Two days before i had 45 fps. Now i've got 11 fps and its unplayable.
My system:
Acer Notebook V3-771g, Core i7-3630QM, Geforce GT 650M (Driver Nvidia, 21.06.2013, v., 8 GB DDR3 RAM, Windows 7 64 bit
My video-options:
Sampling - 100%
Textures - high
Objects - high
Terrain - high
Shadow - high
Particles - low
Cloud - standard
Pip - standard
HDR - standard
Dynamic lights - standard
Display mode - Fullscreen
Resolution - 1366x768 (16:9)
Aspect Ratio - 16:9 - wide
Vsync - enabled
Interface size - large
Brightness - 1.0
Gamma - 1.0
FSAA - 4x
ATOC - All trees + grass
PPAA - FXAA ultra
Aniso. Filtering - ultra
... as i said - 45 fps with these options. And i didn't install any other software on my system since many days.