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May 20 2013, 8:43 AM (615 w, 18 h)

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May 10 2016

007SirBond added a comment to T68912: Player should move slower when running up the stairs or incline..

Another unrealistic aspect of this game is players are able to run straight up steep hills at full speed. Even in Battlefield 2, you could not climb steep mountains. I think the engine needs more polish. I don't think this game was ready to be in Beta.

May 10 2016, 4:12 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T68665: Cannot Aim when Using Sideways Prone Stance.
May 10 2016, 4:03 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T67378: Player Movement Speed Needs Gradual Acceleration and Deceleration.
May 10 2016, 3:17 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T67262: [Request Setting] 1st Person Camera View Only for Hosting Games.
May 10 2016, 3:12 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67178: [Request] More Animations for AI to Behave More like Humans.


Yes there will be, if there isn't in the default game, someone will make one in the community and there will definitely be one in a mod.

May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67178: [Request] More Animations for AI to Behave More like Humans.

Ya I love how the community is really dedicated to Arma. I'm just glad that Arma 3 has good graphics. I never bought Arma 2 because I thought the graphics were terrible. I'm really looking forward to the City maps.

May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67178: [Request] More Animations for AI to Behave More like Humans.

tyl3r99 did you ever play SOCOM for the PS2?

That game had working camouflage that fooled enemies in it. It made you feel like a bad ass navy seal, when you were sneaking around the enemy, you located all your threats, devised a plan of action, then struck in one swift blow, eliminating all of them at once.

Good times.

May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T67178: [Request] More Animations for AI to Behave More like Humans.
May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67176: AI Spotting is Not Affected by Camoflague.

Ya I can't beat the game without my AI on Elite difficulty. The enemy spots me way too fast, and their reaction to firing is so fast. I can spot them pretty good as well. But if I am not in immediate cover. They light me up in a second or last, no matter what range. The enemy is always alerted no matter how much concealment you try.

May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67176: AI Spotting is Not Affected by Camoflague.

This suggestion can be improved with more animations displaying the AI's actions and thinking.

May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T67176: AI Spotting is Not Affected by Camoflague.
May 10 2016, 3:09 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67161: No consequence to being shot.

@DisasterMaster, you don't know anything and having your aim thrown off as opposed to being immobile is a entire different story.
He even states, being shot in the chest, abdomen, pelvis, head or face will knock someone down, he mentioned when he got him in the thigh, he fell on his knee.

This is proof that he was immobile for a slight period upon being hit. I believed he was able to put a solid grouping at his target because he was close by, regardless of being hit, because his weapon was still shouldered and he was still aiming. HOWEVER, I do not believe if the round came from a really far distance, he would be able to fire a accurate grouping at whoever hit him. There is no way in hell, you can fire a good grouping at a very far target, when you are in a uncomfortable stance, and being hit from a hot round.

And I have seen someone getting shot right away, they did not behave as if nothing happened. As me and him have stated, it is different for everyone.

*EDIT by Fireball: Removed caps insults.*

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67161: No consequence to being shot.


I think there is a issue between wishful reasoning and reality. Fact, is human beings are not machines, we may train to become machine, but we are only human. At least you acknowledge that when being hit, a soldier does have a slight instant where his performance is handicapped upon being hit.

The human mind is capable of amazing things when in a survival state. But, this is not the norm for every single person, why should it be the norm in a videogame just because a few individuals can ignore pain and continue?

The enemy in this game returns fire with 100 percent accuracy after being hit, this does not seem realistic. I doubt in real, when you hit someone mid to far range in the back, u would not expect them to turn around instantly and pop u in the head.

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67161: No consequence to being shot.


My intention is not to twist your words, but I want to ask you, if you took a round from a enemy which was at least 300 meters away. You would not be able to immediately put rounds right back at the original shooter. I believe there would be a few seconds at least before you could fire some rounds back.

As of right now in game, if the enemy gets shot at 300 meters, he acts as if nothing happened to him and hits you back immediately. This is not realistic at all. Even worst, when I shoot a enemy in the back, he just turns around and reacts as if I just made a noise and alerted him.

And yes, I believe simulating being knocked down from bullets, shrapnel, or debris and getting back up to continue fight would make Arma 3 very immersive and realistic.

I absolutely loved how you could go unconscious in ACE. But if the dev's don't want to add that in, I want to see bullets at least slowing targets who have been hit. To be able to continue running at full sprint after taking a hot round is ridiculous.

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67161: No consequence to being shot.


I am not talking about being completed incapacitated after being shot. I am pointing out that being shot will still affect a person regardless how much adrenaline, drugs and state of mind they are in. Of course you would realize you have been shot, but you may choose to ignore the pain temporary because you have a more important issue, survival.

The force of the round should still at least deviate your aim or judgement, as the army medic stated, wounded soldiers do not have good accuracy after being shot. And he specifically mentioned that soldiers being shot wince. That means, when being shot, you are probably stunned for a brief second or two, that causes you unable to aim or fire. In game as of right now, when a enemy soldier gets hit, his performance as a soldier is the same as if he was not hit.

And your entertaining story may not be fact. Perhaps the cop stated the events occured in this order because he shot the suspect multiple times in rage and feared punishment from the department for not firing his weapon with professionalism. And during a grapple with someone close and a weapon goes off, its near impossible to realize where the shots are landing and in what order.

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67161: No consequence to being shot.


Yes in the youtube video I used as a example, he was struck 4 times in total, however it does not change the fact that the first round that struck him still made him drop the weapon. He did try and pick his weapon back up, but there was still a time frame of his reaction to being hit that made him unable to return fire.

In response to your comment about being piecred. I am assuming the wound was not very deep. The 2cm diameter was only the surface. The deeper the penetration, the more functions are damaged, this is the main reason why knives after a certain length are not allowed to be carried in public because people getting stabbed with long blades is very difficult to recover from. Now a large caliber round from a military grade weapon is worst.

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67161: No consequence to being shot.

InstaGoat even if you had training and adrenaline, the kinetic energy from the bullet would be more than enough to do physical trauma to a person. Consider the size of a 5.56×45mm Nato round. Being shot at close range is not like getting punched by a fist. The bullet will penetrate your skin, go through your entire body, muscle, tissue, bone, nerves, etc.

No matter how much adrenaline you have, you will not behave as if nothing happened. Just go on youtube and watch some helmet cam videos of soldiers who have been struck by a bullet while in combat. All of them, upon after being hit, are unable to even put their rifles back into a firing position and fire any rounds back to the enemy.

Most people hit by such a large caliber will go into shock immediately, it is near impossible to make any good judgement when in shock. The pain is the only thing they feel. You have a open wound and are bleeding!

Notice that the soldier even drops his weapon upon being hit.

And if your lucky, you will get the exit wound I described in the above paragraph, the real mess is if the round did not completely exit. Then you have to worry about fragmenting and tumbling, in simple terms, the more a round tumbles inside of you, the more damage your body will take, and if pieces of the round fragment. The doc is gonna have to look for those tiny pieces of metal and get them out of your body to prevent infection!

Getting shot is a very nasty thing! Most people do not realize how bad it is because they have been conditioned by videogames!

May 10 2016, 3:08 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T67136: Arma 3 has No Stealth Gamplay Elements.
May 10 2016, 3:07 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T67043: Buildings without Physx too weak.

Has anyone played Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2?

The PhysX was incredible in that game.

I wish the same quality of it was in Arma 3.

May 10 2016, 3:04 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T66908: [Control Improvement Request] Inverted Mouse Settings Only for Heli's and Jets.
May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T66903: [Control Improvement Request] Freelook Enabled in Land Vehicles Overriding Heli Flying with Mouse Keybinds.

Dr Death, I have concluded you are just a troll. I am ignoring your messages from now on. Your messages seem no purpose other than to just get a rise out of others. Have a good day and good luck in your petty affairs.

May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T66903: [Control Improvement Request] Freelook Enabled in Land Vehicles Overriding Heli Flying with Mouse Keybinds.

Dr Death, you need to improve your reading comprehension. Your replies are making you look stupid. Read my last note before this one.

May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T66903: [Control Improvement Request] Freelook Enabled in Land Vehicles Overriding Heli Flying with Mouse Keybinds.

Dr Death, KardasLT already explained what I was about to, I also find it annoying to have to double tap ALT just to look around. There already is a enable free-look automatically when entering vehicles. This topic is just about correcting the feature more so me and KardasLT can fly helis using the enabled free look in vehicle option and still fly helis and jets using the mouse. Not have the mouse use for flying permanently disabled because we turned one feature on.

This is as simple as I can state it, I am done rephrasing myself over and over. Please learn to read, or stop trolling.

May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T66903: [Control Improvement Request] Freelook Enabled in Land Vehicles Overriding Heli Flying with Mouse Keybinds.

You said the term bug, I never stated it was a bug.

Please read the topic contents before replying. Your reply makes no sense.

I do not want Freelook enabled all the time when flying helis.

May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T66903: [Control Improvement Request] Freelook Enabled in Land Vehicles Overriding Heli Flying with Mouse Keybinds.

I can drive flawlessly with keys. I am not asking to remove steering with the mouse. I did not realize there was a Enable Free look in Vehicles Option.

I am changing the Topic to be of the Enable Free look in Vehicles overriding with Heli mouse control.

May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T66903: [Control Improvement Request] Freelook Enabled in Land Vehicles Overriding Heli Flying with Mouse Keybinds.
May 10 2016, 2:59 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T66864: Suggestions for keybinding with Onscreen Menu in Heads Up Display.
May 10 2016, 2:58 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T66844: Minor Changes for Improvements in Gameplay.
May 10 2016, 2:57 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond edited Steps To Reproduce on T66843: Controls are Too Uncomfortable!.
May 10 2016, 2:57 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T65509: [Feature Request] Weapon: Crossbows.

If arma 3 is based in the future, ceramic plates would most likely be issued to all soldiers in the field, they are almost issued in most military's today. The idea of a arrow piercing a ceramic plate in a level 3 military vest is hilarious.

May 10 2016, 2:02 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T64924: Dual wield handguns and SMGs.


If this gets added, May as well rename the game, Call Of Duty: Arma

May 10 2016, 1:41 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T64661: Request for quick menu to assign weapons and inventory items such as medpacks..

You can swap weapons out with your action menu. The action menu is context sensitive. It allows you to open doors, pick weapons off the ground, or ammo. Even from inside other packs, or rigs.

By default it is spacebar, mouse scroll or mouse button 3.

However I think your idea relates to mine as well, using a onscreen menu on the HUD.

May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T63875: Make sprinting realistic.

Lol I made a topic on this, but turns out, you already did, perhaps I can help the OP explain further.

In real life, when you are in a full sprint. You cannot stop immediately even if you wanted to. Your body will have to slow down its momentum, this results in you usually taking a few extra steps before you completely stop.

You also cannot get to maximum speed of a sprint immediately when you start your sprint. You have to take a few steps and gradually you build up momentum before you reach your maximum speed. [^]
Example of character running that uses momentum.

Right now as in game, the player behaves more like a machine than human being. When they choose to sprint, they go at a fast speed immediately, and when they stop, they instantly stop.

During game-play, if you find a enemy soldier standing, he can immediately get into a full sprint. It appears more like a toggle of speed than fluid acceleration.

In real life, if you are shooting at a target that is standing still, you do not expect your target to immediately fly forward into a fast speed. Even if you missed your first shot, you would have enough time to fire another one before he would be able to get into a sprint.

Bottem line,

Player Movement Speed Needs Gradual Acceleration and Deceleration

May 10 2016, 1:02 AM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T63607: Jump/Jumping command.

I don't understand why jumping is hated by realism fans. First of all, all video-games who use jump in their video-games get it wrong. In most games, you are always able to jump immediately right after you land on your feet. This is impossible in real life, when you land, you require your muscles to press off the ground again to jump. Especially when running, you would have to take a step or a few steps again along with momentum in order to commit to a second jump after doing your 1st jump. This would force a slight delay between jumps, maybe 1 or 2 seconds before you are able to jump again. And your speed would slow down every time you land a jump, even all star track runners have their speed slowed down on jumps.

Not only that, most video-games also allow you to steer yourself in a direction of your choice while jumping or in the air, this is ridiculous.

Look at this video, how ridiculous is it that a player cannot get into this tower because there is no jump or hop feature in Arma.

This is just one example, many other times, there have been obstacles that the step over feature cannot handle and my character remains stuck on something I know he could jump over.

May 10 2016, 12:47 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

007SirBond added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

ShotgunSheamuS is correct, there are 2 main problems with the game right now that cannot implement proper CQC or melee features.

Movement speed is not gradual, so players would run around each other like machines that do not require momentum to accelerate or decelerate.

The other is,

Players can interact with objects or other players and not even be in proper proximity or can even look in the other direction of where they are interacting. This should be a easy fix, simple coding to force a player into a fixed position when interacting with a object. Halo games did this really well, when climbing in and out of vehicles, your character animates properly, it results in smooth transition from being outside a vehicle, to climbing in, then being seated inside a vehicle.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

If there is melee added to this game, it should come in two forms.

Rifle Butt or Pistol Whip (Only when when directly facing the enemy)

When using the melee key, you will attack the enemy with a rifle butt, or pistol whip them only to knock them down, preventing them from firing on you. The enemy will be temporary stunned and unable to even aim their rifle or pistol at you. The enemy who has been knocked down would merge into the laying on back animation or last stand animation once regaining conscious.

This is for when you are caught during a reload. I believe the reason why players would even want melee other than a silent take-down is for this reason during those moments when you are in CQC and cannot fire on the enemy for whatever reason.
The time for when the enemy to return back to normal state should give the player enough time to change to a sidearm, or enough time to run away. The enemy should not be stunned for any longer than a few seconds. And the player should not be able to melee any prone enemies. This will prevent players from trying to constantly beat the enemy to a pulp with the melee attack.

Example of moment when melee would of been useful for both players.

The other should be the silent stealth kill. Only activated when the player is behind a enemy and presses the melee key. Kind of similar to BF3's knife animation. Or if this cannot be implemented due to engine limitations, a normal back-stab should suffice. The only time in real life when a knife would kill in one swift blow is when it hits a crucial part. This often occurs only when the enemy does not see it coming.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

In order to be able to use melee effectively in this game, there has to be gradual acceleration and deceleration. Most games do not realize that people when sprinting or moving require momentum. You do not stop immediately after sprinting, nor can you get into a maximum speed when you choose to sprint. Please take a look at my topic so we can implement realistic movement speeds in Arma 3.

In games where there is no proper acceleration and decceleration of movement speed. When melee combat occurs, players often run around each other hoping to lay a blow. The movement is too fast! A player can dodge melee attacks as if he were neo from the matrix by side stepping or stepping backwards without the laws of inertia.

May 9 2016, 10:44 PM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T60792: Recoil causes weapons (even in semi-auto) to climb vertically in an unrealistic manner.

Look at this video.

The vertical climb is inconsistent with the fire modes. On semi some weapons have a lot of kickback, but on full auto they have none. Makes no sense.

May 9 2016, 10:00 PM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

I have a GTX titan and I7 3770k, by default Arma 3 optimizes my settings on Ultra.

I have no issue running it on Ultra in singleplayer, however in multiplayer. I cannot have a stable game with good performance.

I think they need to optimize the performance with multiplayer in mind, there are more scripts and actions taking place in multiplayer games, what another player does in the game will affect your game as well.

May 9 2016, 5:19 PM · Arma 3
007SirBond added a comment to T58799: Deploying a weapon / proper use of bipods.

If it were up to me, I would want all of the features of ACE and A.C.R.E added to this game.

Everything in ACE and A.C.R.E makes this game better.

May 9 2016, 3:41 PM · Arma 3