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- User Since
- Feb 6 2014, 12:07 PM (574 w, 1 d)
Feb 5 2017
I concur.
Just to add, I run with 2xGTX980 (Sli) also, double the ram you have and pretty close to your CPU. A gaming laptop. I also get this lag.
None of us should get this of any of the hardware we have, I bet this is a server lag issue or a combined issue/ bug.
I can concur to this.
Feb 3 2017
Jan 25 2017
I concur, no evidence to put up. But the issue is still ongoing, after a break from the game, I have not seen any loot bombs yet. But we still have objects spawning that are the same in clusters or in close range to each other, so it is still ongoing.
May 11 2016
Can you tell a little about why you think this don't make sense at all?
I can see what you think that when you are dead you can not speak in real. But this is still a game and why not have the opportunity to speak with those who killed/ got killed?
Many times it can be fun and entertaining and not at least informative depending on the situation ahead of the killing that can justify a conversation in a postmortem stage so to say ;)
Not all of those situations are all about rant and flame throwing back and fort, if that is something you had in mind.
I would like to see the Chem Lights get attached to the uniform, vests etc and then not take up inventory slots. That way we can have some use for them in the game. And we might see players start to use them. Voted up.
@snipe, yes that is correct.
Only thing you can do is to move in and out one item at the time or the attachments for it. Be very careful with items in this. I have low value items in there now until we get a fix for this bug.
Annoying bug, as the Plate Carrier is a nice addition to the game overall.
0.56 will most likely fix this...
I can verify this. Video is exactly what will happen to my character also and the plate carrier. This is an constant bug and are easy to reproduce.
Thank you for the report mroovax.
This is due to the old loot system that we are using now. Most likely this will be "repaired" when the new loot system get bug fixed. Remember this was part of the hotfix if I recall correctly. And is the old map they are using with old loot settings/ inventory etc.
FYI: I voted down on this due to this is not a bug in the new system and is in that way not a part of any issues due to the new Central Loot system. Nothing towards you as a reporter :)
Devs: This happened again two times today.
Here is a link to an edited video clip with both times the pants disappeared. This happened with minutes apart.
Yes, the last time it was cans of food only, possible one bag of that was a dry milk bag.
So, possible: 5 Cans of food + 1 dry Milk bag or 6 Cans of food.
EDIT: 1 can of Peaches, 1 Can of Beans (Blue can), 1 bag of Dry Milk, 3 Cans of Spaghetti. Total of 6 slots and in that order. Pristine and Worn Condition, the Pants were Beige Cargo pants, Pristine.
(Just needed some time to think and revert the situation in my head hehe)
The 2nd time I am not sure of, but I am missing one FNX pistol and mags for it, and I usually use the pants for that setup. So, 1 FNX Pistil and 2 mags as that is enough and goes well with the slots in a Cargo pants. In other words: 1 FNX + 2 FNX mags, total of 6 slots.
The first time I don't remember at all, most likely something similar to the 2nd setup I provided.
I can verify this, see my report: 0023996
This also happen when using the full Plate Carrier with both attachments without trying to attach the parts with items in them.. The magaizines as an example "duplicates" it self and is a struggle to get rid of. Also items disapair when moving them in or out. Also when dragging one item over one already exsisting in Plate Carrier to change place, it will disapair. Most of the times not to be recovered. However today I did find one or two items this happened to in vicinity. It is buggy for sure ;) Thank you!
If legit then this is not good at all. (I have no doubt it is not though)
Hopefully we will see a fix for this ASAP.
AS Paper26 says it has to be an flaw in the memory of some sort that makes this possible.
Shame that people actually vote down this...
A true evidence that many out there have no interest to get a hack free game.
"I'm curious why this was down voted so much?"
Most likely that people don't want this to be something like "Valve" CS kind of game? For my part I think it could be a good idea, but maybe make it something that represent the game? Maybe warning signs for infected areas and similar.
The idea itself is good and I vote this up :)
May 10 2016
Same issues as those above.
Seems like the server side bug fixing might got us some sort of other bug also.
I will not make any report/ feedback as this is reported already so many times.
Thanks Devs!
EDIT: Now today I finally got in and played for almost 4 hours straight until the server restarted, then I could not get in again and got the 'Wait for Host' message. Seem to be a bit random this issue, at least for me atm.
Or drop the 1st filled bottle on the ground and pick up after filling the 2nd bottle?
That is all well and correct irl.. But after all this is your time spent trying to play the game.
So by meaning 'kill' character button or feature it is to help you as an player spare your time waiting for hours to die anyway ;)
Your intention is all good for the real thing, but after all you do want to play the game and not being stuck in nowhere and not having any possibilities to play for the extend of time to let your character die anyway.
Easily implemented as a 'new respawn' perhaps? Then we can get away from the suicide factor that may offend some people :)
Well, question is, can you use the remaining .2 fraction of the rag to bandage yourself?
If not I would say this is some kind of a glitch in the code :)
On .42 stable:
Confirmed, also on regular servers for me. With the Tuna box.
On .35 stable:
And then a bug similar to this:
While putting .45 ACP magazine in a slot and empty it produces invisible single bullets for two slots. But I could use the slots with a 5.56 magazine. But then I got a constant 'empty ammo box/ magazine' sound spamming the client in loop.
Solution was to remove the 5.56 magazine and then the single bullets came visible in both the slots for the 5.56 magazine from the .45 ACP. The single bullets was then visible in both slots and I manage to remove them to vicinity and the issue was solved and sound was gone. This was just one single bullet in each slot.
Sidenote: I did not log out to duplicate a weapon, I simply did as over to point 2 and then with weapon in hand I emptied the gun for ammo, when I hit X to throw weapon on the ground it duplicated it self. Sorry if this is known already, cant find anything that is similar to my bug. ( 0008166 )
Similar to my issue with reproducing two Mosin when emptying the gun for ammo:
Same here with me today to check into another bug I found, but I did only get the reload sound when logging into the same server, did not have the other static sound you had tho.
Eat all can or food, +1
Drink or eat to full, -1
Last is because you will never overeat or drink then, hence, this will exploit the overeating/ drinking feature. (Stuffed?)