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Broke my legs when I switched from swimming to walking at the coast
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I swam back from the prison island to the coast and when exiting the water (when the character switches from swimming to walking) the character broke its legs. I looked a bit like when switching from swimming to walking that the character "fell" a bit (like it has been placed there out of the air) and then broke its legs.
I then had to crawl underwater to the coast (which worked fine).
At the coast I checked my gear; my pants and shoes were ruined including everything inside of it.


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce

Exit the water at the following coordinates: 025/134 from this map

Additional Information

I tried to find a similar report but I didn't find one. Search key words were different combinations of folowing terms:
leg break coast
break leg exit
break water
break swim

I don't know if the weight already has an effect on the character in terms of breaking legs, but in case it does, my character was loaded with a lot of weight (full inventory).

Event Timeline

degude edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 27 2015, 10:41 AM
degude edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
degude set Category to Movement.
degude set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
degude set Severity to None.
degude set Resolution to Open.
degude set Legacy ID to 2184653413.May 8 2016, 9:41 PM
WildONE added a subscriber: WildONE.May 8 2016, 9:41 PM

In the last week I have also had this happen twice (once on two different characters).

The first time the boots & pants were ruined (ie feet sore, gear in pants wrecked).

The second time on next character, boots & pants ruined plus legs broken. (PS I was able to eventually fix legs but the delay and lack of matches meant I died from the cold).

Darcion added a subscriber: Darcion.May 8 2016, 9:41 PM

i found one with "leg swim" as search-key