I have observed two Mosin 9130 rifles in Pristine condition ruined after putting only approximately 20-30 rounds through each.
In the first instance, my friend (Odd)Tank (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046075292) had a Mosin and used a hacksaw to shorten the length of the weapon.
He fired approximately 20 rounds at zombies that respawned at the Myshkino military camp and the weapon became badly damaged.
Fortunately, he caught the anomaly and restored the weapon to worn with the weapon cleaning kit.
In a second instance, I acquired a Mosin from a hunting stand in Pristine condition and accidentally ruined it by firing approximately 20-30 shots at Myshkino military camp zombies.
My first reload was done with a 5-round Mosin stripper clip, my other subsequent reloads were done with manual loading.
I only noticed the rifle was ruined after it failed to fire four times in a row during combat with remaining zombies.
Based on historical documentation, this weapon should not be so fragile and should be quite the opposite.