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- Feb 7 2014, 3:39 PM (577 w, 3 d)
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Thanks for the info. I would be cool with 60 kmh that is better than the 45 we have at the moment. So room for a tweek.
Oct 8 2020
Aug 26 2020
Apr 20 2020
Apr 17 2020
Apr 28 2019
Apr 25 2019
Mar 18 2019
Mar 13 2019
Feb 24 2019
Yep I have been to cherno and found a warehouse area mainly full of generators. Or places full of one colored barrel or light and so on. It has been a problem with the dynamic spawning for a long time.
Feb 21 2019
Feb 20 2019
I see this has little priority as still no fix as I have found no tents and very very few 9v batteries :-(.
Feb 9 2019
I believe you can tweek the loot on the fly so this should be an easy fix. So please can you sort this out sooner than later. Doubling the qualities would fix this in my honest opinion.
Feb 7 2019
Feb 6 2019
Jan 27 2019
This has been a problem for some time and is starting to get very frustrating, Its like you need 1000 sq ft of flat land and then you might be able to place a tent. Just before 1.00 the placement was very good you weren't limited to flat land and trees weren't an issue once chopped down.
Had a camp wipe last night too on DayZ US 3664329. I know my camp was there as I was in the game and had been to it about 1 hr before the camp was wiped. The server was crashed 3 times by some idiot JeSTeR as there was only 3 of us on the server and the 3rd person was my friend and we both know we were not crashing the server. I had 3 car tents 1 civ tent and about 17 barrels all gone. Worked hard to get that to see it all go so easily.
Jan 24 2019
Jan 17 2019
Jan 13 2019
May 2 2018
Apr 25 2018
Well I did a search of a few other camps that I knew the location too and they have gone as well. Some of them were out of the way and unused that I had visited in the last week or 2 and interacted with the tents and they have gone. I strongly suspect that this maintenance has wiped most persistent items off Dayz IL 2-13.
Jun 23 2017
Don't worry after 2 and a half hours I have finally died of dehydration.
Steam Id:76561198062306612
Feb 24 2017
Jan 4 2017
Ok first aid kits don't disappear when thrown. But mountain, child, taloon and hunting backpacks do disappear when thrown. Not going to try, but I would recon that all BP's would disappear when thrown.
I have noticed that protective cases and dry bags do the same when thrown, they disappear. I have thrown shirts, guns and over items and they act like you would expect. It seams that (containers) are the problem. I will have to throw other back packs and the first aid kit to confirm lol.
Dec 25 2016
If it helps when I was in the mil barracks I logged out in the furthest shower cubical away from the door. Also when I was in the barracks I could see the wolfs glitching through the wall it was just there heads pocking through.
Dec 24 2016
Jul 25 2016
May 11 2016
Yes it is a problem, but have you tried chopping the tree down to get at them? I know the issue should be fixed and we should not have to remove the tree to get at items.
I hope they sort this out soon
Its the same for the off-road hatchback. Twice mine has been stuck on grass just bouncing around. Will try leaving it on a road and see what happens. So far server reset gets it unstuck.
Sorry meant restart rucksack disappear.
Just a heads up I think it has something to do with your character as I had the jittery car and it would not move my friend then jumped in the car and it moved for him then I could drive it
Defiantly think it has something to do with the character and logging out then coming back into the game. Thought it was because I had used the vehicle, but I Left the game came back in later and glitched my 4*4 I had been using. I then came back on 2 hours after that and tried a sedan that the only interaction I had had with it was fitting a tyre and spark plug and I get the glitch the same with a bus that some one had left I had only fitted things to it but glitched it when I went to drive it. It looks like a server reset takes whatever bug I had done to the car that stops me from using it (other people can drive it even though it was glitched for me which removes it and I can drive it again). I hope this helps.
Ok I get it now you lose a round when loading as it gets chambered.