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- User Since
- Feb 18 2014, 6:07 PM (579 w, 4 d)
Jan 10 2025
Aug 17 2024
Update: this happened yet again even though I thought the restart fixed it, instead the squad leader does the same thing but in the middle of town after clearing it, deciding that the squad needs to get some more exercise in and has them running up and down a short stretch of the main road.
Jul 15 2024
This is still not working properly, 4 years later, would be great to see this fixed as it's affecting mission making as it currently stands and causing frustration and need of use for workarounds in places where there really shouldn't need to be ones.
When will this be pushed from dev to stable? It has been a while....
Jun 26 2024
As of (Steam), it seems that forced move no longer causes AI to sit idle in their vehicles in front of gates but rather push through and ignore gates and try to drive around them. Whether this is now the intended result or just a different bug outcome I'm not really sure.
Also it seems that Levie base's gates are causing problems for AI once again, trying with multiple vehicles(UAZ, Ural, Humvee) together with the UAZ having a full squad in it but the other two vehicles with just a driver:
Note that the vehicle on the road ends up driving right over to where the other squad ends up, all three vehicles having been given a move waypoint to the inside of Levie base, but with both the UAZ and the Truck being given forced move orders(as I was testing forced move functionality with gates) and the humvee being given a regular move order.
Some notes about this in regards to the new stable (Steam) version;
Jun 20 2024
This appears to have been solved of (Steam), AI has successfully been educated on being more kind to their vehicle passengers.
Still occurring as of version (Steam)
Re-checking this on update (Steam), it seems that these are still an issue, though in regard to Regina's Sawmill Entrance (025072) the road-rage specifically happens with large vehicles(M923A1 specifically), though the rest happen with all vehicles.
Jun 16 2024
Having this issue still in 2024, the player has the collateral damage objective cancelled despite not even being remotely responsible for it failing, as the enemy AI just decides to run over some civilian and the game counts that as the player's fault.
Also would be great to have the revive healing loophole fixed where people go down in order to get fully healed by the end of the revive, instead only full healing if they're healed for the same conditions as a normal heal would reach you to 100%(being healed by a person with medic trait + medikit)
This was not done by design, it is presumed to be done by design by the BI Wiki Editor, don't misconstrue.
It either way does not make much sense to change this value only when revive is enabled, as it would largely cause the Medkit(and the medic trait) to lose about half its effectiveness on the field which is being able to full-heal units.
Jun 6 2024
Still occurring as of version (Steam)
Collateral damage surrounding Levi's Military gate has been solved as of update (Steam), and works really well now, but I've found some other problematic spots that the AI struggles with in the following locations(tested with various vehicles and various AI units both alone and with a buddy in cargo):
Still a problem as of Experimental (Steam)
Jun 4 2024
Would it be possible to get the custom faces and custom sounds separated in a QoL change, similar to the change done to VoN and Direct Chat, in order to enable the use of custom faces again, or would this prove too cumbersome and unnecessary as it is?
I removed the example as it was based on a lot of miscommunication between the parties involved and ended up revolving around a matter concerning server hosting and not being able to set it up without a PC, which is its own matter.
Jun 1 2024
The AI is still causing unnecessary collateral damage onto gates as of version (Steam).
This has been fixed, how do I mark it as such?
This issue is still occurring as of version (Steam).
May 23 2024
May 16 2024
Update: This seems to extend beyond just the Mi-8 and also some issues with turrets spawned with roadblocks, and the huey's guns too. The AI gets stuck on it just as players do.
Jun 23 2023
Feb 1 2022
Jan 1 2022
Nov 20 2021
May 7 2021
Apr 16 2021
Edited the main post to add a mention for the current inability for direct chat to be used when RCing a unit, as this was possible a couple years ago but broke due to unknown reasons. Unsure if this is a scenario or general zeus problem.
Aug 14 2020
Apr 4 2020
As of April 4, 2020 issue still persists, seems to happen with modded VTOLs aswell, not just the blackfish.
first time encountered the issue today, but I was also in a group of 3-4 other players.
May 10 2016
Denis, Vermin already has a flashlight by default, you don't need to put ANOTHER one on it.