To clarify this issue, it seems to be an issue with data returned via methods.
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Jun 18 2024
May 13 2024
In T180931#2604842, @LouMontana wrote:Hi, please see Class Template Example (for Arma Reforger though, but it would still give you a good idea)
May 4 2024
May 2 2024
In T180598#2596218, @Geez wrote:Just to specify:
This crash is caused by the dynamic lights with shadows. If one creates a light source (with shadows on) with too big of a radius, the client may crash depending on how complex the surroundings may be. We are aware of the crash, but sadly, lack solid repro at the moment.
Looking to close up some of my tickets, and figured out the cause of this specific issue.
Apr 23 2024
Apr 19 2024
In T180598#2595433, @Geez wrote:It is related to how the map uses lightning. This has to be fixed by the map dev (sumrak in this case, he is aware of this crash)
In T180598#2595429, @Geez wrote:This one works. Are you running Namalsk or Deerisle by any chance? As this is a crash that affects these two maps
In T180598#2595389, @Geez wrote:Hello mdc.
Unfortunately the crash dumps you have provided are not readable for some reason.
Dec 15 2023
Imagine any modder not wanting this, and instead actively making excuses for Bohemia's unwillingness to provide it.
Dec 12 2023
Jun 20 2023
Jun 17 2023
In T170466#2461221, @Geez wrote:Hello everyone.
The mod authors are using the config array parameter simpleHiddenSelections for the weapon slings. This parameter was not intended to be used on clothing due to P3D switching for when the item is on the ground or when it is on the persons body. The mod authors should try and find a different solution.
Of course we are looking into this internally as well.
May 31 2023
@Geez The proposed fix does not address the root cause of the issue, which is not synchronization but is in fact incorrect calling of ProcessDirectDamage outside of intended conditions.
May 15 2023
@Mortan, are you also writing the 5 variables in the correct sequence in OnStoreSave?
Apr 21 2023
@Geez Can you confirm if the latest patch notes entry for "Fixed: Crash when calling methods on inventory owner in GameInventory.Init" is related to this issue?
Feb 17 2023
Jan 19 2023
@Geez Any updates to this?
Sep 17 2022
@Geez, can you please provide some clarity as to the meaning of "scheduled for a fix"?
Jul 15 2022
This is due to desynchronization between client and server side CommandHandlers. Certain actions are blocked (or otherwise informed) by checks which are performed only on client or server, and once the two are desynchronized there's very little that can be done to fix it. There were "hard actions" like surrendering, passing out, etc which helped in the past but it seems like engine changes have prevented that from being effective anymore.
Jul 7 2022
In T166463#2336226, @Geez wrote:Thank you for the report mdc.
This is a known problem and it will be looked into.
Jun 23 2022
In T165909#2330929, @RedFalcon wrote:Yup, got that sorted so this particular issue is resolved. Now to get the keybind menu to scroll instead if cutting off excess tabs.
The <sorting> block needs to go into the <inputs> sub-block, not directly into <modded_inputs>.
modded class PlayerBase extends ManBase { protected bool m_ProxiesHiddenInCar; protected bool m_ProxiesHiddenInCarClient;
Jun 22 2022
In T150113#2330495, @Yuki wrote:Maybe better
In T150113#2330485, @Beavis wrote:Well look at that, I took MDC's script above and applied it and it works flawlessly.
modded class PlayerBase extends ManBase { protected bool m_ProxiesHiddenInCar; protected bool m_ProxiesHiddenInCarClient;
May 11 2022
Apr 26 2022
Update following further testing; it appears that exiting to main menu and rejoining the server fixes the issue, and therefore does not seem to be linked to DirectSound capture and may instead be networking related.
Apr 25 2022
Apr 24 2022
Confirming this; a noise gate should only be applied (if at all) when the voice activation feature is enabled.
Apr 2 2022
Apr 9 2021
In T157566#2176019, @Turkeylova wrote:Look's like you community admins got your way by harassing Bohemia Interactive, threatening legal action, and sh*tting on official servers.
Apr 2 2021
In T157566#2172940, @Geez wrote:Can you please let us know on which server are you experiencing the problem? And if on official, can you please provide us with some kind of video proof? As currently the data we have points towards this possibly being an issue with a mod.
Dec 5 2020
Hmmm, what exactly are you trying to do?
I can confirm that it *does* work; we implemented Push To Talk on Kinship the day 1.10 was released. You need to ensure that you're calling SetSynchDirty() on the transmitter after setting the broadcast states.
Nov 25 2020
In T155184#2132796, @Geez wrote:Hello everyone and thank you for all your feedback and the information provided.
We have indeed found several issues which could cause the problems with performance as you describe and they are being looked into internally as our top priority and we will attempt to resolve this as soon as possible.
Nov 23 2020
In T155184#2131789, @FutureSixx wrote:I’ve done a vehicle wipe 2 days after 1.10 release, had about 40 vehicles, and I saw no difference in server FPS. After combing through 1.10, learning everything it’s introduced, I feel this is just the side affect of its new features. hopefully in future updates they can optimize these new features, because this is a very negative side affect we are experiencing.
Further update:
Nov 22 2020
As reported by the OP, a significant contributor to this issue is the Food Decay / Cooling system. This is *not*, however, the only factor. Disabling it will definitely prolong the time it takes for these issues to be felt, but we've had to switch from a 6 hour restart cycle to a 3 hour one - as well as disabling the new systems - in order to maintain a playable environment.
Nov 21 2020
Can also confirm this issue.
Oct 8 2020
Unfortunately I can also confirm this bug.
Sep 18 2020
Containers themselves (pouches, medkits, etc) are only a factor when they're attached to something that inherits from ClothingBase, as the CanReceiveItemIntoCargo checks go up the hierarchy to parent objects, so if - for example - a bag has a Protector Case attached to it, the Protector Case will return false because its parent - a clothing item - returns false.
Jul 15 2020
This has become *extremely* important given the changes to CanReceiveItemIntoCargo and CanPutInCargo with 1.08.