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- User Since
- Apr 18 2013, 11:33 AM (617 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
ArmA 3's helicopters are so loud, they drown out ACRE radios too, unless you turn the radios up substantially in Teamspeak. As an example, the team I play on were standing on the tarmac a few nights ago getting ready for an op, when a helo was powering up, some 200 meters or more away. As this bird was powering up and then sitting stationary on the tarmac waiting for us, quite a few of us could NOT hear our radios, because the helo was drowning them out. Raising/lowering headset in ACRE didn't help. I had to turn ACRE up in TS to be able to hear over the helo, and keep in mind that helo was sitting a good 200 meters away.
I realize that in real life, helos are extremely loud; Chinooks and Blackhawks fly over my house all the time, sometimes so low I can see the facial expressions of the soldiers riding therein if they come over during the day. The Chinooks, especially, shake everything. But even when they're directly overhead, one can still hear and talk just fine. It's not like when F-16's fly over and you can hear nothing but the roar of the engines.
@ 007.Sirbond: Quite often, people who are shot in combat don't even realize they've been shot. Sometimes, men are shot multiple times and they simply keep on fighting. Adrenaline, drugs and the will to survive can and do mitigate the effects of trauma on the human body to an extent. This is clearly reflected in anecdotal evidence from both Afghanistan and Iraq, where insurgent fighters are often shot repeatedly before they finally drop. While the gunshot wounds received may indeed be fatal, they often aren't instantly incapacitating.
To illustrate this point: I can think of a shooting that took place in Louisiana, where a police officer shot a suspect ELEVEN times at point-blank range with a .357 magnum, including once with the muzzle pressed directly against the top of the suspect's head. This shot blew a golf ball-sized hole in the man's head. Surely a fatal wound, you would think, wouldn't you? Not quite. The suspect's response to being shot in the head was to throw the officer across the room and continue to fight. He continued to fight until he bled to death, despite being shot multiple times in the chest and head with a high-caliber, powerful round.
What do you expect a person to do, besides fall down? The trajectory from which a person was shot has no bearing on which way they fall. You can watch combat footage from WWII to verify this; men running forward on D-Day, shot by German machine guns fell which direction? Forward. This is simple physics: Bullets fired from small-arms do not have enough energy to cause the human body to move drastically. If they could, then firing the weapon would have the same effect on the shooter. IE, if being shot by a rifle caused the victim to fall backward, then firing the rifle would have the same effect on the shooter. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It's completely realistic to have to shoot someone multiple times with a 9mm handgun. I was personally involved in a RL shooting where I fired four rounds, scoring three hits (two to the torso and one to the right thigh) from less than fifteen feet away, and the perp ~ran away~ after being shot. I know SWAT officers who have had to shoot suspects in excess of 15 times with 9mm handguns to drop them. The 9mm round is ineffective at immediately stopping the threat, which is partially because the 9mm round is so ~light~ and moving so ~fast~ that it tears right through the suspect. This is why many police departments have moved away from the 9mm round and back to the 45ACP or to the 40S&W or even .357 Sig.
Rifles recoil up and to the right due to the rifling of the barrel, and this has nothing to do with whether you're right-handed or left-handed. I'm a left-handed shooter in RL, and which way do AR-15's recoil when I fire them? Up and to the right.
An interesting note about OPFOR dialogue: The OPFOR are already coded to speak Takistani. If you don't like hearing them speak English, then you can merge your ArmA2 and ArmA3 directories, and they will speak Takistani. =D
An update on this issue: I finally tracked down what was causing this crash: A custom grenade model I was using had no geometry LOD. Hence, whenever the grenade was thrown, the game would crash. Nasty thing to track down, as there's no error in the rpt file to tell why the game crashed, but what tipped me off was reading on the official BI forums about how another user's game was crashing whenever he was shot while wielding a custom weapon. His issue was tracked to the fact that his weapon had no geometry LOD. So I combed through all my models, and sure enough, the offending grenade had no geometry LOD. I resolved that issue and have had NO crashes since.
For some reason, the comma at the end of the line had been added to the download URL. works. I just tested it, sans comma. Apologies!
You should be able to download the file now, as I've placed it in a public folder. Apologies, I've never used RapidShare before. The link is, and I've tested it to ensure it can be downloaded beyond my account.
I've uploaded the .bidmp and .mdmp files in a .7z archive to RapidShare; the archive was too large to upload here at Thanks again for your help!
Downvoted. No, thank you to that. Ever fired two pistols in real life? Sure, it's possible, but you won't hit anything. What's next, asking to be able to fire a SAW in each hand, because you saw someone do it on YouTube?
Yes, there's already a stance like this. It's a rough representation of the Urban Prone shooting technique, for the record. :)
Downvoted. I don't see jumping or vaulting while wearing 60+ lbs of gear and carrying a weapon as being very realistic.
Negative, Mulle. I had my map open, which had been working fine prior, and suddenly my screen went black and I got the message "0004235: cannot connect to positioning system".
This has just begun happening to me in the latest version of the Development build.