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I honestly believe, that it's not really the issue, that civilians or their vehicles getting damaged. It's the Mission Eventhandler "BuildingChanged". Every damage on "buildings" get tracked (I guess this was intended anyway, also for fences and other objects) but the problem is, that AI drives over everything too. Means fences, tiny objects and other things. Limit the check only for the player would minimize the risk for the Mission getting failed.
Here is start.bat cause it won`t upload:
Server Specifications:
Maximum player count at once was 5 players.
I've had a lot of issues with cheaters on this site, but this is the first time i'm complaining. I'm questioning whether to invest in sakhal or livonia if these experiences don't stop, I'm getting to the point where I don't think it's worth it.
I just want the stick deflection to match what my mouse is doing rather than having the same result regardless of moving my mouse slow or fast. It makes them feel disconnected almost.
This issue came earlier then 1.27 Exp.
Started to encounter already on prev patch.
There are a lot of bugs, reason this place exists though out of the 13 members of the last supper (members) only St Geez answers (sometimes) not sure what the rest of the so called testers (members) do
I can't log in anymore without getting the normal controls on my computer, they did more than screw up my character, they've messed with my controls.....this is pretty serious
I appreciate your comment, if the devs don't deal with guys like these, they're going to lose customers....
Think this is guy´s using the Nvidia overlay to reduce foliage it´s known about for some time but ignored by Devs
Going to be interesting when this bug is pushed on to stable having known about it for a month
I thought it was just me, it seems the DDOS attack is still going on
by the way, my new email address is [email protected]
@Geez hi
@Geez hi
In T188877#2753670, @TracerDuck wrote:The only vehicle where the doors can collide with the environment is the UAZ 452 van, which according to a DEV is not meant to be. You can close the doors now by pressing Z. Some players leave the door open to exit the vehicle faster if they have to. I don't think the severity of this is major tbh.
They got DDosed man, was not their fault. Unless you have enough to pay the ransome? If you bought it through playstation you can request a refund through them. But coming on here, ain't doing nothing.
In T188986#2753503, @Geez wrote:Hello YouCanCallMeAlex.
Can you please specify the resolution you are running on? We cannot seem to reproduce the issue on our end.
thanks for the help
Hit registration is mainly a PvP issue as PvE is usually consistent with registration but that doesn’t mean there aren’t issues but they are more rare it seems
Servers Lag ... When will I be repaired? When do you start to play the game?
AGAIN, this is not a port forwarding issue.
Port 2001 is set and port forwarded.
Port 2001 UDP has been open and port forwarded since the Reforger Server was installed.
You are looking at old logs where my ISP changed my IP.
Can be closed, since EnumBitFlag attribute has been introduced in 1.3.0.x.
You are the same agent i report hackers to. After that theu banned me for collecting site information and hack tools to make them see what they have to deal
The only vehicle where the doors can collide with the environment is the UAZ 452 van, which according to a DEV is not meant to be. You can close the doors now by pressing Z. Some players leave the door open to exit the vehicle faster if they have to. I don't think the severity of this is major tbh.
I got only username and mail . emmanuelkiller4u
[email protected]
In T189050#2753035, @Yamachinu wrote:Solid ideas. ...
@Geez Maybe it's better to complete this ticket?
@Geez Maybe it's better to complete this ticket?
@Geez зroblem solved
@Geez hi :)
Most likely, because of this, vehicles in this area can also be decommissioned.
Relates to T178695
The latest version of DayZ Exp's Launcher still sees a large number of fake servers, are you sure the opinions have been fixed?
Launcher version: 1.6.159306
Game version: 1.27.159315
Can you please send us a link to your Steam profile?