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- Mar 8 2013, 5:29 PM (625 w, 3 d)
Jun 5 2020
@dedmen You can close this duplicate as well:
Oct 15 2019
Apr 29 2018
Jan 2 2018
Dec 12 2017
Mar 1 2017
May 10 2016
It's cool and all, but I don't think BI should spend any resources to implement this. Dehydration and overheating are not even features in the game. The only modifier they're related to is fatigue, but I think keeping track of the weight is enough.
This is quite annoying, and I think the only solution is to merge mods into the same folder.
Careless is careless. When I set a unit into careless mode using the debug console in a Zeus game, it does not give a f**k about anything.
I'm also experiencing very slow refreshing. It takes a while to fetch the servers, and sometimes nothing even shows up at all and I have to restart the game. It's not unusual for me to restart the game several times before the server list loads properly.
Great idea. Zeus is really in need of more shortcut keys.
This needs to happen! So many times were I in need of quick remote control access. This is a very simple feature that will make large difference.
BI = /ignore
How do I remove this duplicate issue of mine...
Well that escalated quickly.
For dedicated servers, the picture seems not to be shown at all. For local multiplayer (subscribed scenario) it shows the Workshop-image (1920x1080) and not the overviewPicture. When hosting a scenario locally (export to multiplayer) is the only time the overviewPicture is shown correctly.
Try right clicking.
Getting out turns off the engine, ejecting does not. The problem here seems to be that they haven't added the eject functionality to any air vehicle.
So.... you want a drinking animation? =P
I will agree on blind fire, but no cover system.
I don't see how this is going to make unit commanding any easier. You're saying I'm gonna have to sit on my map and put waypoints for my units on every corner? Sounds like we're trying to work around the actual problem here instead of fixing it.
Yes. This is indeed quite stupid. Me and my friend have had this issue multiple times.
I want this to happen! I would also like to see an option to save it to the cloud. It would make it a lot easier for us.
What you can do when scenarios have autosaves or you've saved manually is getting all players killed. This will enable you to "resume" the game. Aborting the mission will not work since it autosaves your progress upon exiting, leaving you at the same position with the previous save overwritten.
This issue was in Arma 2 too. Please do something about it.
May 9 2016
I always end up doing suicide to get out of the scenario without saving it.
How to disable Aero on Windows 8:
Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Performance Settings > check "Adjust for best performance"
If you're on windows 7 or lower your best bet would be the personalization window. Pick Windows basic theme or something.
I tried MadDogX's advice and disabled Windows Aero during Arma 3 gaming sessions, and I haven't gotten any crashes yet.
I recommend you all to do the same in order to confirm the problem.
It's still weird that this only happens in Arma 3. If it'd be an overheating issue, one would assume the card would crash at other games too.
To add to the question, my game crashes only at multiplayer it seems, and after a completely random time interval every time. Sometimes within an hour and sometimes after three.
I get the error "DX11 error: CreateBuffer failed: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED" upon restarting the game after crash.