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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 2:37 PM (628 w, 5 d)
Nov 23 2016
Oct 22 2016
Aug 29 2016
Jun 3 2016
*raises hand*
May 20 2016
May 10 2016
This is probably ACE3 interfering.
Thanks for the update! I appreciate it even if it's not all of them.
Hi, can we expect this to be fixed with the Marksman update (as it's already assigned)?
Ah. That's really unfortunate if it's true.
Can any information be provided on the status of this?
In \a3\functions_f\Strategic\fn_ORBATTooltip.sqf there's a typo on row 17; "disablesierialization;" should be "disableserialization;"
Tried setting up ORBAT for the first time, experiencing this same thing.
Hey, I don't know the first thing about modding but
"I used the same parameters of the boat for the floating and moving on water, but there is just no way to make it move."
Did you check how BI did it for the Gorgon IFV? Either way I upvoted the ticket.
It does this for me too after alt-tabbing out. Only in A3.
Should also be able to set default skills.
Poor show
The FLIR should be added back as well, of course.
of topical interest especially with the helicopters DLC coming out soon. The same should be done to the Orca, Hellcat, etc. all with their own flair.
Variants with minigun changed to a regular machine gun would be nice too, like M240 or M2.
Rocket pods, static cannon pods, ATGMs, etc...
I'd say this is extra interesting now, with the upcoming helicopter DLC and it's cargo modules.
Why would you vote this down?
Very disappointing to see this artificial balancing from BI.
Still occurs.
Someone found this in the game files
on-the-fly addon downloading would give the mod scene an enormous boost
apparently coming with the next patch.
Yes, up-armored with the commander MG.
Alright, sorry! :)
Ran into this myself the other day! BI, please, look into this.
I really miss this functionality.
There are 2 alternative textures for the Mohawk and the Orca (and lots for the Hummingbird) in the files already. Are there more?
Which helicopters?
Dev(?) response:
Tempest support would be great.
Any news on the "leftover" vehicle textures?
That's great! Thank you!
Slightly related - can we have these textures back in the game files, pretty please?
Just stumbled onto this same problem...
This really needs to be done. Direct chat is very difficult to hear.
May 9 2016
I think it's quite ok now, but different RoF modes would be a welcome addition.
Still way too easy to bring down houses with them.
Thomson TG789vn here. I can connect to most (if not all) 404 Wasteland servers. It's a lot more frequent with other servers.