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- User Since
- Jun 22 2013, 7:08 PM (611 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Defrag drive game is on?
turn off vsync?
Your CPU is lacking in speed, 3GHz is rather low.
Try putting:
shadows on standard/high (NOT low)
objects to standard/low
view distance < 1500
If playing MP, try different servers.
These are all valid issues, however...
If there isn't a 100% reproducible mission attached to a ticket there's pretty much 0% chance of it ever being investigated.
I don't feel spending development time on this would be a good use of resources, it only helps people with that particular piece of technology. All 3 of them.
A 64-bit executable isn't some magical fix-all thing. Sure, it'll help with texture loading/swapping but it's not going to magically give you more core-fps.
People will a small bit of knowledge regarding software architecture are literally the worst.
The new cloud system is vastly superior to the A2 implementation and would be a reasonable loss to go back to.
I believe the current issue with the clouds occurs when you have a non-standard FOV.
Any info on this issue, is it pre-existing in trueskys code/unfixable?
Try using something like dropbox or mediafire to host the mdmp file and link to it here.
I ran into this myself and couldn't find a way to reproduce it, nice work dude.
Fixed in 0.73.107978
I'm guessing its related to the localisation additions from todays dev branch update.
I think your on-board graphics are going to struggle with the game. sorry bud :(
Weird, if you could get a picture I think it would really help.
I believe this is expected behaviour. Its there to simulate a far away player being slightly hidden by grass.
I know with Nvidia cards you can force adaptive-vsync, it only enables it when you're > 60 fps.
I myself use a tool called Nvidia inspector to enforce a 60fps cap and turn vsync off. It causes too much input delay to be worth it for me personally.
Perhaps there's a similar tool for AMD cards?
What multiplayer map were you playing when the game crashed?
Interesting, perhaps you can disable the intel graphics from the bios?
If it's not heat related here's a few other ideas:
Lower the view distance if its above 2000. defragment your hard drive. add -nologs to your startup parameters. check to see if 'iehighutil.exe' is running, its a bitcoin mining malware package that uses your GPU. Run a full malwarebytes scan.
RE: FXAA vs SMAA. I found that SMAA would use about 4% less GPU than FXAA, every little helps in my opinion.
Really sorry nothing I suggested helped you out.
I guess you could try deleting the game from steam and reinstalling it.
Also, with it being a laptop you could try forcing a few startup parameters, maybe the game isn't detecting your i7. Try adding these:
-nosplash -skipintro -maxmem=2047 -exThreads=7 -cpuCount=4
try cpucount=4 first, then try cpucount=8.
**edit: You're 100% sure the game is using your 650 and not your onboard graphics(Intel HD Graphics 4000)? long shot but it might have defaulted to the wrong gpu.
Could be heat related. use a monitoring tool like HWMonitor to see if the CPU or GPU are going over 60. Heat can cause the laptop to throttle itself to a lower speed.
No new GPU drivers? has anything changed since you had 45fps?
Try a lower FSAA, perhaps even turn it off. It murders FPS.
Also, with the fix to SMAA(Dev-branch) its now a decent alternative to FXAA.
I found that after 30 mins of play arma 3 would run out of ram, causing it to crash. Odd that it would never use more than 1.5gb of my 6gb ram when it did.
I'm interested to see if adding the '-maxmem=2047' startup parameter prevents the crashes, perhaps it will help with your issue?
I'd try it myself but I'm not near my machine for a couple of days.
Probably better to use dropbox or something that doesn't require an account to download from.
Your crashes may be heat related, try using a tool called HWMonitor to watch the temp of your CPU and GPU. >70c is bad.
Don't forget to grab your DXDiag report file and upload that to your ticket.
I too have experienced this with 0.73.107682.
What are your pc Specs, CPU/GPU etc.
A Dxdiag file and .rpt of crash are required.
A custom mission file that shows the crash is reproducible is also very beneficial.
Perhaps it should automatically bring the GPS back up upon leaving sights mode.
You're running the 326.01 win8 test drivers, from what I've read these are known to have a number of stability issues. Might be worthwhile going down to the release prior, 320.49.
Does the same problem occur in a single player mission?
How about different servers?
can you upload your rpt file/dxdiag report too.
Have you run DXSETUP.exe yet?
try running DXSETUP.exe located at "arma3/DirectX".
The latest drivers for your graphics card are version 320.49, are you sure that's the version you're running?
and your rpt file from you appdata folder.
My mistake, I totally forgot your problem is with single player.
This could likely be related to individual servers. Client fps is tightly coupled with server fps, unfortunately.
And can you upload a .rpt file from the last time you played please (AppData\Local\Arma 3\).
I see in your rpt file arma3 is using your onboard Intel HD Graphics 4k, not your NVIDIA GeFORCE GT-630M. This could be the reason for your poor performance.
Not sure what to suggest, you need to force it to use your nvidia device. Try disabling the intel device in your bios, perhaps?
Change shadows to standard or high to force them onto the gpu. if your gpu is overloaded (use gpu-z to check) swap back to disabled or low.
Don't set the overall visibility to over 1500.
PIP should be set to low.
turn VSYNC off.
Turn FSAA off.
SSAO standard or disabled.
Add this to the launch options in steam(right click the game in your library and choose set lauch options...)
-nosplash -skipintro -world=empty -exThreads=7 -cpuCount=4
Some people with quad cores have found better performance with setting cpucount to 8.
run DXSETUP.exe from the arma3/DirectX folder. It won't revert you to an older version, itll just ensure you have the latest installed. DX9 and 11 are separate.
try the 320.49 drivers.
Try defragging the disk drive that has the game on it. windows deafrag will work fine. Piriforms defraggler is also nice.
If all else fails delete the game and download from scratch. (defrag again afterwards).
What startup parameters are you using?
What in-game graphics settings do you have?
What graphics driver are you running?
Have you tried running the directX redist?
Is the program iehighutil.exe running in task manager?
What temperature is your cpu and gpu reaching while playing? (excessive heat can lead to throttling of those components and lower performance)
Any progress?
This might be related to this ticket:
Look at the window from the ocean to the horizon, its placed in-front of the window dirt.
I removed the sounds that have been fixed in 107952.
Missing boat sounds were fixed in 107443, removed them from ticket.
Try increasing the size of your virtual memory cache(page file).
CPU temp seems fine, the GPU is a little high. You could try blasting it with some compressed air to remove any dust that's trapped in its heatsink.
I see you're running an overclocked CPU. Have you checked what temperature your CPU/GPU are running at? could be related.
Try the latest nvidia drivers, 320.49
Interestingly, your rpt files shows the following as occurring each time just before you crash:
LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_sniper_f.p3d]
Probably unrelated.
More info is needed, what graphics driver are you using?
Specifically, what graphics card are you using, a 4600 is just the 'family' of cards it belongs to.
Have you tried running DXSETUP.exe from your arma3/DirectX folder?
Don't download individual DLL files, what a terrible idea.
May 9 2016
Ghost means you should make a mission in the editor where you can 100% of the time reproduce the issue without fail, and upload it to this ticket.
I too have experienced this, I would guess its related to the I/O thread being stuck waiting for something to occur elsewhere/not having priority, resulting in a delay in accepting/processing the players input commands.
-maxmem only goes up to 2047, anything higher will revert to that value.
Its called the Placebo effect, sms.
Software optimisation is a long, arduous task. Don't be a petulant child, btwinch. You're embarrassing yourself.
The arma benchmark mission before the 02/07/2013 update gave me 43 fps, after the update I'm getting 53fps. I'm assuming this is down to the improvements made to the object draw sync code.
Nice work BI, multi-threaded code is horrendous to work with.