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- User Since
- Feb 12 2015, 11:26 PM (527 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
[Update] - Disregard - Please close case. I've been able to reproduce this outside of the game now. Perhaps if I ever did anything besides DayZ I would've picked up on this earlier.
[ Update ]
Tried after the rain stopped, but it still disappeared. Had no trouble planting in greenhouses.
I have confirmed the same... also with Rabbit pelts.
I had two bags of Lime in the barrel (100% and 10%). Both the lime and the pelts disappeared with no leather to be found.
Have not yet tried other animal pelts.
While I've not encountered items spawning in mid-air like described. I have noticed that guns, when thrown, can sometimes get thrown for almost zero distance and remain in mid-air (perpendiular to the player and pointing to the left). I've picked up properly spawned guns (from the ground) and immediately thrown them and they will stay mid-air sometimes.
That's probably precisely my issue. I was fooled by the fuel gauge.
I'll try again if I ever find another battery.
Update - Typical workaround when I see this (and I still do see it on the latest 0.58 experimental as of Aug-06) is that when I'm bright green Energized and Hydrated without seeing "Healthy" or "Healing" is to take off my shoes and take a few steps until the "My feet are sore" message appears. That apparently triggers the "healing" and then "Healthy"
Note: I don't know that I'm actually unhealthy, but may the "healthy" indicator is only showed after a period of healing.
Just another data point from me as I'm not certain whether they've isolated the cause or not.:
Statuses were updating and then stopped reflecting updates.
(DayZ 0.57 stable - Windows 7 64-bit)
Statuses were updating, most recently as I wandered into a pond and got wet and then cold.
I built a fire, but never saw messages that I was warming up. I checked temperature and I was over 38 degrees. I was also eating food and never got the "Stuffed" indicator.
Upon re-logging, I was "overheating" and "stuffed".
Upon restart of client, lying prone, and again firing the Amphibia S, the pop-up re-occurred on the first shot (but not on subsequent shots).
This seems to be reproducible every time now on the first prone shot with the Amphibia S after restarting the client.
*Note: This is when looking down sites
**Note: Client does not crash or exit. Just a pop-up.
***Note: Also attempted to reproduce by restarting client, lying prone, and firing a P1 with an improvised suppressor. It did not reproduce. Then I tried the Amphibia S again and it did reproduce. It appears to be isolated to the Amphibia S.
[Update] - Apparently it does this the first time each session I fire the Amphibia S, regardless of being prone or standing.
This also appears to affect some item's with percentages instead of just integer counts. I the two screenshots I'm attaching, You'll notice the canned goods the cans in the fireplace show 0%. In the second screenshot, I've moved the can of peaches from the fireplace to position 4x5 (x by y) in my drybag, which then correctly shows 97% remaining.
Other items in the fireplace like shotgun shells and pile of guts do not appear to be affected.
From what I've seen, it's not any particular type of item, as long as it stacks. Also, being on "the ground" does not reproduce the issue. The affected items must be in a container, on the ground.
Easter Eggs are secret. Perhaps there are already plenty across the map, but you haven't yet found them?
Just curious if, because the issue is known, if it is also affecting 0.57 stable. While I have seen one animal (fox) early on in 0.57 stable, I have not seen more than that in hours hunting. Mostly walking slowly crouched, or perched on high hilltop scoping huge huge sections of fields where I used to see animals. And I don't know if they're tied together, but I've also been through quite a few small towns where I've seen zombies before, but I haven't seen any in a couple of days across multiple 3pp servers.
Apologies, I did not see this before I switched my install back to 0.57 stable, so I'm not sure my data would still be relevant.
Update on reproducibility... Unlikely or intermittent.
When I logged back in, the snare was in a deployed position (and had been triggered ... no bunny, though).
I retrieved the snare and attempted to deploy again and the game freeze did not happen.
Then I crafted a brand new snare, and deployed it. No crash or freeze.
I too have experienced this.
Totally unlit fireplace kit with rags and sticks.
I tried with 4 stacked stones (fireplace ring) and with 8 stacked stones for a full oven.
I have not tried pumpkins yet, but since 0.55, all other plants I've tried have a random chance of suffering from some blight or "pests" (as the forums call it) that can cause them to spoil when growing.
Typically, the plant will begin to show signs of the sickness in the early stages of growth. (See the attached screenshot). The plant on the right eventually produces the immediately spoiled crop, while the plant on the left is healthy and yields healthy crops. Notice the white spots on the plant on the right. There were no differences in the steps to produce these two plants.
So what you're seeing with pumpkins *may* be expected behaviour.
The Immortal -
Re: "You need to watch the plant.
If the plant becomes ready then you don't immediately harvest it the food becomes moldy."
I don't think that's entirely the case as of 0.55
It appears there's some random chance that when the food is ready to be harvested, it will immediately have that moldy look and the "collect" action will mention that the harvest is "spoiled". Probably related to the gardening pests mentioned in the forums.
[update] - As the plants are growing, you will see white spots on the leaves if the plant is ultimately going to go bad. I have uploaded a screenshot "2015-04-10_00001.jpg" showing a healthy plant on the left and one that will eventually turn spoiled on the right. I'm not sure if anything can be done to prevent this. Both plants were planted exactly the same way (no lime for either).
I have, however, eaten every Pristine moldy looking plant I've grown and so far have not noticed any sickness.
I only got the Small Pile of Guts (100%) and no fillets.
I also had 4 fillets in my inventory in a pot from 0.54, which disappeared in the new 0.55 stable update. I suspect they were removed because the fillets could not be cooked previously.
However, you can still fish for the thrill of the catch and then die of starvation while dreaming of your Filet o' Fish sandwhich. Perhaps it's only a perception thing, but it seemed much more random whether or not a fish would come along and nibble at the bait. I sat in one spot for what seemed like three minutes without a status change. Then I moved locations (and started a stopwatch app) and one showed up within 30 seconds.
This appears to have been resolved with today's 0.55 update.
Fireplaces now hold 6x2 of inventory, but consume 3x3 when carried. So they can no longer be nested.
Unfortunately, the fireplaces just spawned on the ground around me upon the login instead of causing me to explode from within. But I'll take it.
You can probably close this one
I've been reading some articles and dev blogs and I see there's some work on 1.) dynamic object placement and 2.) moving away from the transitory recipes (like fireplace kits) to get to the end state (of a fireplace).
If that's true, I suspect this is probably something that is already on the devs' radar and will not need to be "fixed" because it will just be changed when the next new evolution occurs and the problem will no longer exist..
Ahhh, and they nest. I believe the kids would call this recursion fireplace-ception. I can get two full fireplaces into a third, and then just pick that one up for a 2x2 inventory cost.
I hope you enable inventory weights and my legs break immediately from the weight.
I have crafted about 35 fireplaces since my initial report and have not been able to reproduce it. That, coupled with zimtente's comment about not seeing his fireplace, while others could, makes me think this is some glitch that occurs client side, but may not be very common and they're not truly invisible.
I am currently trying to reproduce as well.
I woke up this morning and tried. Likely a few server restarts happened in the meantime.
First thing I noticed is that my invisible fireplace from the previous evening is still accessible via inventory and still invisible. I've tried creating a few more so far this morning, but they're all visible and I can't seem to reproduce yet.
I am currently trying to build a bunch to see if I can reproduce (and if I can figure out how to do a video, I will).
Current persistent tally on this server before I ran out of rags:
7x visible fireplaces
9x visible ovens
1x invisible oven somewhere in the woods, probably. (Walked away and cannot find it again, but I could access oven inventory before I left)
1x invisible oven (can still access it if I pace off from a known landmark)
At the time, the reproducibility of this seemed high, but now it's looking like something was glitched or the condition that allowed it has cleared itself.
Confirmed Zyryanoff's experience with wild boars.
Using sawed-off Izh43 and killing boar unaware with first shot while looking down barrel. Boar just disappeared and dead body was found 20 meters away in other direction (possibly the direction it could've run).
My totally baseless speculation is that these Schroedingers' animals are both alive and dead. The client detects that they were killed, but the server lets them be alerted and start running. Once they sync up again, the animal is killed and the body falls where it was thought to have run. Just a guess though.
Update: I've killed about a half dozen boar and a half dozen deer since opening the bug, but have not seen the behaviour originally reported. However, I have been using the improvised bow instead of the shotgun (which means I rarely land the first shot). However, the animals still appear to be unaware when I do hit them (I'm guessing because the bow is silent).
Since 0.53 stable, my steaks have been cooking in about 1 minute. Don't know if that's the way of the future, but it seems to have changed recently.