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- Nov 26 2022, 7:29 PM (121 w, 1 d)
May 17 2024
The VSS is zeroed to 100m by default for comparison.
May 16 2024
Apr 3 2024
Oct 5 2023
Hello @Geez, it appears this issue is back with 1.23 experimental.
Sep 11 2023
It's not a bug, the server owner can disable custom characters ( If you're playing on a community server you could try contacting the admins on Discord or whatever they use.
Sep 10 2023
For your own protection I'd suggest moving to a moderated vanilla community server. If you're a base builder you will have to deal with wipes every few months but it is preferable to official in my opinion.
Sep 9 2023
Happy to help, I'd hate to blow up like this. :D
However, if you drag the 40mm grenades onto the image of the plate carrier which appears in the inventory screen, after the 2nd grenade is attached they will explode.
Please ignore the horrible spelling mistake and art skills xD
This made me curious and I tested it and ran into the same issue (while running Community Framework and Community Online Tools).
Sep 8 2023
This was closer and three shots were required, sometimes only two though.
I've seen this too. Loot doesn't seem to disappear when the train despawns.
Yeah the character eats a lot but it's not like you have to spend all your time playing looking for food. Inland you hear a lot of deer and killing one can give you 18 steaks which (when baked) is around 3x the max calory capacity of your character, that will keep you fed for a while. Two and a half fish fills your apple entirely, even fewer for salt water fish.
Wearing warm clothes and less sprinting will slow down hunger as well. Although I sprint most of the time and don't have hunger problems.
Sep 7 2023
Honestly I've never had issues with water, every spawn point is close to a water pump. Find out where you are and drink until you get the stomach symbol, keep looting and return to drink once more and you'll be set for a while. Also if you have a water bottle you can fill it and drink it twice without throwing up (just make sure you haven't eaten in a while). As for food, keep rope and a fishing hook or bones on you and you'll never be hungry.
When you get your stats to white it'll take a long while until you have to eat or drink again.
Sep 2 2023
Checked the discord of the server I played on (which also had custom loading screens) and they did say that something broke with the new update.
Aug 31 2023
Nice catch. I also feel like the bullet snap sounds are way too quiet.
Aug 30 2023
Aug 29 2023
Aug 23 2023
I tried this in 1.22.156540 EXP and found another bug.
Wearing ghillie and aiming down sights with a pistol (red dot sight has to be attached) makes the ghillie suit around your arms disappear while aiming. Haven't seen if it disappears for other people, it might be a first person thing only.
Aug 22 2023
I'm only guessing here, haven't looked at any code but I think it is because of buildings not rendering when you aren't looking at them. The walls behind you that are blocking the light disappear when you turn your back on them and the light comes through. Happened sometimes to me when I turned my back on houses with fire in them or fire barrels.
Aug 16 2023
While the plant material makes a lot of sense for the Woodland ghillie, the idea of feeling like I have to do some farming for the sole purpose of finishing my ghillie sounds pretty unenjoyable.
Yes and it would probably be too easy to get early on if you walk the coast and check the fishing boats and Cherno's containers for netting.
Aug 15 2023
Makeshift teddy fanny pack, I like it.
I second the idea of spray paint making a return as well as suggestions #1 and #2. Suggestion #3 make sense but I don't think it would be good balance-wise as those items (especially plant material) are much easier to obtain than (12?) burlap sacks. The full ghillie suit should always be an endgame item in my opinion.
Aug 12 2023
@Geez Could you please take another look given the new information? It would be bad if this makes it into stable in my opinion.
If this happens with a player, cut them up and their items should be accessible.
Aug 9 2023
Jul 28 2023
Friend of mine has the same issue and he is running Win7 too.
Agree that axes should oneshot (unarmored) infected or atleast be stronger than a knife, otherwise there is no incentive to carry the weight of a 2-handed melee weapon. Maybe give them a small damage multiplier against infected to keep the balance for pvp.
Jul 18 2023
Could have been a cheater if you were playing on official servers.
Jul 17 2023
That's weird, I feel like you should be able to walk over unconscious people just like you can walk/step over people who are in prone position. It wouldn't be difficult in real life too.
This is still the case for landmines, not sure about the rest, haven't had the chance to try.
Jul 14 2023
You can fix the hotbar bug without restarting the game:
Esc -> disable quickbar -> apply -> enable quickbar -> apply
I think the icon is intended to show if there is a round in the chamber. It would still be nice to have an indicator to see if there are rounds inside the internal magazine, especially for players that play without the HUD.
Jul 13 2023
Jul 1 2023
I've had this issue with fence walls and I felt like it happened because something would obstruct the build. Maybe the game allows you to place the kit without checking if the fully built object would have enough room.
Jun 28 2023
Jun 19 2023
Same thing happens when crouch walking if I remember right.
Jun 9 2023
You have to leave the car in neutral gear and it won't turn off.
Jun 8 2023
@freerider3434 Haha, thanks. I was aware about the prone one for a while, discovered it while my friend was posing for a screenshot. The other one I encountered recently while raiding the bunker and I figured they'd go well together.
Jun 5 2023
Fully agree. Being shot while wearing chainmail would probably be even worse than when wearing normal clothing because of the extra shrapnel.
Chainmail should have no ballistic protection. Also I think body parts with chainmail should be fully protected from cuts from infected.
Make sure to try it with all weapons that can mount the scope. Bullet drop depends on the weapon/caliber so i might not work for all of them.
May 24 2023
Would be nice if it also played while the driver is unconscious and his head is resting on the steering wheel.