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- User Since
- Dec 9 2015, 2:08 PM (482 w, 6 d)
Jun 3 2021
May 28 2021
Apr 25 2021
Mr @Beavis, I agree with you completely about the infected damage reduction on the head zone, and although I'd rather see it gone completely at least allowing the 2-handers to one (heavy) hit them would be a good middle ground. Here is the ticket specifically about the infected though -
Apr 20 2021
Apr 19 2021
Apr 14 2021
Apr 13 2021
Pistols, sawn-offs and small tools should use the pulled from holster animation as they are meant to be accessed fast.
Full sized weapons and tools, particularly those kept in backpacks should take longer to pull out of inventory than off of your shoulder.
Apr 10 2021
Apr 8 2021
There was nothing in the changelog about the changes so I wasn't sure.
Good ticket Mr DrDeSync, this is indeed an issue in the game.
Apr 7 2021
@Vitdom No.
@Vitdom Since you are such an expert at the game perhaps you would care to upload a video demonstrating your big infected fighting skills so we can all learn how you do it?
Apr 6 2021
Example videos added to ticket:
Punch shock too high:
Shovel can't 2-hit KO:
Apr 5 2021
Apr 4 2021
Apr 2 2021
Mar 26 2021
Mar 24 2021
Mar 22 2021
@Geez Also, a .22 to the head of a player with no headgear will KILL them but it won't KILL an infected that would have a mushier head from being infected it doesn't make sense but thank you for the reply anyway.
Mar 19 2021
Yeah but it's a soft zombie head should be easy to split their wig with a .22 headshot.
Mar 17 2021
Jan 30 2021
Jan 25 2021
Jan 22 2021
Dec 10 2020
Nov 23 2020
Thanks for the reply. It needs adjustment, carrying a 6kg shovel around to be able to dig stashes only to have it ruin after a little over 10 uses is pretty nonsensical. A knife lasts longer cutting down bushes than a shovel does digging little piles of dirt...
Nov 22 2020
Sep 14 2020
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Sep 12 2020
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Just seen that this has already been fixexd.
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Add -nocharmenu to your launch parameters and if that doesn't work follow all these steps:
Sep 10 2020
Jun 9 2020
@Geez update on this, it would seen that unconscious players have the same hitbox height as the stance they were in before they went unconscious.
Jun 5 2020
Apr 20 2020
Apr 15 2020
Thanks for the reply @Geez.
Apr 9 2020
Apr 5 2020
The issue seems to be triggered when you ctrl+click an item before the one you clicked previously has been registered as dropped by the server. This did not occur in previous patches.
Mar 24 2020
Jan 28 2020
Please add being able to aim whilst laying down to the game.
Dec 12 2019
This issue was NOT fixed by today's update.
Dec 6 2019
It seems to be a sync issue between the server and the player, this is why you can move items around between slots and containers just fine when you are holding them on your character but not when they are on the floor. The bugged guns not accepting mags or being able to unload mags has also become far more common this update, they have to sort it out at this point it's ridiculous.
So cool that you removed not only jumping, but being able to pick things up or place them in containers, pretty cool.