@tarkules what file and setting is that? we had no problems since doing our init/config fix for setting them to the same times but now with the new 1.07 patch we have this problem back 10 fold. would like to know what setting it is.
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Feb 17 2020
I had it the other day where I did all the nail board switch trick to "interact" with is and we had to restart the server for an adjustment to the loot and when we started the server back up some of it was gone. So I am not sure if the 45 day stuff even gets reset or not but some people have big bases and it is difficult to do that to everything all the time. Should make a better system of where they don't despawn and have someone manually delete it, but then a tracking and deleting system would have to be in place... Hmmm, sorry just thinking out loud, it might take a bit more thought but there has to be a better way; like even if logging in and out at that spot (radius thing) resets the timer. IDK
Feb 14 2020
yeah I have the same issue but I am glad this is going to be a part of the default DayZ, I have had SO many issues with the DZSA launcher and it having zero support with every issue being a "DayZ problem" just tired of it. So GG to dayz devs on making one through steam.
Dec 17 2019
that is a 45 day thing, I have then de-spawning after someone drives the car or opens the gate even.
Dec 10 2019
Dec 9 2019
wind is getting old...
Dec 6 2019
Admin tool shows wind force of 18 and sometimes 19 ALL the time. Even if I try to change it in the files or the admin tool there is no effect, like that 100% of the time. Is it always windy where you are or something???
Issues are random, people have left base to come back to cars gone. cars have done this since they were added back and base building items have done this since they were added into the game and I have been asking and have heard other same the same since .63 when they where both added back in with the new engine. I am not sure way you have not been able to reproduce the issue but I have heard about it and it is a known issue within the DayZ community and in every discord I go into with people talking about it and the best fix they said is to attach nails to the fence and just remove and add every couple days to stop it from going away. I had one time were a wall was there and I did that but then had to restart the server and when I did I logged into the fence being gone. No reason it should be.....
Nov 11 2019
I am sure if I look I can find more... I did notice if I spawn a car in it doesn't seem to have an issue, seems the ones that spawn naturally on the map are the ones with the issues as well as the off-road 4x4 seems to be the one most reported as de-spawning. The fences seem to be about the same, if materials are spawned in they last longer than ones that are built naturally.
Oct 31 2019
Oct 17 2019
I had a gate despawn today and I even opened it a few times yesterday, it is like the timer is not being reset when I when I act on it. It is probably just other admins are not reporting it here since I see it in other discord channels as well. or like ticket "T138758" , "T134782", "T136786", "T106893" and "T109714" which is just to name a few I guess. Sorry I meant "Building" in the economy.xml file in the db folder, it does not have save or respawn as 1, all 0.... does that mean it is not saving it?? Base building items, barrels and tents should be saved like the vehicles, in their own file, but then again we have cars despawning randomly as well so maybe they should all be in the dynamic save.
Sep 30 2019
Had half of someones base fences gone. Can I get help on this?! It says more info needed but I have not sure what info you need or what other info I can give... nothing has been changed on the types or other files with it, I have verified files and still nothing has worked. What is “building” in globals mean? Just we get more info on server files like what was said was going to happen in the last status report. Just sick of fences being gone at log in or when I come back to base, I have tested with and without mods on 2 different drives. The odd thing is it seems to happen more to certain people and/or certain areas....
Sep 23 2019
Sep 7 2019
Sep 5 2019
It is the fences that are despawning, I have no way of changing anything with spawning since it is a crafted item. Other poeple have told me I have to put nails and planks on the fence even after it is fully built and move them around after a bit of time so that do not despawn. We have had this issue since the beginning and I reported it back in March. Not sure why the persistance is not working correctly because now I have to do a couple more tickets for some cars despawning and now tents and since 1.04 the Off road hatchback co-driver door despawns even while it is on the car. People losing that stuff is just unacceptable.
Sep 4 2019
Sep 3 2019
Aug 29 2019
I still am having this issue. Tents even de-spawn if not acted one for a week. I have been told by others that I need to keep planks and nails on the fences and switch them from time to time to stop it so others have the same issue by why?! 3,888,000 lifetime on it should be forever or do I need to put a 9,999,999 lifetime to stop this.....
Jul 8 2019
issue still persist even after full reinstall..
Jul 4 2019
I am running mods and have gotten the new keys put in the key folder. I can connect with no issues to other community server (which believe those ones must be working) I have modified the server missions folder, but I thought it was just the pbo files that it checked. I when I first got the message saying it was the bin.pbo causing it I deleted it and I even went as far as copying my client dta file and putting those in and it still has the issue.
I have deleted everything but the mission folder and verified and still has the same issue. I have even installed a whole new server in a different place with the same issues.
Jul 3 2019
Jul 2 2019
The random spawning b/c you switched servers is great for server hoppers looking for loot...... Loot up a town and don't want to run to another one, just change servers and you will teleport to a new town to loot without having to make the run.....
May 28 2019
May 16 2019
Apr 10 2019
I do not see anything in the logs to a clean up, but not really sure what I am looking for wording wise anyway. I know it was one of the first watchtowers that was put up shortly after the 1.0 release. We have had fence disappear as well, put in one section in on the same day and that whole section is just gone and the section we put in the day after was gone the next day so it has hit some type of a clean up or despawning. I get that there should be something so people don't build all other and then leave and it is now there forever, but we need something so an admin at least knows where this is and can clean up selected bases but the bases may need a unlimited lifetime..
Apr 8 2019
I will have a look through them, but I do know that they were not damaged at all.
Apr 7 2019
@Geez ^^^^^
This really needs to be fixed!! I have people losing parts of their bases now because the lifetime must be running out..... We started having it the last couple of weeks, the fences put up when DayZ went to 1.0 are going away and you can see it following the days you did it as well.
Apr 4 2019
nope, just the regular one. I had to delete and reinstall everything just to get to refuel the car.
it was still commented out in the spawnable types file so I changed that and the mag in type quanitymin and max were -1 so I changed that as well and they now spawn with random amounts and the LAR I have not found in game yet to confirm it is fixed yet but I am sure it will be. As for the server info it should be all dedicated servers since the server files on steam are not correct but people may have done what I did and just changed it, but wanted you guys to know so it could be fixed on your end as well.
Apr 3 2019
had to do a full reinstall of the server files and got it working again. Thank you for the fast response on the matter and all the twitter post asking about it..... LUL
Mar 28 2019
Looks to be fix in wednesdays patch
Mar 27 2019
Mar 26 2019
Mar 25 2019
Mar 12 2019
Feb 22 2019
why don't you let server owners have more control on stuff like this and give options if we want it in game or not......
Feb 21 2019
Latest update has fixed it for me.
Feb 14 2019
Re-logging a couple time seemed to have fixed it, but I did do that. Even deleted those files a few time to see the mumble when gagged once helped but you can not gag someone, only yourself which is pointless..
Feb 13 2019
after logging it seems to work now. but very odd as to why that is happening
Feb 7 2019
I noticed it didn't happen until after I was hit by an infected. here is the clip to it, you will have to have the volume up so my voice may be loud, lol, but before the infected it is not there and then after I get hit you can hear it. https://clips.twitch.tv/AbstemiousCrypticSowWTRuck
Beavis I had an issue with the discord app and the game overlay for DayZ (only one) that would not let my keyboard work once connected to a server. That turned out to be that I was running discord as admin and once I changed that it worked fine.
Feb 6 2019
Jan 30 2019
I now see it on the newer versions of 1.0 multiplayer as well.
Jan 14 2019
I have notice though that every other time my server restarts the performance is half. I can even tell what the server performance is going to be at time of start up by looking at how long it take to read the mission. I have it set up that once the console window pops up it waits 70 seconds to start BattlEye and if BEC starts while the mission is still loading the server has bad performance but then I restart again and if it loads the mission and is all done and BEC has not started yet the performance is great.
Jan 11 2019
I had to force a restart for getting stuck in the car again (another topic in the tracker) but after the second time I had to do that the performance went back up, now updating to 1809 so let's see.
Update the roll back made it worst. server getting 300fps with no players. before update empty was 2000+fps with players 1400+fps, after update empty 1300fps with players 700+fps and now after rollback empty was 300fps. After looking for updates it shows the 1809 update now so I am going to install that one and see what I get and hope that that fixes it.
I have done a bit of digging to be sure nothing has been adjust in windows settings and as far as I can see it looks the same but hard to tell since there are so many services. I have not yet tried a roll back quiet yet but if a setting was changed a roll back will not change much but it is not the 1809 update that is going to be coming out here soon, so not sure what that will do.
Jan 10 2019
Jan 9 2019
yeah this has been an increasing problem. can I get at least an acknowledgement on it?
Dec 28 2018
Did some file digging and found the issue, re-write some code and fixed!!!
Dec 27 2018
Fullscreen. None of the other games I have do it and they are all fullscreen as well.
Doing the recommened shutdown has helped but my server lost power and EVERYTHING was wiped so I had to do a day rollback. People were pissed at me for losing the days work since they think I can help it.....
Feedback Please....
Feedback Please.....
Feedback Please....
Fixed with last update before the holiday.
Dec 21 2018
Dec 20 2018
Yeah they said they didn't know about it in exp because no one put it in the feedback tracker. So we have to make sure we post so we don't have it in stable.
Nov 27 2018
restart, and tents are gone again! this is a big problem!!
Nov 7 2018
no worries, more or less that it is there and as long as it is known.
Nov 5 2018
I take it that there is no option to turn off or edit battlEye messages while being able to keep server messages on then.......
Oct 27 2018
I take it that there is no option to turn off or edit battlEye messages while being able to keep server messages on then.......
I take it that there is no option to turn off or edit battlEye messages while being able to keep server messages on then.......