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Edit Terrain Object module door locking is not working properly in multiplayer
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BIS_fnc_moduleEditTerrainObject is executed only on the server and it's not publishing the variable for locked doors which results in door lock not working for clients in multiplayer environment.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Add Edit Terrain Object module to mission, lock some doors on a building
  2. Start mission on a server
  3. Join as client
  4. Notice unlocked doors
Additional Information

Notice module executed only on server:

// BIS_fnc_moduleEditTerrainObject

	Setups given terrain object.

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
// ...

Notice missing variable publishing in this macro which is used to setup/lock doors:

// \a3\modules_f\Environment\EditTerrainObject\
#define SETUP_DOOR(building,id,state)\
building setVariable [format ["bis_disabled_door_%1", id + 1], [0,1,0] select state];\
building animateSource [format ["door_%1_sound_source", id + 1], [0,0,1] select state, true];\
building animateSource [format ["door_%1_noSound_source", id + 1], [0,0,1] select state, true];

Event Timeline

LouMontana added a project: Restricted Project.Oct 31 2020, 2:58 PM
TRAGER added a subscriber: TRAGER.Apr 2 2023, 6:43 AM

This is still not working properly, 4 years later, would be great to see this fixed as it's affecting mission making as it currently stands and causing frustration and need of use for workarounds in places where there really shouldn't need to be ones.

PoToo added a subscriber: PoToo.Jul 15 2024, 5:22 PM

Same issue here, I used the module to reduce some buildings into rubble, but when testing on a dedicated server, both rubble and the unaffected building appeared. Doors are also not affected.

TRAGER added a comment.EditedJul 15 2024, 9:00 PM

This issue was fixed in dev branch for a while, you better download it and retest module work in mp for confirmation