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- User Since
- Jun 25 2013, 2:37 PM (610 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
correction to the above, have since died from blood loss (not bleeding) and vomited a couple of times shortly before passing out
no 'sick' inventory message displayed adn no health status warnings/messages displayed bottom left to indicate illness, just gradual blood loss until unconciousness
have repeated the experiment
without the stuffed icon already in inventory moodlet thing, now get the 'sick' message, and have had bottom left corner messages stating i feel like vomiting in red, has vomited and is loosing colour from screen
i think already having the permanent stuffed message before gaining the food poisoning is screwing it up
its a tool not a weapon, same thing happens with pliers and can openers and probably hammers although i haven't tested that
at the moment its only the name that's telling you its 3dps:off, as we don't have access to the actual server settings like the mod icons had.
it could easily be rented servers people have labelled off but not changed the actual settings either because stupidity, forgot or nefarious reasons of keeping population low so they can loot whore
we want
- all ladders' stairs ' building climable - YES
- server lagg fixed - YES
- suppreser's for all guns even snipers - NO (well ok but the large decrease in damage and accuracy need to be modeled)
- less thirst or hunger (even on respawn after death) - NO
- name tags for players/players that have died - NO
- more inventory slots from 35 to 40/50 - NO
- saline bag 1 slot/ammo box 2 slots / protetive case 2 slots - NO
- inventory slots for m4 or mosin + on back - NO
- items only ruined when shot at or attacked - NO
you want easy mode go back to Epoch where you can buy your perfect loadout, this is survival which means you have limited space to take the stuff you actually need to survive, just look at the stuff you have singled out
saline bag already is 1 slot, with the drip attached it becomes 2 slots same as a blood bag - 1 slot + 1 slot = 2 slot .. seems legit
ammo crate 2 slots .... these hold 200 mosin rounds or 600 m4 rounds, you really think this should be 2 slots? realistically should be increased to 6
protector case holds 6 slots ...takes up 2 slots ..because well magic,
40-50 slot backpacks .... Why?
4x m4 double mags(one in the m4), 3 x canteen, 2 x medkit inc assorted antibiotics/painkillers/saline bags, 1 x protector case with gas cooker and cooking pan (i want my cooking/hunting patch plx) 1 x ammo crate -600 rounds m4, can opener, map, compass, several sets of handcuffs for lulz and 2 stacks of mosin rounds and still got room for the odd can of food that i cant eat when i find it because my bellies full ..... all this and more from ttsko + hunter backpack + assault vest
so why is it you think packs need another 10-20 slots in them and anything remotely bulky needs shrinking?
start a new one with just the bugs/glitches and not the 'i want easy mode loot whore plx with full food and water on spawn' and ill vote that up
wuldnt dare vote this up just incase some one from the dev team saw this and thought people actually wanted and it would make the game some how better to turn on the easy mode and turn it in to a pretty version of the mod
its happening on all the news stands/kiosk things without ladders
as far as i can tell even though the windows are broken the game affects ballistics as if they were intact, firing from the inside of the tower the rounds still pass through the glass but accuracy is massively effected.
needs testing to confirm, stand in tower fire at close by building to look for impacts, rounds should deviate from aim point.
fine as it is, adds a little urgency to your immediate situation. and you can reach several wells from every spawn point long before you face actual dehydration damage
from what i have seen the second row is still accessible ... kinda
you can still fill all slots, but when it is in your hand you only have direct access to the first 5 slots, you need to remove ammo to inventory so the ammo in the hidden slots move to the visible ones.
not a good way to do it
guess the report needs to be the poor interface system when equipped in hand
fr3nchy, i've had it when it was related to player health, clicking video settings still fixes it.
unless you are getting it on a totally new fresh spawn, or unless you have the 'healthy' indicator i would consider it health related not a bug
mountain backpack by any chance?
there's multiple reports around here, the packs so large it clips in front of your view when you are prone
used a defibrillator yesterday on a friend worked fine
did your friend switch it on in gear menu?
there's no where up north for them to head to yet, and so no name to put on the sign
but with fnx rounds that stack into 45 piles it will hold 450
or mosin stacks of 20 it will only hold 200
so at no point with no particular ammo type, is it actually a 300 round ammo box
Downvoted. Cannot fix reportersbehavior. - fixed it for you
its a bug, the sick status over writes the healthy status, and until something changes to update the healthy status it doesn't refresh.
might be your FOV is set to high, have you tried adjusting it?
had it on first floor a few times, one instance sounds like the same building type as above. managed to clip through the wall into the building next door,
also had it in another building (can't remember type) clipped through a wall out of the building.
wasn't crouched but think I may have been side strafing in both cases
also happening at black mountain castle. seems the castles are set about 30cm to high in the landscape for the loot pile spots and the entrance to towers (have to vault the step to enter)
given up on low end melee weapons, seems faster to just punch them to death, its fast ..ish and fun. One on one I rarely get hit by them
you are filling your stomach with water and leaving almost no room for food, you are also not eating anywhere near enough.
a canteen holds 1 litre = 5 drinks
what you are telling us is you have drunk 6 litres of water then are surprised A)your not thirsty
B)you get very full quickly when trying to eat after
M4's accuracy is fine point shooting at just under 600 meters
learn how the games attachments effect firing, and no just sticking any old random pristine crap on wont cut it.
confirmed: people don't understand the way the game works now with the attachment system.
i regularly go zombie boxing for fun as a new spawn, regularly K.O.(kill) single zombies without getting hit, it doesn't get fun till there's 2 of them.
Zombies need toughening up
yepp zeroing should default to 100 meters and then be disabled on the m4+acog combination
there are multiple map types, the combinations for the ones i know of are
north + south = complete map
east + west = complete map
south east + south west + north east + north west = complete map
for the 4 part map, i have only combined south east + south west, so this may actually be two separate maps, a south map and a north map
saline effects blood level not health level
the saline gives you full blood (colour) but doesn't effect health (blurriness)
you arn't eating and drinking enough to gain the healthy tag and regenerate. Simply using the config video trick will make your screen fine but your still desperately screwed from a health position making you an easy kill
was it the little silver wrench? i don't think this is meant to be used as a weapon
also works the other way around, chamber single round into the rifle. you are now unable to load any more ammo until that 1 shot is used/removed
Blurry screen was not a bug, your Health status does not get effected by blood bags, your blood status gets effected by blood bags.
you have high blood and low health
Turns out the blurry screen is you not understanding the new health system, and you wasted three blood bags.
its part of the game system, attachment types as well as the quality effect the dispersion
i can happily shoot Z's at 600 meters with m4+acog
switch the mp for cqb stock and plastic hand guard and people are having trouble hitting in the same 5 yard box at 200 meters
switch to first person to get the fill water bottle / drink prompt from lakes/pools
its a known bug
and that needs changing why?
Sulfate Injection, USP
Fliptop Vial
Protect from light Rx only
Preservative-free Morphine Sulfate Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic, isobaric solution of
morphine sulfate in water for injection.
not a bug its the games health system, you ain't in the mod no more with your magic heal bags
Meef by fully fed and watered do you have the healthy message in you inventory window? if not you are not fully fed enough