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Nov 28 2017

Kiech added a comment to T127207: Stuck inside a rock.

Please response.. need ur assistance

Nov 28 2017, 10:00 AM · DayZ
Kiech updated the task description for T127207: Stuck inside a rock.
Nov 28 2017, 9:59 AM · DayZ
MarekQX added a comment to T127215: Unusual log entries about "joining a mission".

Lol nice find :) What happened after 60 sec ? Someone get kicked or nothing happend ?

Nov 28 2017, 8:47 AM · DayZ

Nov 27 2017

gammeloni created T127215: Unusual log entries about "joining a mission".
Nov 27 2017, 11:13 PM · DayZ
Usysuk84 changed Severity from severity:none to severity:major on T127211: after the update (Dayz automatically selects the system 64bit or 32bit) is having problems with fps.
Nov 27 2017, 9:30 PM · DayZ
Usysuk84 created T127211: after the update (Dayz automatically selects the system 64bit or 32bit) is having problems with fps.
Nov 27 2017, 9:30 PM · DayZ
bingbob01 added a comment to T127199: Stuck inside of a rock (location unkown).

Thanks for answering my task, but the problem has been solved already. I starved to death.

Nov 27 2017, 4:12 PM · DayZ
moLife added a comment to T127177: DayZ Start Resolution.

Didnt seem to work, i'll write in few days after some testing on that, maybe i can find as olution to it.

Nov 27 2017, 3:48 PM · DayZ
Kiech created T127207: Stuck inside a rock.
Nov 27 2017, 2:03 PM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127192: Axe weapon switching from New to Acknowledged.

Hello moLife and thank you for the report.
This is a known issue and it is going to be addressed with the new animation system.

Nov 27 2017, 11:07 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127188: Stuck in the rocks from New to Need More Info.

Hello detchon98.
Please post the link to your Steam profile + the server IP in here and we will move the character for you.

Nov 27 2017, 10:59 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127199: Stuck inside of a rock (location unkown) from New to Need More Info.

Hello bingbob01.
Please post the link to your Steam profile + the server IP in here and we will move the character for you.

Nov 27 2017, 10:49 AM · DayZ

Nov 26 2017

thedoubledimensions added a watcher for DayZ: thedoubledimensions.
Nov 26 2017, 5:53 PM
bingbob01 created T127199: Stuck inside of a rock (location unkown).
Nov 26 2017, 4:00 PM · DayZ
moeb1us added a comment to T124990: TrackIR not currently working in 0.62.

I want to add that I experience twitches of the camera with TrackIR now as well. Maybe it was there all the time in .62, maybe something changed, maybe my awareness of it rose I don't know.

Nov 26 2017, 12:05 PM · DayZ

Nov 25 2017

moLife created T127192: Axe weapon switching.
Nov 25 2017, 10:02 PM · DayZ
Arnoi removed a watcher for DayZ: Arnoi.
Nov 25 2017, 5:56 PM
Arnoi added a watcher for DayZ: Arnoi.
Nov 25 2017, 5:56 PM

Nov 24 2017

detchon98 created T127188: Stuck in the rocks.
Nov 24 2017, 11:45 PM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T124990: TrackIR not currently working in 0.62.

Hello buuky.

Nov 24 2017, 4:29 PM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T127177: DayZ Start Resolution.

Hello moLife.
Have you and your friend tried to delete the contents of your C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ folder to see if it has any effect on the issues? Are any of you using any startup parameters when launching the game? Also, is your friends windows resolution set to the recommended value or is it it set to something else?

Nov 24 2017, 2:02 PM · DayZ

Nov 23 2017

buuky added a comment to T124990: TrackIR not currently working in 0.62.

Hello Everyone.
Are you still experiencing some issues with TrackIR in the current 0.62 version?

Nov 23 2017, 8:54 PM · DayZ
sanguine00 added a comment to T124982: 0,62 background sound way too loud.

@avix are you talking about the low-frequency rumble that begins as you approach an area with buildings?

Nov 23 2017, 5:32 PM · DayZ
moLife added a comment to T127177: DayZ Start Resolution.

Sometimes i do and sometimes i dont (it doesnt seems to matter).

Nov 23 2017, 4:47 PM · DayZ
Rule.303 added a comment to T127179: Stuck in Rocks Near Prigorodki.

Confirmed, thank you!

Nov 23 2017, 11:47 AM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T127173: Gamma slider not working.

Hello osi.
Are you doing anything specific when launching the game? (Such as clicking onto the desktop/into other applications before the game is launched.) Also, are you using multiple screen set up or are you using just one screen? And are there any applications running in the background which could be affecting DayZ?

Nov 23 2017, 11:34 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T126988: Server Performance Drop Off After Restart from Need More Info to Acknowledged.

Thank you jakon72.
We have determined a possible cause of the issue, however, implementing a hotfix would be too problematic and time consuming as the part that is the source of the issue is going to be replaced completely in the 0.63 version.

Nov 23 2017, 11:28 AM · DayZ
Geez closed T127179: Stuck in Rocks Near Prigorodki as Resolved.

Hello Rule.303.
We have moved the character for you and it should not be stuck any more. In case there are any issues with the character still, please let us know here.

Nov 23 2017, 11:02 AM · DayZ
Geez closed T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes as Resolved.
Nov 23 2017, 9:42 AM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

Yep it is fixed,. Thank u guys once again.

Nov 23 2017, 9:42 AM · DayZ
MarekQX added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

6 months fixing the problem lol :D Nice job guys :)

Nov 23 2017, 8:31 AM · DayZ
osi added a comment to T127173: Gamma slider not working.

No, not when alt tabbing. Either it occurs directly after starting the game or a little later when I switch server. Alt tabbing does not effect the gamma setting on my system. I have already deleted and updated my graphic driver (GTX 960), no effect.

Nov 23 2017, 8:24 AM · DayZ
Rule.303 created T127179: Stuck in Rocks Near Prigorodki.
Nov 23 2017, 6:37 AM · DayZ

Nov 22 2017

dEfovsky added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

Yep it is fixed,. Thank u guys once again.

Nov 22 2017, 6:59 PM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127177: DayZ Start Resolution from New to Need More Info.

Hello moLife and thank you for the report.
Do you click onto your desktop/into browser or some other window right after launching the game? Also, what are the resolutions of the screens that you and your friend uses?

Nov 22 2017, 4:27 PM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127173: Gamma slider not working from New to Need More Info.

Hello osi and thank you for the report.
Do you experience this issue mostly when alt tabbing? Or does it occur under other circumstances?

Nov 22 2017, 4:25 PM · DayZ
moLife created T127177: DayZ Start Resolution.
Nov 22 2017, 4:02 PM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127174: Bus brakes don't work and bus does not stop moving from New to Acknowledged.

Hello osi and thank you for the report.
We have confirmed the issue based on your report and the issue has been scheduled for a fix.

Nov 22 2017, 3:17 PM · DayZ
Geez closed T127150: Dayz crash at connect to first person server as Resolved.

Hello Syndr0me.
We are glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. In that case I am going to close the ticket now, but feel free to submit another one in case you run into any issues in the future.

Nov 22 2017, 1:41 PM · DayZ
Geez closed T127158: Truck stuck in ground... plz help move back ontop. as Resolved.
Nov 22 2017, 1:40 PM · DayZ
osi created T127174: Bus brakes don't work and bus does not stop moving.
Nov 22 2017, 1:15 PM · DayZ
osi created T127173: Gamma slider not working.
Nov 22 2017, 1:06 PM · DayZ
dEfovsky added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

So I tried this solution that u said and .................. I think it works!!!!!!!!!
I will test this couple more times with 1 hour sessions but I think im ready to jump back to DayZ and get ready for BETA!!

Nov 22 2017, 12:57 PM · DayZ
jakon72 added a comment to T126988: Server Performance Drop Off After Restart.

It dropped down to 1-2 FPS right after restart, as soon as the server filled back up, (60/60) performance dropped.

Nov 22 2017, 2:35 AM · DayZ

Nov 21 2017

Anonymous_573462 added a comment to T127158: Truck stuck in ground... plz help move back ontop..

It was the truck sinking underground. Doesn't look like this can be solved and we finally got another Vehicle, offroad... so alls good, thanks.

Nov 21 2017, 9:15 PM · DayZ
dEfovsky added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

Hell yea I have UPC. So I will contact my provider and ask them if they can change it and will post result here.

Nov 21 2017, 5:25 PM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

Hello dEfovsky.
Are you by any chance located in Poland and have UPC as your provider? As we have received couple of reports recently, with players having session lost issues with this provider in Poland. Calling the provider and asking them to change the internet protocol from IPv6 to IPv4 has resolved the issue for them.

Nov 21 2017, 5:09 PM · DayZ
dEfovsky added a comment to T125653: Game freeze after 5-10 minutes .

So after 5 months I decided to bump this thread. I wanted to check if anything changed for me, but sadly it did not . I tried to play some DayZ because I don't want that problem in beta but I couldn't do that due to "connection lost to host" . So after ~5 minutes of no lag, great performance gameplay im getting dcing and after ~2 minute past that point im thrown out from a server and got "connection lost" statement pop out.

Nov 21 2017, 4:31 PM · DayZ

Nov 20 2017

Syndr0me added a comment to T127150: Dayz crash at connect to first person server.

Thanks Geez! I checked and everything looks fine. Stranger bug because in the moment of crash i was running with other friend and
he had no problems. Regards...

Nov 20 2017, 5:50 PM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127049: Game crashed while out of map order, now constant crash when I log on from Need More Info to Assigned.
Nov 20 2017, 5:08 PM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T126408: Problems with full screen.

Hello nipanasovich.
Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, can you open your Nvidia Control Panel and check if you can change the color output in the Change Resolution options under the Display tab? If you are able to, please try to change the setting to different values and let us know if that had any effect on the issue.

Nov 20 2017, 4:09 PM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T127163: sks ammunition dissapears.

Hello 2manlyluc and thank you for the report.
This is an issue we are aware of and the issue is scheduled for a fix.

Nov 20 2017, 3:35 PM · DayZ
Geez merged T127163: sks ammunition dissapears into T117847: Painting a SKS Deletes Loaded Rounds.
Nov 20 2017, 3:34 PM · DayZ
Geez merged task T127163: sks ammunition dissapears into T117847: Painting a SKS Deletes Loaded Rounds.
Nov 20 2017, 3:33 PM · DayZ
2manlyluc created T127163: sks ammunition dissapears.
Nov 20 2017, 2:06 PM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T126988: Server Performance Drop Off After Restart.

Hello jakon72.
Was the server running at 1 fps right after the server restart? Or has it dropped over some amount of time (how long approximately?)?

Nov 20 2017, 12:02 PM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127150: Dayz crash at connect to first person server from New to Need More Info.

Hello Syndr0me.
We have moved the character to a different place on the map, please try and let us know if there are any issues still. Also, are you using any startup parameters in the game executable? If you do, please remove them as they are not supported and may cause such issues.

Nov 20 2017, 11:00 AM · DayZ
Geez merged T127151: Dayz crash at connect to first person server into T127150: Dayz crash at connect to first person server.
Nov 20 2017, 10:58 AM · DayZ
Geez merged task T127151: Dayz crash at connect to first person server into T127150: Dayz crash at connect to first person server.
Nov 20 2017, 10:58 AM · DayZ
Geez closed T127137: I'm stuck inside a buildnig. as Resolved.

Hello Breex.
We have moved the character for you and it should not be stuck any more. In case there are any issues with the character still, please let us know under this ticket.

Nov 20 2017, 10:53 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127158: Truck stuck in ground... plz help move back ontop. from New to Need More Info.

Hello Anonymous_573462.
Was the issue with just your vehicle being stuck or was your character under the ground inside of the vehicle? Either way, it is not possible for us to move vehicles that are present on the map, only the character. If there is an issue with one of your characters, please post the server IP here and we will move the character for you.

Nov 20 2017, 10:42 AM · DayZ
Anonymous_573462 added a comment to T127158: Truck stuck in ground... plz help move back ontop..

it disapeared - think this can't be fixed :P

Nov 20 2017, 1:15 AM · DayZ

Nov 19 2017

Anonymous_573462 created T127158: Truck stuck in ground... plz help move back ontop..
Nov 19 2017, 8:07 PM · DayZ
DanZ added a comment to T127049: Game crashed while out of map order, now constant crash when I log on.

I was having the same issue - crashed being slightly out of map, couldn't log in.

Nov 19 2017, 11:16 AM · DayZ
Syndr0me created T127151: Dayz crash at connect to first person server.
Nov 19 2017, 2:55 AM · DayZ
Syndr0me created T127150: Dayz crash at connect to first person server.
Nov 19 2017, 2:38 AM · DayZ

Nov 18 2017

jakon72 added a comment to T126988: Server Performance Drop Off After Restart.

This issue is still very apparent, just a moment ago the server was running on 1 FPS. Here's a screenshot. Are there any updates that can be shared?

Nov 18 2017, 8:01 PM · DayZ
Breex changed Severity from severity:none to severity:major on T127137: I'm stuck inside a buildnig..
Nov 18 2017, 11:43 AM · DayZ

Nov 17 2017

Breex created T127137: I'm stuck inside a buildnig..
Nov 17 2017, 2:03 PM · DayZ

Nov 16 2017

Geez added a comment to T119631: Mosin Nagant Becoming Ruined After 20-30 Rounds Fired.

Thank you Rule.303.
The damage system is being reworked for the 0.63 version and we will go through all the weapons internally to make sure those issues are no longer present.

Nov 16 2017, 1:52 PM · DayZ
d.kmiecik.sltzn added a watcher for DayZ: d.kmiecik.sltzn.
Nov 16 2017, 1:04 PM
Rule.303 added a comment to T127132: Stuck in Rocks.

Confirmed to be fixed, thank you!

Nov 16 2017, 11:47 AM · DayZ
Geez closed T127132: Stuck in Rocks as Resolved.

Hello Rule.303.
We have moved the character for you and it should not be stuck any more. In case there are any issues with the character still, please let us know under this ticket.

Nov 16 2017, 10:37 AM · DayZ
Rule.303 added a comment to T119631: Mosin Nagant Becoming Ruined After 20-30 Rounds Fired.

It's worth noting that other single chambered guns have this issue. The IZH-18 becomes ruined after about 15-20 rounds of shooting.

Nov 16 2017, 9:07 AM · DayZ
Rule.303 created T127132: Stuck in Rocks.
Nov 16 2017, 8:59 AM · DayZ

Nov 15 2017

Spaggie created T127128: Speedos.
Nov 15 2017, 8:43 PM · DayZ
Geez closed T127122: Trapped in a wall as Resolved.

Hello TheCoffee.
We have moved the character for you and it should not be stuck any more. In case there are any issues with the character still, please let us know under this ticket.

Nov 15 2017, 12:30 PM · DayZ
TheCoffee created T127122: Trapped in a wall.
Nov 15 2017, 11:23 AM · DayZ

Nov 14 2017

Raoul_Grim added a comment to T127103: Massive FPS drop. Game becomes unplayable within minutes..

Hi Geez,

Nov 14 2017, 8:31 AM · DayZ

Nov 13 2017

Geez closed T127098: Character stuck in rock as Resolved.
Nov 13 2017, 10:33 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127103: Massive FPS drop. Game becomes unplayable within minutes. from New to Need More Info.

Hello Raoul_Grim and thank you for the report.
Have you always experienced this issue or has it started to occur only recently? Have you tried to remove the contents of C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ folder to see if it has any effect on the issue? Also, if you are experiencing constant fps drops in the menu, can you try the following and let us know?

Nov 13 2017, 10:32 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127106: Player stuck in wall of a house from New to Need More Info.

Hello Redmich.
Please post the link to your Steam profile in here and we will move the character for you.

Nov 13 2017, 10:25 AM · DayZ

Nov 12 2017

Redmich created T127106: Player stuck in wall of a house.
Nov 12 2017, 1:04 PM · DayZ
Raoul_Grim changed Operating System from os:w10 to os:w10x64 on T127103: Massive FPS drop. Game becomes unplayable within minutes..
Nov 12 2017, 7:18 AM · DayZ
Raoul_Grim created T127103: Massive FPS drop. Game becomes unplayable within minutes..
Nov 12 2017, 7:13 AM · DayZ
StayGoId updated the task description for T127098: Character stuck in rock.
Nov 12 2017, 1:51 AM · DayZ

Nov 11 2017

StayGoId updated the task description for T127098: Character stuck in rock.
Nov 11 2017, 10:55 PM · DayZ
StayGoId updated the task description for T127098: Character stuck in rock.
Nov 11 2017, 7:39 AM · DayZ
StayGoId created T127098: Character stuck in rock.
Nov 11 2017, 7:39 AM · DayZ

Nov 9 2017

Geez changed the status of T127091: DayZ main menue drops fps after a few minutes from New to Need More Info.

Hello Pokaa23 and thank you for the report.
Can you try the following and let us know if it has resolved the issue?

Nov 9 2017, 4:37 PM · DayZ
Pokaa23 added a comment to T127091: DayZ main menue drops fps after a few minutes.

Nov 9 2017, 4:26 PM · DayZ
Pokaa23 added a comment to T127091: DayZ main menue drops fps after a few minutes.

I forgot to say. It is in the main menu when the fps drops.

Nov 9 2017, 4:24 PM · DayZ
Pokaa23 created T127091: DayZ main menue drops fps after a few minutes.
Nov 9 2017, 4:24 PM · DayZ
jakon72 added a comment to T126988: Server Performance Drop Off After Restart.

We have stopped doing events on the server a few months ago due to the shear amount of work and stress involved. To my knowledge, there aren't any groups of 6+ that are currently active on the server. I would guess that the maximum amount of players that might log onto the server in one specific area is 4-5. that is assuming that an entire squad is logging onto the server at the same time, in the same place, which probably doesn't happen very often.

Nov 9 2017, 7:16 AM · DayZ

Nov 8 2017

Geez added a comment to T126988: Server Performance Drop Off After Restart.

Hello jakon72.
We would like to ask, are you doing some specific events on the server often? If so, do they involve multiple players logging on at the same place at the same or approximately the same time? If not, is there a possibility that there are large groups of players that log on at the same time onto the server in the same area of the map?

Nov 8 2017, 11:37 AM · DayZ
Geez added a comment to T127086: VOIP error resulting in map wide communication..

Hello gus and thank you for the report.
This is a known issue and it is scheduled for a fix.

Nov 8 2017, 11:33 AM · DayZ
Geez merged T127086: VOIP error resulting in map wide communication. into T126177: Hearing Voices Around Dead Body after Respawning.
Nov 8 2017, 11:33 AM · DayZ
Geez merged task T127086: VOIP error resulting in map wide communication. into T126177: Hearing Voices Around Dead Body after Respawning.
Nov 8 2017, 11:33 AM · DayZ
Geez changed the status of T127087: Morris column creates terrain black hole from Assigned to Acknowledged.

Hello martydunlop and thank you for the report.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.

Nov 8 2017, 11:29 AM · DayZ
Geez closed T127074: Stuck under a house on log in as Resolved.

Hello Firefox101.
We have moved the character and it should not be stuck any more. In case there are any issues with the character still, please let us know under this ticket.

Nov 8 2017, 10:17 AM · DayZ