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Noise gate / base-level voice threshold too high - blocking out low-volume mics.
Assigned, NormalPublic


The base level (lowest) voice pick-up threshold appears to have been set higher since 1.17. It now will either not pick up or chop up low-volume mics (e.g. with noise cancelling / processing etc.) The problem is the same on lowest in-game audio voice activation threshold setting and push-to-talk. Affected players need to shout into microphone, which will output only choppy sound.

Have you changed the base level voice threshold?

I have set severity to major, as those affected will not be able to use voice in game. Especially affects some players with disabilities and content creators.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

It is difficult to reproduce, as depends on hardware set-up. But check if base-level noise gate has been altered in 1.17 - and please consider changing it back or giving option to further lower threshold for voice activation and push-to-talk.

Event Timeline

Aarkyn created this task.Apr 21 2022, 6:28 PM
Aarkyn updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 21 2022, 6:34 PM
Aarkyn renamed this task from Noise gate / base-level activation threshold too high - blocking out low-volume mics. to Noise gate / base-level voice threshold too high - blocking out low-volume mics..
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Apr 22 2022, 12:28 PM

Confirming this; a noise gate should only be applied (if at all) when the voice activation feature is enabled.

I'd also suggest that this be escalated to critical due to the fact that voice communication is strongly encouraged as part of the DayZ experience.

Aarkyn added a subscriber: Geez.Jun 15 2022, 4:35 PM

@Geez I notice this has not been addressed in 1.18. Is it possible to take noise gate off push-to-talk? As @mdc says, there is no reason for it on push-to-talk, and it is disrupting communication for those affected. Is it possible to fix this?

Is there any update on this? Can it at least be identified what change was made to push-to-talk after 1.16? If it is not a noise gate, could it be network related like @mdc says here: ?