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- Dec 18 2013, 4:37 PM (587 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
If you play 30 minute on a server you wont get any time penalty for switching..
Also check this other thread:
I dont have ANY of this problems. Also what i've see is zombies are way more easy to dodge.. wtf. Are we playing different games?
PD. Only problem i have is higher ping than usual.
Good news, confirmed next patch will fix this :)
You didnt thinks it very well @tomtom123, for ghosting you HAVE to change from server A to server B in order to move to a diferent position so you can before that come back to the server A and kill your enemy.
What I've said was that you should not get a penalty when you get out from server A and reconnect to server A, but you should still get a penalty (maybe even more minutes) if you change from server A to B.
This what I said is the same @tjhay wrote at the additional info in the post you have share.
"Additional Information -Put a 8 min timer every time you change servers that your player dose not mainly play on if you play consistently on one server no timer is needed"
EDIT: So answering your new post, there is also another timer: When you logout your character stays online (right now for just 30 seconds, should be more) so if you logout while in a fight you will be probably get killed. So you have to see the diference, here we are talking about the timer penalty against server hooping, which is a diferent timer than the combatlog one. By the way, people use to logout during combat in order to escape, if you log in again you will be exterminated while your game is loading, also remember all the noise your character makes when loging in and that this d*cks doing combatlogging has no idea where you are neither.
And no, is not a duplicate, cause at the other ticket they were asking for a timer penalty (there werent any at that point), and here we are asking for a fix on this timer penalty system.
PS. Sorry about all the gramatical errors i migth have, this is even hard to explain in my own language haha.
The gun will disappear after a few minutes if you dont take it from the bottom of the bag to your hands.
Also some servers appears like hardcore but are regular database
Yea but the missing place in the other 2 post about this bug is not a mistake, this is not related with any specific location. It happens inside buildings, top or lower levels, in the middle of nowhere, next to fences, inside whales, etc.
The only relation until now is that we all were connected when the server went down to reset.
Lets please organice and put all on the same post,
This is the 3° one i see.
I just reloged into a server cause it went down for reset.
When i got in my screen went red like taking damage and my legs where broken, my pant and the 6 items on it went ruined.
I was alone, in the middle of the country at night.
Server went down again, i relogged, red screen again, this time im dead.
I was on a different location trying to find morphine. Same server.
I just reloged into a server cause it went down for reset.
When i got in my screen went red like taking damage and my legs where broken, my pant and the 6 items on it went ruined.
I was alone, in the middle of the country at night.
My characthers are not "infected", before this parch i use to play the game at very high graphics and there was no problem.
Now i get at random moments this fps drops and lag issues, i see players teleporting from one place to another, my characters movements are super lagged, and the random sounds are now crazy! I hear the zombie-reloading-drinking all the time!
As I said this is on random moments, sometimes works good sometimes is sh*t.
PD: My game have never crashed yet.
I can confirm this, I was running at Dobryy, while i was going down my character was catapulted from the ground and after like 20 meters hit the floor. "You are dead"
Please vote up, is a big issue.
PD: You and your friend survived cause there was a bug preventing players to take fall damage.
No, is not a roll back is a complete restart. New spawn location.
If you make your windows icons bigger the problem will be fixed
Duplicate of
Check that one.
@Darkest Psycho : It may be, the first time this happened to me was also in one of the airports in second floor of the military building that is NOT the control tower. Second time was at the very top of a mountain but there was no chance of falling.
Also the first time my friend was right next to me and he said he saw me like going through the wall and dissapear, it migh be lag or the reason of the death.
Remember to vote up so devs are noticed of this.
Happend again today, i was jsut exploring the very NE and i die..
A friend lost all his bag in the sea but back on land after some minutes the bag suddenly came back.
Repost of 0002647
@valdark thats not the problem, for example in my case that i've explain at the top of this thread, i had a realy low blood level, my vision was all blur and couldnt see a single colour but black and withe. I ate, drank and rested, the blur went away and the colour came back but really poor. So i did start regenerating but i wont ever get full blood, I was like that for hours and the only solution was a saline bag.
Had the same problem, no sickness just lost blood, vision went blur.
I ate and drank a lot and i rested for several minutes. The blur went away but the colour still very poor and low. It was like that for 2 days, at the end i got a blood transfusion and was fixed.
Also every time i relog (that character didnt die yet) the blur is back and i have to fix it opening the option panel.
Guys vote it up so devs can see it easily
Haha this happend months ago, anyway thanks for the help.
Yea ill try to get a picture of it and go back there and see what else can i tell you about the spot.
False, it does work perfectly to me.
Confirming all those spots have not loot. Also all the building at the island havent loot.