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First Aid Kits heal to 100% when Revive is enabled
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I've found an issue with the Revive system that can be enabled in the 3den Editor Multiplayer settings.
With Revive enabled and played in a multiplayer session, First Aid Kits fully heal to 100% instead of the intended 75%.
With Revive disabled, First Aid Kits act as normal.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Health System
Steps To Reproduce

Open 3den Editor > set Revive to Enabled in the Multiplayer settings > put down a Rifleman [or other non-medic unit] to play as > play scenario in Multiplayer > get injured, and use a First Aid Kit

Additional Information

Reproducible without any CDLCs or mods

Event Timeline

PoToo created this task.Thu, Jun 13, 6:51 PM
TRAGER added a subscriber: TRAGER.EditedFri, Jun 14, 2:24 PM

Can confirm in current dev, as script repro use steps

  1. enable revive system see steps to reproduce ↑↑
  2. start scenario as MP
  3. exec player setDamage 0.3
  4. use first aid kit or exec player addItemToVest "FirstAidKit";player action ["HealSoldierSelf", player];
  5. exec getDammage player
  6. result → 0, expected 0.25
  7. try again 1-5 steps in SP, result will 0.25
lankercool added a subscriber: lankercool.EditedSun, Jun 16, 1:57 PM

This was not done by design, it is presumed to be done by design by the BI Wiki Editor, don't misconstrue.
It either way does not make much sense to change this value only when revive is enabled, as it would largely cause the Medkit(and the medic trait) to lose about half its effectiveness on the field which is being able to full-heal units.

Also would be great to have the revive healing loophole fixed where people go down in order to get fully healed by the end of the revive, instead only full healing if they're healed for the same conditions as a normal heal would reach you to 100%(being healed by a person with medic trait + medikit)