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HACKER CONFIRMED on DayZ Livonia EU - DE 4295 (1st Person Only), please intervene
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Yesterday, on 06/09/23, around 20:00 CET some guy went to the prison and from there was shooting everyone in 1 km range. Anyone that came closer than that got a headshot, no matter if you are in a building, forest, behind a rock whatever. He did that for a good hour, maybe longer, idk because I simply quit the game after getting wiped like three times. He must have killed at least 20 players this way in my estimation.

It started with me and my two buddies getting all instakilled when looting the prison, he looted our gear, stayed up there and shot anyone coming close heading in his direction. So we couldn't even get our gear back. After some quick investigation, it appears that most popular hacks you can rent cheaply have about 1 km enemy ESP aimbot range. I talked to other players that also got headshotted and freshly spawned in my area.

I will not even mention that we all lost our stashed loot around the same time in the last couple of days in like 10 different locations. He was probably cruising the map and destroying everything he spotted.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Additional Information

If you can't protect your game from the rent-a-hack industry, can you please at least look into the server logs and look which up which of the players has like 100 kills with headshots in the last couple of days? It shouldn't be that hard to ban someone constantly shooting people from over a kilometer? Maybe some basic anomaly detection in players stats would be useful?

Event Timeline

Livonian-Kielbasa updated the task description. (Show Details)
Livonian-Kielbasa added a comment.EditedSep 7 2023, 5:46 PM

Apparently, the hacker still is on the same server - DE 4295. Once someone is getting close to the prison, gets immediately headshotted out of nowhere. For anyone giving two fucks, it's so easy to check the logs and ban him. This guy probably has a base in prison, if I had to guess.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Sep 8 2023, 10:10 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you, we will investigate with BattlEye.

The results must be not so good so far - today as I am writing this the same hacker (I guess) is exactly in the same spot (prison on Livonia) and shoots everyone coming 1km close to his place. Before that he just ran throughout the map killing everyone - I talked to like 4 fresh spawns all suddenly died with a mysterious headshot.

Seriously how hard is it to

  1. look at the server player stats
  2. see who has 100:1 kill:death ratio, who kills everyone with a headshot over almost 1km, who has like 50 kills in last hours
  3. ban the shit out of the guy

BattleEye and you guys need to investigate *harder*. This is not some difficult investigation, this is just lack of any will to help your player community get rid of this cancer.

morgorth36 added a comment.EditedSep 10 2023, 3:00 PM

@Livonian-Kielbasa, @Geez
friend, I fully subscribe to every word you say. The administration of the game does not care about cheaters on their servers. All they can do is write that they are conducting investigations. Investigations that do not lead to any result

For your own protection I'd suggest moving to a moderated vanilla community server. If you're a base builder you will have to deal with wipes every few months but it is preferable to official in my opinion.

For your own protection I'd suggest moving to a moderated vanilla community server. If you're a base builder you will have to deal with wipes every few months but it is preferable to official in my opinion.

No, thank you, I will not move out of the official servers - there are no community vanilla Livonia 1pp servers with any meaningful traffic in Europe. And most of all, this is not a solution to the problem.

For your own protection I'd suggest moving to a moderated vanilla community server. If you're a base builder you will have to deal with wipes every few months but it is preferable to official in my opinion.

No, thank you, I will not move out of the official servers - there are no community vanilla Livonia 1pp servers with any meaningful traffic in Europe. And most of all, this is not a solution to the problem.

The developers have not solved the problem and are not going to solve it. You can stay on the official server if you like to constantly die from a shot to the head from a distance of 1-2 km. And if you like to constantly rebuild the base again.

For your own protection I'd suggest moving to a moderated vanilla community server. If you're a base builder you will have to deal with wipes every few months but it is preferable to official in my opinion.

No, thank you, I will not move out of the official servers - there are no community vanilla Livonia 1pp servers with any meaningful traffic in Europe. And most of all, this is not a solution to the problem.

Yeah, it won't work for Livonia if you want EU ping sadly. Spaggies was populated for a few weeks after the bunker update dropped but nothing meaningful since then.

Same hacker, or a different one, but they tend to speak Chinese/Vietnamese (from what I can comprehend), sometimes they mess with you by breaking your legs, today another Chinese hacker is on the same server, Livonia, North-West end of the map around Castle. Shooting everyone coming closer than 1-2 km range, ridiculous.

How hard is it to detect someone constantly headshotting people from above 1km? It's actually impossible with 1.22 update where blaze second shot doesn't work.

The developers have not solved the problem and are not going to solve it. You can stay on the official server if you like to constantly die from a shot to the head from a distance of 1-2 km. And if you like to constantly rebuild the base again.

No I will just keep communicating here about the problem, then if they really won't do anything with these reports, then I will never ever touch the Bohemia products again.

And I will make sure that gaming community sees those reports and this thread.

Friend, I fully agree with you. Developers should finally pay attention to the problem and start solving it, and send us formal unsubscriptions.

morgorth36 added a comment.EditedSep 12 2023, 7:46 PM

In order for the problem with cheaters to be reflected most vividly in this topic, I write about the complaints I left earlier:

Once again, cheaters attacked our base. Previously, I left a message about cheaters on the server. The administration assured me that measures would be taken. However, on 08/27/2023 and 08/28/2023, cheaters destroy our database with impunity. A colossal amount of work and nerves will be thrown into the trash. The administration does absolutely nothing with cheaters on the server. Since this is a repeated attack by cheaters on us, I ask you to return the money for the paid game. This message is a cry of the soul and a warning for those who are going to buy this game and play on official servers. Cheaters raid - 08/27/2023 0:53 MSK coordinates 0.09/0.64 Cheaters raid - 08/28/2023 17:13 MSK coordinates 0.09/0.64. Complaint that was not resolved - # T174155.

On this server, my character was killed without the sound of a shot at approximately 17:20 on 07/22/2023. The character was in the region of coordinates 0.09 / 0.64. After that, my friend went to the server. His character was in the specified coordinates. His character was killed after 3 seconds, while inside the house through the glass in the head also with one shot without sound. Please look into the situation and if a cheater is detected, return the loot to me and my friend. Version game 1.21 T174155

Let everyone see the scale of the disaster.I ask the other players who have become a victim of cheaters to post their complaints, which the administration could not solve.

At this point the game is unplayable - you spawn, you run a bit, you die by a hacker. It's not even that people are cheating with ESP, it's just that there are unhinged trolls that just kill everything on the map.

At this point the game is unplayable - you spawn, you run a bit, you die by a hacker. It's not even that people are cheating with ESP, it's just that there are unhinged trolls that just kill everything on the map.

At the same time, they do it regularly.