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AI gets road rage upon having to deal with specific gates
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: Experimental (Steam)
Modded?: No

Issue Description:

AI will, with certain gates or with gates in a row, decide to just give up with the torture and orders we give them and crash through the gates rather than stop or interact with them. This seems to happen with specific gates like the gates at the Lavie Military Site on Everon, specifically the northern ones(043075).


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start a singleplayer session on Game Master - Everon.
  1. Unpause Game
  1. Go to Military Site Lavie, and spawn any unit with any vehicle(tested this with the Ambulance specifically and with an FIA soldier)
  1. Give the unit a waypoint that requires them to pass through the northern gates on the Lavie base
  1. Observe as the unit disregards the laws of war in which collateral damage must be minimized and crashes through both series of gates, even if they only had to pass through just one of them to reach their waypoint.
Additional Information

Whatever is their long term beef with the gates or with us players, it needs to be put to rest.
The AI should just accept the situation and learn to drive with a cooler head!

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, May 23, 3:30 PM

The AI is still causing unnecessary collateral damage onto gates as of version (Steam).

Collateral damage surrounding Levi's Military gate has been solved as of update (Steam), and works really well now, but I've found some other problematic spots that the AI struggles with in the following locations(tested with various vehicles and various AI units both alone and with a buddy in cargo):

Regina's Sawmill Entrance(025072)

Saint Pierre Harbor Silo Depot(016100)

Saint Pierre Harbor Power Station(015102)