I somthimes walk for hours in the game. But then you have 23 people with you and, some vehicles behind you. Witch actually makes it fun. Even do most of us are serious as hell. We do troll allot during hikes. What i mean is if you think its boring don't play or make it fun by playing with large groups of people. There is a reason they call dayz the hiking simulator since all you do is walk and run and yell and do nothing usefull.
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May 10 2016
Never ever... Tell us what you did in dayz..
Ahh. well osrry for that but yes it then seems a good idea. But i hope bis thinks about ACRE so we dont get colliding tings.
this is just a scripted version of ACRE with less functions. Already a big post has been made about intergrading ACRE but yhea what are the ods. Im gona upvote in the hope some radio system will be implemented.
Important stuff? No they aint so far fix log has only showed us things that could be fixed in pre release. The engine is after 5 months still shit.
(I just gave the demo to a friend who runs AMD and he had no issue's with the APEX demolition. Also look up the game HAWKEN.
Well why? If you have issues with this post tell me or pluto. We might explain it better to you maybey change your mind. Just downvoting for areason you dont want to explain and explain again ? witch you havent btw. Note i do know your Note why you down voted but clearly you jsut dont understand it. Also i want to know your specs so i can maybey tell you what to do to emprove preformance.
People downvoted this post and mine because they think Nvidia features are Nvidia only (How are you playing A3 with Physx then..) AS for Apex its merly an addon(apex destruction) Other Apex features like turbulence are to be concidert 'standalone' since they are not amd supported. The rest is.
Could a Moderator Child my post to this ? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11163 0011163
I know people are just to stupid to see its possible not maybey not atm. Most of them dont even know half of the more advanced systems they think they do but they dont.
Agreed but still lets forget about the Apex thingy and put it aside for A4 and try to get them to notice there are ways to get b etter destruction enc enc enc.
Thats good. Simple implossion with lots of dust an particles. Like in PS2 particles caused from large explossions bounch of vehicles enc these particles could be made in such way they kill people or atleast hurts them. Ahh we are getting somewhere.
Well why not? I mean i dont mind people saying that but give a reason. SO far the only reason i can think of is TIME or the willingness of Bis themself since they have to do allot.
Actually you are on your own on this one. Has the same idea's as me. They had 6 years to do somthing new but they didn't. As for apex you dont need a new engine for it you only need to change the current coding to allow apex since Physx is a Nvidia engine on its own. And what do you know. Al you know is because you read posts and get your knowledge from them. I actually use physx engine,Blender engine, UDK engine, Unity engine, Flash and Java(who knows why). People always think its dificult but its not really you just need to know how. And also BIS wants to change they're engine thats why they started with Alpha release so people could bring in idea's. What im seeing now nothing is being changed to the engine only the things its supporting. They want idea's for better an better engine? they can have them. and yes i know they are working on CPU and GPU thingy but it was already news during alpha release and 6months have past now nothing has changed.
I'd suggest you leave this tread because you are not being usefull at all.
God D*MM** i dont have 3ds max... bummer.
I have blender <:D
Also wUFr I waited 6 god dam years for ArmA 3 and they want to do new things? Well start by actually tweaking IMPORTANT STUFF and not things that are prioratized LOW AS HELL. today's GPU's are powerfull enough to handle these things and still BIS hasn't figured out how to optimize this. They're new engine is as outdated as the old one only new features is the use of>>>>> PHYSX<<<< and some fancy new shaders. The engine still uses to less of the GPU and CPU and preforms bad. No realistic dammage same sketchy animations enc enc. Im sick and tired of Bis prioratizing useless things like SWIMING ANIMALS BECAUSE ITS IMPORTANT over somthing LIKE APEX destruction enc enc enc.
Even do the things you just showed me are just for fun. They already are better then what shitty A2 and A3 destruction has. These things trust me in arma are not hard to render and how high is the change you a re blowing up entire city's. THe only time you would have isues if you are dropping nukes whil'st in the air. On the ground all that needs to be rendered is what you see. So this needs to be implemented. AHHHH imagine the awsomeness.
Hey keep doing this. Im actually like these mini games :P How did you make em annyway? What engine did you used?
You guys do realize that Apex isnt ment to be about destroying buildings to the very bare bone... Its about adding new realistc features you can simply get a wal split it in half lenght wize and the outer wall you can split into say 4 more pieces. When a tank shoots thoese massife chucks either dissapear in a dust cloud with Physx particles or the fall to the ground and after a sec they become static with the ground.
Ha thats pretty funny. But yes you see it is more realistic and fun to watch. they could implement this exactly whit the same amount of large chunks of building just add lots of dust and Physx particles and no one will notice it are such massife chunks.
Ok this is possible. I jsut did the math for the pieces in arma stratis would have rufly 100K+ RGB's about 1000 Per building (dont forget fences lampost enc also need to be split) 1000 per building means 1000 individual random parts that a building can be devided to. SO destroying it compleetly would leave you with 1000 parts. Now thats allot but compared to games like PLanet side this is nothing since in one view that game has over 100K particles and 150K+ RBS flying around doing all different stuff. So techicaly its possible to do this but since i just downloaded and installed the software everything has to be redone. Things such as walls pillars enc and allot of texture mapping and configging comes looking at it so i have to say this is a no go. Unless devs ask from help for people that want this. I'd love to help and i think more people would want to aswell so this is possible but they need more hands for this. and idk if the engine can take it witch is somthing i should have mention first before this wall of bad grammar and spelling.
This is why we cant have nice things.. Because you people dont have faith in it.
Defenetly agreeing on that. I hope devs are reading this :P. Annyway lets not use crappy FB2 destruction in BF3 all we have seen is facades getting blown out no building collapsed.... I want somthing like FB1 in BC1 and BC2 where the houses collapse. Its not really that Extreemly awssome but itts deffenetly somthing to look at.
XD same here.
Apex is possible but you need hyper treading and multycore rendering witch bis engine does not have.
Well you guys do not understand it now do you. We want this not in the same scale but similar to this. maybey defiding the houses in stratis in 10 pieces lower piece count in renderdistance. Enable on off feature in menu.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ztQX0C4wTE&NR=1&feature=endscreen a vid demonstrating
Well this could work and also not.. Since ai is really stupid i gues the map would be destroyed whitin 15 min on the other hand that adds realism but also dificult for the defs. How are we gona render this whitout your cpu and or gpu blowing. enc enc. In A2 CO the ace defs already implemented some type of destruction with BF3 animations but it was sketchy Fun but sketchy.
You got my upvote plutoto we need better destruction and if one of us makes it to the devs we have succeded for a bit.
Need more info? What more is there u need to know. The camera locations are just porely made. The camera is mounted in the gun. DUring night time you will se bright flashes not to mention if you use FLR.
Well i didnt knew there where different stages of epilepsy i apologize if i've offended annyone. But as you said the flashes are extreem. I almost had a spasm for it today. Its not only annoying but it could lead to easy headache's. He should change tittle from epilepsy to generaly health issue.
Well lets not turn this into somthing negative. The muzzle flash is horrible to bright. But yes Using danger for epileptic for your issue is just playing stupid. Since epileptic people should be aware of the high risk of playing games like these.
First of true muzzle flash is horrible.
Secondly why are you saying its a thread for epileptics? Not that it not is but don't you think its kinda oftopic when on a game like arma? or anny FPS?
You are describing an issue and requesting somthing. Both need to be seperate tickets.
I agree. A post already has been made about this but idk what happend with it. As for your points i totaly agree since i always get killed because i ahve to reload while out in the open.
^ same issue.
yhea or not or we just wait and see what full release brings us.
uhm no. I have seen more of them both X52 and X52 pro and i dont htink most of you dont even know what i mean. There is software that allows you to bind keys to the X52 pro but arma doesnt find them.
well no biggy its good you uploaded it could help other people with the normal x52
What the heck. Why do people dislike this. This is not a feature request this is just the fact X52 pro drivers cockblock arma.
uhm your profile is not an X52 Pro profile..
O really? I tried setting it up it didn't work do.. when loadin up the profile
Nevermind it has been fixed in the new build. Did found that if you pres V while close at a building you step into its foundations and if you go prone you get stuck. But this post has been fixed. Thanks for fixing it :P
I will record it when i get back from work. I have only experienced it in MP because thats the only time i try it.. I wil try both SIngle player and MP on the latest built (not dev built).
nope i left my laptop on for my stupid friends to get on. the tags have been spammed over all my posts -.-. Note im gona update it now that its reproduce its quite funny down you walk against a building and you get destroyyed.
Ima get the end of the day with better repport.
Would be to much work. Simple need to add the function for units to attach they're gear to a clipping thing that hold's they're bags between the legs.
But its unrealistic as hell.. Infantry paradrops usually carry the shute on they're back and they're gear infront of them. (Bags between te legs) I also made a ticket about this but im more interested in adding realistic supply drops and Vehicle drops using larger planes.
Yhea no.
Just downvote this. This boy is trying to turn this into cod..
Iceman thanks for responding. I know lil late but yhea this does get me a bit hyped.
Thoes who are interested the demo im giving about Apex physics is also exported AS .exe file(installer) So if you wnt contact me trough bis forms (Samename) and iwil send ytou the file trough skype(its 283MB unless osmeone else knows a free file upload htingy where i can upload more then 300MB).
Apex simulation is done. Note its a Unreal tournament Quake 3 demo showing apex destruction whitout lag (Note this engine is 10 times heavyer then Arma engine)
BTW guys somthing nice to look at is UDK its the engine for the new Unreal tournament. This engine contains some awsome damage modeling in vehicles not to mention its compatibility with Apex destruction Apex clothing and more nvidia Apex physx features.
Agreed. Its not really what i meant but its deffenetly an emprove ment. Make a new post since im not fimiliar with Pre-baked vertex deformation. All i know to work with is Physx lab and UDK and blender using either proxy mesh utilazation or APex destruction, clothing and fluid sims
Nha i dont really want evrything im just giving a list of things that could be implemented whitout to much work and to much system drainage. As much as i would love to see all of this i know it wont work because no pc can handle it.
@ plutoto74 ty m8 really apreciate it.
@fragmachine yhea i know but its not really up the devs its the shitty mods on this site that pick the ones liked most by a bunch of cod kids that are pissed of that they die so quick.
Well yes you both are right. But still they had long time to start working on this engine and for years people wanted these things. The only thing mod makers could do is change sounds explosion effects bu tthat is really it..
No hell no no java xD i know what you mean and i agree but lets face away from java... Its frustrating seeing my post only got 10 votes up when its somthing they should really change since this has been an issue since A1..... and shit posts like 4 shots to the chest before death get all post of people that should stick to cod.
@fragmachine il get the picks tommorow.
@ElfinNutria I know but this has been bugging people since arma 1 and flashpoint they never changed it. they had this comming the moment they started the feedback tracker. And since everyone wants visual emprovements and animation things i just summed up all things they could add as for damage. And its not really that much i mean they had 6 months to come with beta all they gave usis some new vehicles 4 weapons and thats it...
Well you do not seem to understand the issue we have with people that want certain realism features to be disabled and enabled upon user preferences. This game is a simulator when people say things like these other people are gona feel free to b** and moan about it aswell and we will lose Good features( look at bf3). TO prefend this we just want everyone that feels like implementing something you shouldn't make configurable in a simulator that they made a terrible mestake.
Yhea this annoys me not only you are advertizing other post(witch is fine but not in this way) Also you are requesting an feature to be set by user prefferences.... ArmA is a sim aimed for people old enough to realize that its a game and that things like this happen in reallife aswell. Not little kids that go cry because someone is missing a leg in a game.
yep good sugestion.
Yep same here
@b101uk if you dont want to spend lots of time on doing somthing like making keyholes dont play arma. Go back to fast pase cod or battlefield. ArmA is a simulator so its ment to be realistic and time consuming if you cant apreciate small details that might take time you are not cut out for the game,
^What do you mean with exponentiall increase in time/effort. Its a dam simulator what do people expect fast pase gaming? Hell no.
This is why we cant have nice things. Instad of sharing your toughts on how to implement this is ome way people come and say nha its not gona happen because..... -.- Seriously it doesnt mean that you know that. By all means mod makers have implemented tons of stuff that by your vision would mean they had to redo the entire map witch they didnt...
By hammers we mean somthing in somones gear by default. Somthing he just uses as a tool during the animation progress.. Plz people post some more things im falling asleep on my work...
@fragmachine Hammers and ducttape..... Everything is fixible with that pair.
@plutoto74 Well yhea you are right but then in the end there is this thing called colleteral damage(or the heck its spelled) YOu are not seposed to destroy buildings unless they contain HUGE numbers of hostiles. SO then yes maybey some nice physics regarding knocking down walls enc but remember ArmA is still in beta and already CPU and GPU draining adding more physics details would mean adding dynamic particles and smoke.......
nevermind dont close this keep the feed going!! It may take a while but at some point a mod or admin must see this and think about it. Again thanks Bez for the models.
Lol not really but yhea i understand what you mean. Honestly i hate the 3d editor. never have used it always use 2d and test it 10000 times.
Not only that imagine just the bases them self this feels more like the old red alert 2 or 3 some kind of rts where you could build bases hahaha. Yhea i think by some fancy coding it hsould be possible to make them tree deleters and grasscutters at the same time.
Sir i was about to make somthing the same but you just showed what i mean. This would be awsome for bases. Just make Concrete slabs 10 by 10 M 4M high withs stairs running from 4 sides down. You can adjust the hight to what you want and then build the base. THank you for posting that pic that is exactly what i mean. I hope this clears up the minds of people that htink im talking about Direct terrain editing.
Bez i love you xD. You just put my toughts into a design and showed everyone what i mean. Everyone give this fella some credit. Now lets hope this gets implemented would really change everything.
And ShotgunSheamuS thats exactly what i meant.
^This guy gets it. People down vote and say Engine not supported.. Well allot of stuf is not suported by the engine right now thats what bis is trying to do. They're main goal was to make a new better engine so give them idea's and not useless opinions on what the engine can and cannot. Btw @B00tsy.... i dont even know the FC editor :P gota look into it.
Did i said it was? No i never did.
First off all you peopel are damm narrowminded when you see a dam feature request you cant imagine happen or dont understand instant downvote.
Secondly i was never talking about terrain manipulation.
3d I am talking about placing sections of land(in the editor) over the existing map creating a new flat layer for players to build stuff on.
Well who said i was talking about changing terrain? In arma 2 when building certain buildings on uneven terrain dirt slopes appeared from the buildings you could walk over. Im talking about that that could be an option to Allow players to spawn 100x100M smaller and larger planes on the existing map.
Oh im just traumatized to the Duplicant thing xD my appologies
Thats a no. Im talking about making flat areas in the >>>>EDITOR<<<< thats different then digging in the game itself(whilst in the game). Its kinda the same but this guy is talking about smaller things like bunkers.
Yhea i actually hope they add some kind of large transport aircraft. Like the C5 galaxy with walkable interior decent animations enc.
Thanks P00d73. And Akinari-san this is not related at all... that guy is describing infantry paradrops changed to be more realisit. Im talking about dumping APC's enc out of the backs of C5's :P
Snap didnt knew there was already one.
Then again this is somthing i'd like to see but kinda overused since ACE is gona bring it in. But then we dont want to install mods mods mods mods mods for a game that is designed for the player.
And not to mention moderators who are to focused on makin shure there are no Duplicants( IF MORE THEN 1 PERSON POSTS SOMTHING REGARDING THE SAME THING IT MEANS ITS AN ISSUE AND SHOULD BE FIXED)
You are right on that. People should stop downvoting because the way you are going to use it might be wrong in ther eyes. The overall concept is great i use handsignals every day in the 242 nightstalkers during 2 platoon ops. Having 48 guys shouting over radio guns explosions enc hand signals are the best way to order people around.,