ArmA 3 is advertised to have 6 DOF.
The default key binding is set to only 3 DOF.
Rolling works fine along with looking up/down and left/right, however:
Moving your head front and back zooms in instead of placing you in that space.
Also you can't even zoom in when you are looking side to side.
Moving your head up and down works horribly and barely moves at all. Doesn't even work in buzzard, or any car
Moving your head side to side works horribly and barely moves at all. Doesn't even work in buzzard, or any car
In the Buzzard, only 2 DOF are available. All others do not work on that vehicle.
Go to this video -
This video shows the default Head Tracking in FSX. If you watch the video from that point you can see that when the person moves his head front and to the side, it brings him to the space inside the cockpit. Doing this in ArmA 3 does not work at all.
In summary, I would like BIS to try and make the head tracking in the game more enjoyable and functional. It has been advertised as having all 6 DOF instead of 3 DOF in ArmA 2. However the only NOTICEABLE difference between ArmA 2 and ArmA 3 is that you can now roll your head. This is practically useless in situations other than infantry.