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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 8:17 PM (584 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
I have had this happen too. It ALWAYS happens when sprinting for some reason...
This is a known issue with ALL inventory items that have space, especially mountain backpacks. Please read other posts first or use search function.
Are you saying this happens when you play on the SAME server and reload? Or are you switching servers? Because that would explain the loot respawning. No one has taken it yet on that server. Server hopping is already known about.
Put canteen in hand. Use the scroll wheel up or down to bring up list of actions. Select "Fill Canteen". Enjoy:)
I'd like to know what your "fps drops in half" is. The human eye at max can only see 60 fps. Normal conditions 30 fps. So if it's less than 30, it's probably your rig, since the entire map is already loaded onto your cpu minus the spawns which are handled server side. Any graphical issues are going to be related to your rig. Other than spawns of course:)
Probably something they just haven't put in yet, which is why the water purification tablets don't do anything yet. Future feature more than likely.
Open a door IRL once....does it make noise? Open your garage door. Does it make a ton of noise? I thought so....
Direct is all we need, use teamspeak if you're playing with friends. Do not bring back global or side chat.
Put it in your hand then use the scroll wheel and the option to refill the canteen will pop up on the list.
Also confirmed. Never regained color after stopping blood loss, eating and drinking to full health and whenever prompted. Stayed black and white for many hours afterward. Probably around 10 hours or so for me.
So how is this a bug?? They do that IRL...
Seems to me then that they finally "fixed" thirst and hunger, before I couldn't go 10 feet without being thirsty or hungry, no matter how much I ate/drank.
I agree with the warning timer. Simple solution.
I haven't had this happen yet, but if others are saying its happening, then it needs to be fixed. Upvoted.
Simple solution, don't let use put bags inside of bags, or clothes inside of clothes. Limit one item type per person. Problem solved. I know it might not be "realistic", but for game mechanic purposes and the way the game is "intended" to be played, this would work perfectly.
Also confirmed. Happened to me with a backpack and a pair of pants.
Also confirmed.
Please remove this.
Please add a de-spawn timer to dead bodies. Even 2 minutes would be sufficient.
Well they already put a new anti-cheat system in called Battle Eye. Maybe this will stop it. Its in build 113953 if you want to check it out.
Flashlights need to be improved by 100%. Especially indoors. They are just to small to see effectively at night. They should cast a MUCH wider ray area.
This has nothing to do with in-game bugs. Please remove. Downvoted.
Basically, we just need a clearer U.I. system for food and hunger. Hell, EVERYTHING. Which I HOPE the Dev's are working on. The old system worked fine, but I'm sure they want to put their own spin on it:)
Please also make it so we don't START thirsty and hungry. Our character should be at full thirst/hunger to start. When I start playing it immediately says you are thirsty/hungry.
Confirmed. Almost always happens with my FNX.
Please fix this ASAP. It's getting really annoying having zombies run through walls at me...