oh, nice job. my squad and me made a break in this room and I was "in" the bed... I did not realise that there is more glitch than that xD
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May 11 2016
can confirm this
but mine was not activated.
i think wooden sticks was the same problem, i cannot remember but i will test next time.
ok, works as intended, after the fire is off I can detach the stones.
can confirm blaze is spawning. 7.62 ammunition is ingame. longhorn was in experimental, did not find it in release 0.55.
for all other points it needs attention.
against zombie you need 2 hits and the zombie is dead. but after 3-4 zombies the batteries is dead.
can be closed
your right.
The last time I stored stuff in my cooking pot there was no bug any more. If storing stuff in cooking pot and frying pan is a feature, then we can close this ticket.
i am not sure if its right for the frying pan, cooking pot is ok but you can stuff it with items like the bear trap. its 2x2 slots but the trap seems bigger.
no screen no proof
here is the video of one problem when your unconscious
its wobo, but your adress was wrong. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wky22FdMY5w its an older video 0.53 or 0.54.
wobo's videos are really helpful.
but i dont understand why you post it under 0.55?
here i took a screenshot http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39746859833703289/B535341CEF2FF57F1E0BCD6960A2B5C4FB0FEDFD/
seems that it is internally fixed http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=23312
if its important, it was an small wooden garden house with a window inside at the back.
a found that http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=23148 its fixed internally, good to hear.
here is a screenshot.
and it has to be winchester ammo now.
you can get pristine rotten and normal pristine, its working as intended
i dont like it, all stuff as it comes from people has to be in the last state of change. i can understand that doors are sometime open and closed, it would be strange if all doors are every time open but locked? if a person locked it then it is ok but not random. when the server restarts and your character is in such a house and unable to get out, what will you do?
only when you run over metal stairs, every time! when you use the stone stair there is no metal sound on the floor.
Zyryanoff is right, that idea was in my mind, too.
i found one with "leg swim" as search-key
happened to me and a friend too, but only one time. its a really rare bug
i think i can remember a message from one of the devs about such a rail-addon for nato scopes.
there was a discussion but i cant remember if this was intended to come or not.
haha, i got the same feeling about that mailbox but did not post it... :P
yes i think its not only garden lime xD http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=21144
yes this is a problem ;) like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=y2pN2NhJFhA#t=762
had no problem, every time i had more then two flares in my inventory
if the new server logsystem is online, they can look who killed you, i think the new system isnt active yet.
no, its plastic, it did not work very well.
i got that on video and reported it already :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bFgKWeE21A&list=PL_6l2ke0iWCer02amtd3vWPiOUrdkW-G0&index=1
i know that place, any weapon for suicide?
you gave great effort to build this picture. this is some part of the issues why people cant relog there chars and must be wiped from support.
when you dupe this item you got to many items.
i hope the next big patch 0.53 or 0.54 will stop duping and that issue.
which building is the radar station?
you picked up some items with to many other items in it. you have to be wiped from support.
but you already know that http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=20933
and this is not the "second floor/desync" dead bug?
search the word "splint" and you will find many same reports. There is a bug, when you make the F11 animation, you can craft and use the splint.
or change category to "player_stuck" it will be automatically assigned to JSteward
i would contact the server host
try category "player_stuck"
every old player know that, should be changed when server performance get better.
game version 0.51? change your category to player_stuck
change your category to player_stuck, seems that will help faster.
and the same under 0.53
its already reported but now we are in 0.53 and nothing changed
no one here and BI can help you. contact BE Support
it may be a desync with the server. many other posts are like this one.
i show you a video from me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=couzocXDLDM
after pickup the server give you fall-dmg
i think its known and will be changed.
i heard about this and it happened to some of my group-mates for many many versions. did you picked up any item? was some of your friends near to proof that you did without enemy?
you want to find this stuff on military locations? the mag and the weapon may be wrong because its an old weapon and wrong country. LRS is not a military scope or am i wrong?
seems that you find this items on civilian or vehicles spawn and not in military spots.
i think i got the problem on some of my records. if someone needs it i can upload it.