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- User Since
- Aug 25 2014, 7:16 PM (549 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
You can attach the pistol supressor to the mp5 because it is a machine PISTOL using 9mm like Cr75 or P1 and many more pistols around the world
No need for an extra mp5 supressor atm
Same in Military Tents... very frustating to find nothing but shoes every day for day
Well, I experienced the same as you did..
However, this seems to be in a relationship with the loot respawn because there was a loot explosion.
As it worked again, it was gone but when I looted the officers barrack, there was no respawn at all and the next day the server was bugging again.
As a conclusion I would say it happens when there is a loot explosion
It is not a bug that the scopes do not fit, its normal
Just use your brain, why would they bring the AKU if its just a smaller AK ? There must be some advantages, e.g. that you can put it in your backpack but also disadvantages, e.g. no scopes
push, is this already acknowledged?
Hotfix PLEASE :)
You need glow plug and truck battery to start a truck
Seems to be fixed with 0.58 for me, no more problems in this stable
My mate will take screenshot next time
I dont really know what you mean, but there is only DayZ running, Kaspersky is mostly shut down because it has a high network activity.
No Chrome, Firefox etc. is running.
When I play DayZ the max. of download is about 0,1 MBit/s, but the upload is between 0,08 and 0,14 so its close to my maximum upload speed
Yes, I own the "Game First" software by ASUS
A good programm script can distinguish between losing connection and logging out, DayZ is already doing it as you can see when someone loses connection, then a message appears that says "XX is losing connection.
This message doesnt appear when you log out, so it can distinguish
I bet only some people would have that idea, anyway, in a pvp situation you dont think about killing your router ;)
Additionally, who has to know that there is no despawn animation when killing router?
And the most guys are playing DayZ in a group with ts, they got a few more network applications running, and those applications have to be restarted again, so, they wouldnt think about killing their router
This can happen if you go to the desktop and can be solved in the same way.
Try to go on desktop when it happens
Summ it up?
This can happen if you go to the desktop and can be solved in the same way.
Try to go on desktop when it happens
Yes, worked. Thanks :)
push, it is looking so bad :D
It is not a bug. I think it is a problem on your side. Use a splint or 2, morphine is also good, and try it again. With every hit by a zombie or a weapon you will lose accuracy.
Why two posts?
This is because someone lightend it before, in the description of the flare you can see how long it can burn. I think it was up to an hour, but as I said, just up to, it can also be empty after 30 minutes
Please ban Soren, homophobic words and inpoliteness, I dont want people like him on such a tolerant game for everybody, no matter if gay or lesbian.
Yes, everything is fine on default.
Thank you.
Not really it is just a random crash
Temperatures are, however, not higher than 50°C, and DayZ crashed as I said even with 1 % overclocking ._.
System runs normal when I overclock like it should be fine.
Other games not available at the moment, refurbished windows some days ago.
I already went back to normal settings with no problems. Its just kind of annoying
Cant you read? I looked up the right and perfect overclock settings for my graphics card, even if it is just 1 percent overclock it crashes. God
I know that every card is different, but why is only DayZ crashing?
-30 minutes playing: no problmes
-60: no problems
-90: no problems
Seems to be solved, thanks.
You ought to join the server when a minute passed, like 09:01 or 12:01, early join can be reason for wipe.
Bad luck, no chance to get your char back.
Good luck for this time :)
Bug. Known issue.
Fast solution would be nice. Tired and almost sick of desync and high ping.
Known issue I think :D
If they are ruined you fall down a little bit. This can happen on stairs or other things going up.
Btw I never noticed they are getting damaged by walking
If that does NOT help, please, only if the first way does NOT help, then:
-Close DayZ-
- Go to: "C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\DayZ\DayZ.cfg"
- Search: Resolution_W= Resolution_H=
- Know your right resolution (e.g. 1920x1080)
- Fill in: For "Resolution_W=" you fill in the first value, 1920 as I sayed E.G.! Fill in: For "Resolution_H=" you fill in the second value, 1080 E.G.!
- Save the changes.
- Start DayZ
(Gut erklärt Hase ;) )
Yea, I already played with a buddy in his house with 50 Mbit and there were no problems :)
Yeah, sometimes. Its more likely to happen when I am close to other players.
Could also be a problem on my side, just wondered because it was fine earlier.
So, I searched for another issue where the ID was necessary, I hope this ID is the correct one with which you can do something:
Huh, I can't even open my own profile with my ID...
Where do I normally find the ID? I just know it from the logfiles.."
Is this the right one?
Copied from the logfiles
Yes, its a known issue. Never log on a restarting server ^^ Has nothing to do with your position
Ou yeah, got it :D
But there is a door, isn't it?
How can I see or download the attached files? :P
What are you talking about?
I don't get where an issue is.
I unterstand: You say that its not good that animals run away if you come to close to them.
But thats normal!
If you want to test the capabalities, go to another player and test it ^^
No problem :)
Im very patient when it is about bug fixes, I know how hard it is to fix such things when some parts of the community are just raging and this sh*t ^^
You guys are doing a great job in my opinion :)
Hey there Andy,
I'm gonna take a screenshot the next time I pass on of those houses.
Should be online tomorrow.
So here they are.
I could NOT use the e key to look through, it is just possible in first person like I did.
In all pictures im am inside the house!
I hope it helps :)
Can be closed I think
This was with a weapon flashligt. Did not try it again.
Not possible with normal flashlight I think.
Maybe an individual server problem.
Did you try to do it inside a house maybe?
Im not able to try it at the moment ;)
ants :D
Nah, I think it's Infusion-Engine ;)
Thought about engine problems and non compability of the data from mod and SA?
Can be closed
Propably, i often get desync
May 10 2016
Uhm, guys, the report was created for the 0.47, about 2-3 months ago.
No need to report that you found them in the 0.49 because we arent talking about
That is normal. The snaploader has the advantage to reload the weapon by pressing "F", without the snaploader you have to go in your inventory and do it manually.
So no issue.
Yeah, at the moment there is normally a 60 seconds countdown, after that you very often get please wait (I stopped the time once and its about another minute)
Configure it in the DayZ.cfg
You can click on it! If not, play it in English.
P.S.: It's way more fun in English