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- User Since
- Jul 8 2013, 7:44 PM (608 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Thanks BI, for listening and adding the MD-500!!
Thank you. Also, since you can now also lower your gear manually, it would be nice if you can also disable/enable wheel brake.
I have my own addon. See
The rescue variant has floats and can float on water without sinking.
However, as soon as I turn on the advanced flight model, the helicopter stops floating.
issue not yet resolved
issue not yet resolved
testaetarweasddasasdasfasf aff agsd
No you are incredibly wrong.
This means that the rudder engages only when I'm moving my mouse. The rudder has to be engaged when the plane is turning, not when my mouse is moving.
I shouldn't even be arguing. You guys don't see the video?
My config in both videos is exactly the same.
I am not running any mods.
The only thing I am doing is banking the plane left and right. (Bank Left) (Bank Right)
This happens on every plane not only A-143. This includes custom planes such as F18
LOL. apparently this has been fixed in todays dev build, without even being stated in the patch notes. too embarrassing to state, huh?
Seriously. Am i the only one to notice this?
any dev gonna check this out?
Thanks for the update hladas.
I understand that the auto rudder will not return, and I agree that that is a faulty concept, but, will there be a fix so that the airplane actually turns when banking? That is the most important question! :)
There's many tickets relating to this, and there is one that is on the front page of this bug tracker right now.
Anyways, auto-rudder or not, this turning effect when banking has to be achieved in every jet due to simple physics.
Hope i hear from you soon!
Also, check out this aircraft that I am making into arma 3:
Also. I tried rudderInfluence, it doesn't bring back the rudder. I tried values -100, -1, 0, 1, and 100.
hladas, please don't take this the wrong way, but...
This is how the rudder was before the update: [Video 1]
This is the rudder after the update: [Video 2]
If you look at the first video you can see how the jet actually moves to the left after banking, when you look at the second video you can see how the jet is practically at a standstill after banking.
This applies to every single aircraft in the game, modded or not.
If you download my aircraft that I released in my Ivory Aircraft mod on the forum, you can see for yourself how if you bank, the big airliner doesn't turn at all.
In all of the previous arma games, every single jet had the feature where the airplane moves to the side it banks, but it was removed in an update around October 22 2013 in arma 3.
A lot of people have been complaining about this and I have not seen a BI developer respond to it.
I sincerely hope you look into this issue and save the aviation community within ArmA 3.
Thank you very much!
Keep me updated, hladas. If you release an update to the dev branch with a fix, I will literally drop dead. I love you, for life.
So this is the ticket that killed the aircraft physics. Good thing we don't move in the air anymore when we bank right guys?
I, for one, think that there are enough helicopters. We need PLANES.
Honestly I think they have already developed the aircraft and I really hope it's this one.
Does anybody here have success controlling an airplane with their joystick using the slider as thrust? It's so damn difficult and confusing.
^ Agreed
I just tested it out and helis and I can't even maintain altitude. I keep going either up or down...
@RN_Max Airplanes are a different story.
@alef i actually tried that before and it really buggy. If you put the axis at half-way, there becomes no thrust at all.
Well yeah. Helicopters too. We need to have an axis control for throttle and a separate one to break .
This is not for helicopter. This is for airplanes. My issue is still relevant.
Bro... You can set your own keys. They didn't change shit.
Go to Configure->Controls->Controller. Look at Controllers with Scheme and Disable Controller. After you disable it above it you will see a customizable Controller appear and be enabled.
Now you can edit your keys.
The flaps work.
- Spawn on runway
- Put max flaps.
- Proceed to increase thrust
Notice you will be taking off without moving your mouse.
I can confirm
Was it wasteland?
Do you know what a rectum is?
Just close it.
Also, this happens to the Jets as well.
I have edited the post. Check it out.
The boulder you are talking about is not blocking the path. It is to the side of it.
Isn't it illegal to drive without a side view mirror?
Pls fix.
Yes they are very dim, especially that minor runways (not the big one in the middle).
I was actually wanting to land on the runway on the dried salt lake on the top right of the map and I couldn't find it. I thought it was on mainland. But then I realized when I looked on the minimap that I flew over it.
You do not understand what I am saying.
On Plane Movement and on Helicopter Movement the options there get saved for both. For example if you bind Bank Left to something on Plane Movement it will get saved on Helicopter Movement. This causes problems.
Sorry but that doesn't work. I just tried it out.
Because SQF looks like it was made by toddler
Well the buzzard just came out and I tested out if you can go backwards and to no avail. So now this ticket is more relevant than ever.
Can we get some mod or dev to post in this?
I think this is something that will never happen. It is a too big of a change to the engine itself. I do not think they would make their engine similar to that of any other flight simulator such as microsoft's fsx.
I agree. If reverse thrust is too unrealistic for airplanes, we should at least get a vehicle that attaches to the front of the airplane and pushes it back.
Waiting for a dev
^ Yes.
Because the developers will most likely overlook this feature.
Thanks for the support guys! Every time I taxi'd to a hangar in ArmA 2, I was literally in a predicament where I can't go back for no reason! Would be such a cool feature.
Please. Do. This.
May 9 2016
Guys.. guys?