lag, like in the video. Car is suddenly lagging somewhere before or behind.
Feb 24 2023
Oh yeah, I‘m sure every player is now sitting in the woods and listening to the bird sounds 🙄
It is the same problem in this ticket:
Feb 22 2023
that is unhygienic
your arms are not 2m long ;-)
+1 from me
Feb 21 2023
Feb 20 2023
Sounds plausible… As you know the community is testing everything, I wait for fix this week. Hope this time they will test it ;-)
Feb 19 2023
Do you expect your problems to be solved within 2 weeks? The (it feels like) 2 developers already have their hands full with integrating pointless things like masks (bug-free) into the game :-D
Feb 18 2023
Resolved for the 1.21 update ->
Feb 17 2023
Sometimes I really asking myself if someone of the devs is testing anything they did or if it‘s like „I changed something -> case closed -> let the community test it“.
That are bugs I need only 2 minutes of playing to see it…
- can confirm, since 1.20 the M1025 drives like he has not enough power and if there is a long road up a hill the speed goes rapidly down to 0 and stuck
Feb 16 2023
would be cool if changes like that would be in changelogs ;-)
pretty sure the same reason
- can confirm, there are more tickets open "M1025" not moving bla bla -> bug since 1.20
- car is not moving anymore (like it has 1 PS engine)
- when since happen, the car is also not gearing everytime from D back to N, R (after pressing Q more often and faster it's gearing)
- can confirm: ANY vehicle since 1.20 is doing full break -> normal brake not possible, weels blocking (including symbol)
- saw it yesterday in a stream: Zombie with backpack -> stealth kill with knife -> backpack ruined
Feb 15 2023
+1 from me
Feb 14 2023
Feb 13 2023
Feb 12 2023
Feb 10 2023
or just saving the sequence of the clothing (e.g. my backpack is placed as first item)
what i have placed on top fill first, than seconds…
Feb 9 2023
Feb 8 2023
Feb 7 2023
would be OK if you could define where to place the items (e.g. put items first in my new backpack, but it seems backpack is always the last one filled)
wolfs don‘t attack infected -> unlogical
- same with rice (label says 1kg) in inventory it‘s under 500g
Feb 6 2023
hope all the Automatic-Bugs happen in all the different combinations of gear, start/stop, at hills/plain road parking get fixed soon
Feb 5 2023
„Vials are not spawning in Chernarus on public servers.“
Feb 4 2023
Feb 3 2023
Feb 2 2023
good road to test:
can be reproduced (takes long time until water status is showing, but of course not nice)
Feb 1 2023
It is OK that some weapons do not have a supressor as it is now. Would make the game more boring.
Jan 31 2023
never found a single one in (many) hours gameplay…
(but also never searched when gas is still active)
Jan 28 2023
should be solved ->
Jan 25 2023
Kind of confusing if you don‘t know, because if you chop a tree you can also here a (nice) sound…