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Has the issue with ACOG x4 Long Range Firing System (aiming bars) been fixed? It worked in Arma 2 when you could use either zeroing (PgUp/PgDown) or aiming bars, same for DayzStandalone now, but I don't think aming bars are configured properly. Also found this ticket from 2014 So the question is when you aim with acog x4 and using aiming bars (not zeroing) will the bullet hit the range that you aimed for, or is it more like a visual feature atm?


Operating System
Windows 7

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Ok, just tested in offline mod, and seems like acog x4 works fine via aiming bars method, but confirm or deny anyway, thanks

Make sure to try it with all weapons that can mount the scope. Bullet drop depends on the weapon/caliber so i might not work for all of them.

Not my problem anymore, got raped by cheaters squad on official server, have no any tyniest desire to waste my time on it

ACOG is working properly, and has always been. You're using bars when your default zeroing is at 100m. So naturally if your default zeroing is more, then your 400m is bar is not 400m anymore, it's higher depending on your default zeroing. Some weapons have different projectile path ( like crossbow ) so keep in mind that bolts have a more vertical drop and lower range + lower speed ( important if you're aiming higher/lower than desired target point > meaning, aiming slightly below the crosshair center on acog will have a more drastic drop compared to bullets )

Yea, I know that for bars you need 100m zeroing, and the weapon I tested with was M4A1, worked perfectly. And the crossbow - true, not applied, bolt goes vertically curved trajectory (at first goes pretty high up (compared to the bullet), than goes down), so acog doesn't work with that correctly (neither x4 nor x6), but that is fine, it's a crossbow, not a long range sniper rifle (which we don't have btw). I just had feeling that I tried it few years ago and it was busted, but looks like I was wrong. I think the ticket can be closed, unless anybody wants to share LAR data.

Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Jun 6 2023, 12:50 PM